The Meeting

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When I went shopping I bought tons of stuff! I got pillows, posters, blankets and loads of other things.

When I arrived I had a voice-mail. It was from the reception. I hear the message "hi, its Mr Rattle. You are excepted to come to your first mission briefing at 2:00 this afternoon" and then the beep went. All I could hear was my heartbeat. I completely forgot I had a meeting soon. I glance at by bedside clock. Its 1:45 p.m. You are always supposed to be early for meetings so I grabbed my keys and dashed down the flight of stairs.

The main entrance always reminds me of a hospital or the police waiting center. I take a seat as close  to the door as I can so I will be able to hear everything before me. All I can hear today is the birds out the open window and a faint sip of tea. Now I can hear my name.

I open the door and there are four others around me. I only recognise the headteacher when she pats the seat next to her where I am supposed to sit.

"How was your shopping?" said the man sitting opposite me.

"Good" I replied hoping that was the right answer.

"I hear you only spent a quarter of the money given to you" said a lady shyly.

"Yes" I stated looking at my feet.

"That's a good thing your a money saver, it will help on missions" the man answered.

I knew the subject had to come up but I still hoped it would't.

"So about your mission" the girl said. "We think you would be good at this one".

She went on for about half an hour talking about my past with my 'parents'. Then she said that the mission would include them! Inside of me was screaming. Why on earth would I go back home and be recognised as a careless young woman who should know better. The mission would include confronting them and trying to get them to jail. I was told if I had any relationships with them I may not want to try this but I think they knew I don't.

"So what do you say?" she questioned.

"OK, I will do it".

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