Werewolf Romeo

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Chapter 1

Zafrina Silverstone , that's my name. I'm the daughter of the most famous werewolf-hunter in history. And I'm not a pretty bad hunter myself. Guess it runs in my blood. I live in Canada with my father , Frederick and my two older brothers , Henry and Liam. My mother passed away a few years back. She was killed by a werewolf and that's kind of the reason we're into hunting them. So , I was in the training room , punching and kicking a punching bag , when Henry walked in. "Hey sis! Father wants to see us." He called from the doorway. "Kinda busy here." I mumbled , not breaking my concentration from the bag. "He says it's urgent." I groaned and turned towards him. His face looked calm and cool. "Fine." I said and stomped off. I softly knocked on my father's office door before I entered. I peeked my head around the door. "You called , Father?" he was really busy with some paperwork. "Ah , yes-yes. Come in." he gestured to enter , eyes never leaving the papers. My brothers and I entered the room. My father finally looked up at us. He folds his hands in front of him. "Is something wrong , Father?" Liam asked , concern crossing his face. "Very. We have a big problem. And I'll need you three to help." Father said. He stood and started to pace. "Father? What's wrong? Please tell us." I stepped forward and placed my hand on his arm. His head spun my way , frightened by the touch. I didn't move. Father looked at me and started to calm down a little. "Ok. We've been informed that there has come werewolves into this location." My eyes grew big. Father didn't notice and continued talking. "We need you," he pointed at the three of us. "To track them down and find out what their up to." I shook my head. "How are we suppose to do that? How do we know where they are? How will we know it's them when we see them?" I realized that I was babbling. "I was getting to that." I started to blush and mumbled an apology. "As I was saying , we need your help to get to them. I've been informed that they will be going to school in the town. You'll be going there too. You'll have to find out everything." We slowly nodded. "But Father. How do we attack? Surely we can't attack them while at the school full of people." I stated. "We'll figure that out later. Now , you guys start tomorrow. So be ready." We said good-bye to Father and left. Thoughts of the werewolves filled my mind. I've never actually killed a werewolf. Would I be ready now? Would I be able to do it or would I freak and run? My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Henry. "Hey sis. What's wrong? You look worried." I shook my head. "Just thinking of tomorrow." Henry slapped me on the back. "No need to worry. We'll have your back. No threat. Well good-night sis , see you tomorrow." I mumbled a good-bye and continued to my room. Yeah. We'll have each other's backs. No need to worry. Although I still feel like something would go horribly wrong with this plan.

Chapter 2

I woke up by the smell of coffee. I turned and lay on my side. I stared at the cup on my table and then at the alarm clock. 7:30. I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head. I had hoped this all was some bad dream , but unfortunately it wasn't. As I drank my coffee and got ready for school , I still had that uneasy feeling. I dismissed it as my imagination and ignored it. When we got to the school , I gapped. The school was huge. How was I suppose to find my way around. I followed Henry and Liam to the office. I sat in the waiting room as I waited for them to finish. As I was going through a magazine , the entrance door opened. As I looked up , my breath got caught in my throat. Standing in the doorway , was the most beautiful guy I have ever seen. He had light brown hair with blond highlights. I couldn't help but stare. His gaze swept across the room and finally landed on me. They were the most beautiful ocean blue eyes. I couldn't look away. He must be the werewolf , but I never knew they were this... beautiful. He suddenly broke away from our stare when someone tugged on his sleeve. A little girl , probably the age of thirteen , with long , dark curly hair stood next to him. Funny how I didn't notice her before. She whispered something to him and they both stared at me. I began to blush and lowered myself into the chair. I held the book in front of my face. I felt so uncomfortable with their eyes on me. Finally , Henry and Liam came out. I jumped up and grabbed them both by the arms. "Let's go." I said with a smile , relieved to be leaving. "Why the hurry? What's...." Henry trailed off when he saw the werewolf. He shot daggers in his direction , but the werewolf didn't seem to bother. He only stared at me. I practically dragged Henry and Liam out of the office. Unfortunately my brothers and I didn't have the same classes. Why did they have to be two years older than me!? I didn't have time to find my locker , because when we entered the main building , the bell rang. Henry and Liam started to move away. I wanted to shout after them , call them back , but they were already gone. I sighed in frustration and raked my fingers through my hair. It took about five minutes to find my class. That was easier than I thought. I entered the class nervously. The teacher was already there and busy writing something on the board. She stopped writing and looked at me through her thick rimmed glasses. She studied me head to toe and smiled. "You must be one of the new kids. Welcome." I slowly nodded. There's more? Please don't tell me the werewolves are in this class too? As if answering my question , I felt a presence behind me. I slowly turned my head and saw the werewolf behind me. My eyes grew big and I spun my head forward. "You must be our other student. Please come in! Come in!" I hesitate for a minute. The werewolf pushes past me and goes in. I let go of a shaky breath. It's now or never. I slowly enter the room after him. I didn't take my eyes off of him. I couldn't.

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