Chapter 9

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Anjaleen sat on her sister's stool as Jezabelle paced before her. "I can't believe this!" Her sister exclaimed, "Why you?! There were so many other women there! Why you?!" Jezabelle grabbed her shoulders and shook, "We cannot have this!"

Nathaniel embraced his fiance from behind, "I know, love." Jezabelle broke down, breaking from Nate's grasp and pulling her sister into a tight hug. Anjaleen sobbed as well, burying her face into her sister's chest. Her legs shook and threatened to give out so Jezabelle led them to her bed.

"I'm so sorry, little sis." She cried, "You don't deserve this!"

Nathaniel nodded grimly, "I wish it hadn't been you."

"Don't we all!" The older sister snapped. Nathaniel just stared before Jezabelle sighed, "Sorry, Nate, but we have to do something! I will not allow this!"

Anjaleen hung her head, "I don't want to marry him," she choked, "I don't love him."

"I know." Both Nathaniel and Jezabelle said at once.

"We have to do something about it," Nathaniel started, "All three of us know that once you leave the Mountain village, your life will be hell and Derek will have his way with you," Nate clenched his calloused hands into fists, "and I will not allow you to suffer that way." Nate's brown eyes met hers, "I love you like a little sister," he admitted, "and to allow you to have that fate would be cruel and heartless."

Jezabelle pursed her lips, "Well, what are we going to do about it? It's not like we can just waltz Anjaleen out of town and never return!"

Nathaniel nodded and rubbed his chin, "But we can get her out of the village and away from Derek."

"What?" Both sisters gasped.

Nate smiled wryly and addressed Anjaleen, "We can cause a distraction, Jezabelle and I, while you take Nutmeg and few belongings and flee to the forest."

Anjaleen furrowed her brows angrily, "You want me to run away?!"

Nate nodded, unfazed, "Yes, to safety. I think the best time would be during the feast. Excuse yourself to the bathroom or something. By then, your things will be packed, Nutmeg will be ready, and all you have to do is ride away. Do you have a place in mind? I'm not blind, Anjaleen, I know you sneak off to the forest after chores."

Anjaleen's eyes widened, "How?" She gasped while Jezabelle gazed accusingly at her.

"What do you mean "sneaking off"?"

Anjaleen sighed, "I've been going to a meadow near the mountains."

"Alone," her sister exclaimed, alarmed, "how foolish of you!"

Nathaniel waved a dismissive hand, "Let us not get into this now, girls. We need to start packing!"

As dusk arrived, Anjaleen had her small pack ready, tied to Nutmeg's saddle. She also packed essentials, such as water and food, in a separate, smaller, pack, telling herself it was in case Rhydian had left like she'd feared.

Nutmeg was ready to gallop away with Anjaleen in a moments notice, and also had a bag of fruits and water.

Meanwhile, Anjaleen wore her rider's outfit underneath her evening dress. She wore the same shoes as the ceremony but kept her hairpin tucked away in her pouch. She was nervous, of course, but she was thrilled with Nathaniel's idea of escaping the devilish prince.

As she approached the Great Hall, Anjaleen took one last longing look at her childhood cabin along the outskirts of the market. She took in the smells of the stables, the fish, the fresh fruits, and the horses' hay for she flt today was the last day she'd be able to enjoy them.

The guards at the great, wooden doors bowed deeply and announced her entrance.

"Behold Anjaleen Winiture, daughter of Georgina Winiture and the deceased Matthew Winiture, future wife to Prince Derek of Etheria!"

King Buchanan, Prince Derek, her mother, Jezabelle, and Nathaniel sat around a polished, wooden table while a handful of King Buchanan's royal guards were stationed in every corner of the room. The Warrior stood by the King's cushioned chair at the foot of the table, watching everything.

Anjaleen sat between her sister and her mother while Nathaniel looked uncomfortable sitting closest to Prince Derek whom seemed to be flashing smug grins toward her sister's fiance from time to time.

"How nice of you to join us, dear," the King wheezed, "I'd love to hear more about my son's chosen bride."

"Well," Anjaleen held back her look of terror as her mother started to speak directly to Buchanan, "Anjaleen is a bright young woman. Very special indeed. She was in the top of all her academic classes and is a very skilled cook, milord, absolutely perfect for your son."

She saw Jezabelle roll her eyes and put on a face of concealed disgust, "Let's start this feast, shall we?"

The King nodded in agreement, "This is a very nice feast you've prepared for us," he started, "I believe it will fill our bellies after a long trip, won't it son?"

"Yes, Father." Derek nodded before flashing her a charming smile. Anjaleen mentally cringed, this was going to be a long meal.

Once the first five courses of the meal had been conquered, Anjaleen stood and bowed to the King and next to Derek, "Excuse me, milords, I must go to the washroom for a minute."

Prince Derek grinned broadly, "Of course, my dear, just be back before dessert."

On her way out, she heard a crash followed by a dramatic, "Dear me, Nathaniel, how could you be so clumsy!"

Anjaleen smiled her first real smile for the day and raced towards the stables. 

Rise of the Scaled OnesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora