Werewolf Romeo

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Chapter 8

The next morning I was in a good mood. I didn't care what my brothers thought. It was their problem. At breakfast I kept smiling and silently ate. Every time Henry tried to say something I simple turned my back on him. I didn't want to hear what he has to say. This is my life and my choices. I didn't ride with my brothers and decided to take a walk. It was nice outside , the birds were singing and the sun was shining. When I got to school , I saw Henry and Liam was already there. I tilted my head to the side and watched as they disappeared around the corner. This feels bad. I quickly went after them , sure not to be seen. I peek my head around the corner , just to see Henry slamming Brian into the wall. "Do you hear me! Us hunters will find you. You and your little werewolf family." Henry hissed through clenched teeth. I gasped and ran forward. "What are you doing?! Stop it!" When Henry saw me , he let go of Brian and grabbed me by my arm. He pulled me forcefully behind him and Liam held me tightly , careful not to let me go. Brian gasped for air as he sat on the ground. He slowly stood , his gaze fixed on the ground. "Is it true? You're a hunter?" His voice was barely above a whisper. "Brian , I..." He interrupted me as I wanted to speak. "Is it true?!" He asked , voice raised , as he stared at me. I lowered my head and slowly nodded. He huffed. "I should've listened , but I was blinded by what I thought was love. Guess I was wrong." He shook his head in shame. I struggled against Liam's grip and managed to get free. I tried to run forward , but only got caught by Henry. "No! What we had was real , Brian. I promise. I didn't want anything to do with this. Please believe me!" I pleaded , close to tears. He shook his head again. "Good bye , Zafrina." Was all he said before he ran off.

Chapter 9

Henry let me go and I fell to the ground. "No." I whispered. Henry patted me on my shoulder in approval. "You did the right thing sister. Now he'll be shattered and we'll have a better advantage." I jumped up , the tears starting to fall. I was furious. "Is that all you care about?! To win this stupid battle? Ugh! I wish you guys would just for once care about something other than this stupid situation! I wish I was the one attacked by that stupid werewolf instead of Mom , then I would never have been here and never have been hurt!" I turned on my heel and started to run. I heard Henry yell my name , but I didn't stop. I ran through the woods. The branches scraped my arms and face as I ran away. I stumbled a few times , but still kept going. While I was running , my foot caught a tree root and I fell to the ground. Something sharp cut my leg when I hit the ground. I cried out in pain , but more because of what had happened with Brian than of my bleeding leg. I just sat there on the ground , sobbing into my hands. Suddenly I heard a growl from beside me and I looked up. I saw a light brown wolf standing only a few feet away from me. It was snarling and growling at me. I gasped and tried to get away , but pain shot through my leg and I fell to the ground again. My breath was racing as I watched the wolf. Any moment it would pounce. It could shred me to pieces if I didn't get away quick. But what could I do? I watched as the wolf slowly made its way towards me. It pounced and I let out a scream.

Chapter 10

Before the brown wolf could reach me , another wolf jumped from behind me and tackled the other wolf. I watched as the two wolves wrestled around on the grass. Suddenly , the wolf who saved me got hold of the brown wolf's neck and it let out a yelp. The brown wolf leaped up and ran away. The other wolf stood there , panting. It turned towards me. It was a beautiful gray wolf with a white heart-shaped mark on his back. The wolf walked closer to me and I stumbled back. It stopped and lowered itself to the ground. As I looked the wolf into its eyes , I realized that they were the most beautiful ocean blue. It suddenly hit me. "B-Brian?" I stuttered , my mouth hanging open in realization. He stood slowly and came towards me again. This time I sat still. He stood beside me and nuzzled my neck. Yep , definitely Brian. He suddenly stopped and stared at my injured leg. He tilted his head to a side and suddenly ran behind me again. "Brian! Wait!" I called , but I couldn't see him anywhere. I sighed and lowered my head again. Suddenly I heard leaves and branches crack behind me and I looked up. It was Brian , but this time he was in human-form. I smiled. "Come on. Let's get you to a hospital." He picked me up into his arms and carried me away. I snuggled closer to him and held on tight. I didn't want to leave him again. Never again.

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