A Vampire's Love

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When she woke up the next morning , the window was shut , but not locked. Brian must have closed it. She didn't talk to her father the whole morning. When her father dropped her off at school , he held her back a few minutes. "Princess? I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to yell at you. I just don't trust that boy." He said and shook his head. "There's no reason not to trust him dad. He's a really nice guy and he's good hearted." She said. Her father grumbled a disagreement. "Whatever dad. I'm going to school now , so if you would please unlock the door." Her father hesitated , but did as she asked. She hurried to her locker. Neither Stacey or Brian was waiting for her there. She felt kind of disappointed but she shook it of. She was busy packing her books in when an arm snaked around her waist from behind. "Morning beautiful." Brian greeted from behind her. "Hi." She greeted back. She turned towards him and snaked her arms around his neck. He smiled and kissed her. "Who would have thought the two new kids would end up together." Stacey's voice came from their side. Yasmin pulled away and blushed. "So when did this happen? Thought you guys only met yesterday." Stacey asked and folded her arms. "Nope. Just got together again." Brian said with a smile. Yasmin giggled. "Wow ok. Cool." Stacey smiled and nodded. The day past quickly and when school came out , Brian walked Yasmin home from school. They were walking and laughing when suddenly Brian stopped. "What's up?" Yasmin asked , looking at Brian concernly. He sniffed the air. He cursed. "Dametry." He said under his breath. "What! Where?" she asked looking around wildly. "Come on. Follow me and stay behind me." Brian said and entered a near by alley. "What's with this dude and alleys?" Yasmin asked herself and followed Brian. She was really cusios and looked in every shadow and corner. Dametri landed in front of them. Yasmin gasped. Dametri laughed. "I knew you would follow my sent brother." He said and took a step forward. "Whatever. Where's the rest of you?" Brian growled. "I don't know what you are talking about." He said , playing innocent. "Of course you do! Tell them to come out." Brian demanded. Dametri laughed and did as his brother ordered. He called his group. There was only a few more guys , three or four , but still enough to outnumber them. Suddenly the men gave way and a beautiful woman with glossy hair and flawless features came walking towards them. "Victoria." Brian growled. "Ah Brian. It's been so long. Centuries! So , is that the girl? The one behind you?" she asked with a smile that would make any man swoon. "Yes my love. That is she. But she does not want to give the ring to us." Dametri said and sneered at Yasmin. "Oh really? And why is that?" Victoria asked. "She claims not to have it." Dametri said. "Because she doesn't!" Brian yelled at them , although he knew it was a lie and it ment nothing. "Well maybe this would refreshen her mind. Bring out the humans!" she demanded and two vampires brought out her parents. They struggled to get away. "Mom! Dad!" Yasmin called and jumped forward , but Brian grabbed her and held her tight. She struggled to get lose and go to her parents. Victoria laughed. "I see these humans mean a lot to you. Let's make a deal. You give me the ring and I'll set your parents free. Deal?" Victoria said and held her hand out. Yasmin placed her hand on her ring. "Yasmin! Don't!" her father called to her. Victoria slapped him across the face. "Shut it old man!" she hissed through clenged teeth. "I'm sorry Dad." She said to her farther and took off the ring. "You promise to set them free?" Yasmin asked , hesitating on giving the ring. "Cross my dead heart." Victoria replied with a smile and made a cross with her finger over her heart. Yasmin looked towards her parents , then sighed. She threw the ring into Victoria's hand. Her face lit up. "Thank you dear." She looked towards her servants. "Do it." She comanded and they lifted Yasmin's parents by their necks and sank their teeth in. Yasmin could see the life being drained out of them. "No!" Yasmin screamed. "You promised!" she yelled , struggling to break free from Brian's hold. "And I did as I promised. I set them free. Now they're in a better place. Hopefully." Victoria replaid and let out an evil laugh. Then she and her servants dissapeared with the ring. Brian let go and Yasmin fell towards her parents. She started crying. "I'm sorry. I'm so-so sorry. I never intended for this to happen." She cried. Brian picked her up. "Come on." He