Chapter 16

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Just as Anjaleen was sure it would wrap it's jaws around her and gobble her up, it drew back and laughed. It's laugh was scratchy and hoarse and utterly terrifying. It leaned in close and exhaled. She gagged, trying not to stagger back in fear of angering the creature. It's breath was horrid! It reeked of rotten meat and decaying bodies and Anjaleen was sure that's exactly what it ate.

A roar rang through the forest, and she recognized it as King Aron's. The beast in front of her roared back, but it sounded more like a human's scream. The creature locked it's bright magma-colored eyes on her and she gasped as the creature's name hit her.

"Magmus," she breathed. She did not know for sure if that was the dragon's real name, but that's what the terrifying beast was called in the village. It was the dragon, the one with lava eyes. The dragon that flew into town one day and dropped the spoils of his bloodbath in the town square. The dragon that murdered a whole platoon of soldiers and a handful of King Buchanan's best knights in cold blood. The dragon that took her father away from her.

King Aron roared again, but this time he was right behind her. She flung herself into the trees as his fiery-red body flew by in a blur. Aron launched himself at Magmus at full speed and the two of them went down, going at each other with everything they had. The bit and clawed and roared fire at one another. Trees lit up and grass turned black under the heat of the dragonfire.

Rhydian was next, pausing in midair to analyze the battle before throwing himself into the chaos. The trio in the trees fled the flames and angry dragons. Anjaleen stumbled and fell onto her back, staring at the inferno around her. Her meadow, no, her father's meadow was on fire, burning. Birds fled and tiny critters leaped over her in a panicked frenzy to get away.

Hands pulled at the back of her riding outfit, dragging her to safety beneath the tough oak tree that her father used to climb and taunt her from. Sadness ripped at her heart and she felt her dry eyes produce tears once more. She choked on the smoke and began to cough uncontrollably. Her sister's soft hands brushed the tears from her eyes and she was pulled close and into Jezabelle's comforting embrace. Nathaniel came and wrapped his arms around the both of them, nuzzling into her older sister's messy hair.

Trees cracked and fell as one of the dragons, either one of her two friends or Magmus, were thrown away from the brawl. Judging on how the two smokey, blurry dragons she saw through the thick blackness kept fighting, it was one of her own Shifters who'd fallen.

She pushed away from her two family members and raced towards the fallen dragon. Bloodied, black scales came into view and her stomach rose in her throat. Rhydian lay on his side, blood steadily dripping from four large gashes in his chest and multiple tears in his stomach where needle-sharp fangs had pierced the thick belly scales.

"Rhydian!" She cried, tearing towards him. She fell against him, pounding his front leg with her fists, "Wake up!"

Dull, nearly lifeless blue eyes stared blankly at her. His breath was shallow and slowly starting to get slower. He was dying.

She screamed and pleaded for him to wake up while Aron howled at the darkening sky, sorrow and loss in every note. She saw rage consume the old dragon and her King flung back into the fight with renewed vigor.

Anjaleen collapsed and held Rhydian's huge dragon head close to her chest.

"I love you," she sobbed, "I love you so much! I'm so, so sorry!"

Suddenly, a new roar split through the forest. It was high pitched and angry. Soon, more rage-filled cries filled the air. A single, lean silvery-white female dragon with bright lavender eyes dropped from the sky, diving towards Magmus. Other dragons followed, at least five, of all sizes, all looking furious. Most joined the fight to bring Magmus down, but one curved towards them.

As the smaller dragon flew closer, Anjaleen was shocked to find it was Lithius. The gray messenger dragon landed with a thud beside her and stared at the Prince with determined eyes.

"Let me in," Lithius said quietly, "I can heal him."

She blinked at him, gaping, but moved aside anyways, keeping one hand on Rhydian's cheek.

Lithius trotted forwards and pressed his snout against Rhydian's bloody claw marks on his chest. The small dragon shut his eyes tight and started to chant softly, too soft for her to pick up any words, but she assumed it was in their language anyways.

The four gashes in Rhydian's chest started to slowly work themselves back together, new cells forming to make new, tougher scales. It was amazing to watch.

Then, as the gashes closed completely, Lithius swiped his tongue over each faded scar, a look of excited pride making his pinkish eyes shine brighter than she'd ever seen.

"It really worked!" Lithius mewled before moving to heal Rhydian's belly. He did the same thing with the gashes on his chest, pressing his snout up against the wound and chanting his spell. The bite marks began to close.

Once it was done, Lithius hopped over to Rhydian's face and repeatedly slapped his front paw against the black cheek. "Get your sorry tail up, milord, your mate needs you."

Rhydian's blue eyes snapped opened and immediately locked onto Anjaleen. She smiled widely, "Come on, love. Let's go kick some lava-dragon tail." 

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