whispered into her ear. "No! I don't... I can't..." she sobbed harder into his shoulder. He whispered comforting words to her. "I never even got to say good bye. And now I've dissapointed them." She sobbed. "Hey. You did not dissapoint them. I would've done the same." Brian told her. "But I gave her the ring!" she argued. "To save your parents. Who wouldn't be proud of that?" He asked and smiled. She sniffed. "Ok." He picked her up into his arms. She snuggled closer. "Let's take you home." Her head shot up. "Wait. What will happen now that my parents are dead? Will I still be able to live in the penthouse? What if they kick me out?" she asked , starting to feel worried. "Don't worry. I got this covered." She nodded and not long after she fell asleep. She jolted awake. She looked around and saw that she was in her room. She was breathing hard. "What's wrong?" she heard Brian's voice beside her. Her head spun towards him and she blinked a few times , trying to focuse. "Are you ok?" he asked. She nodded her head. "Yeah." She laid her head on his chest. "Good. Now go back to sleep." He said and kissed the top of her head. She looked up at him. "Was I dreaming?" she asked. "Unfortunatly not. Sorry." She lowered her gaze and nodded. She couldn't believe her parents were dead. She didn't want to believe they were dead. She had to find that Victoria woman and kill her. She had to avenge her parents. It took her a while , but eventually she fell back to sleep. When she woke up again , the sunlight was streaming through the window. She yawned and stretched. She heard Brian's voice come from the bathroom. "Victoria has the ring... The girl has a name! But yes , she did , but only to save her parents... No it wasn't! Yeah ok. See you tomorrow... Whatever bye." He entered the bathroom. "Morning sleeping beauty. I hope I didn't wake you." He asked and kissed her head. "No you didn't. So what was that about? It sounded serious." She asked. "Oh. You heard?" she nodded. "It was the council. They wanted to know about the ring and they're coming over tomorrow to come and speak with me." He said with a shrug. Yasmin looked over to the alarm clock on her side tabel and saw it was six-thirty. She groaned and placed her head under the pillow. Brian chuckled. "You don't want to go to school?" he asked. She shook her head. "Don't worry. I won't make you , so you can stay home." He said. She lifted the pillow of her head. She pulled him down and kissed him. "Thanks." She whispered. "For?" he asked. "Everything." She said and kissed him again. She wanted to spend the rest of the day in bed and Brian said she could if she wanted , but she actually really didn't want rot in bed , so she got out and got ready. When she went down to the kitchen , a delicous breakfast was waiting for her. "You made this?" she asked Brian. "Yeah. It's nothing really." He said with a shrug. "Are you kidding me? My mother couldn't even make that and she took cooking classes for three years. This is amazing." She sat down and dug in. She saw Brian looking at her from the corner of her eye. She looked up at him. "Aren't you going to have some?" she asked gesturing at the food. He smiled at her. "No thanks. I already ate." He replied. "Oh yeah. Sorry I forgot." She said and ate further. When she was done , she went outside for a walk. "Hey. Where are you going?" Brian asked and came to walk next to her. "I don't know yet. I thought I would see where my feet led me , and I was hoping off a cliff." She replied. "Yasmin. It's really not your fault that your parents died. Stop punishing yourself." Brian said and turned her to look at him. Tears started to weld in her eyes. "It is my fault. If I hadn't given the ring to Victoria none of this would have happened." She said , dissapointed in herself. "She would have still come for you. It would still have happened." He replied. The tears started falling. Yasmin fell into Brian's arms and sobbed. Brian whispered comforting words to her. After a while when she has stopped crying , she pulled away , but still kept him in arms length. "You ok?" he whispered. She nodded. He smiled and took her hand. "Good. So you wanna go get some ice-cream? We can get your favorite." He said with a grin. She smiled brightly. They spent the whole day together , laughing , having fun and just talking , his way of making her feel beter. When it started getting dark , they went home. "That was fun. Thanks." Yasmin thanked Brian. "You're welcome. And yes , it was fun , wasn't it?" he said with a grin. Yasmin laughed and Brian joined in. When they got to the penthouse , they stopped dead in their tracks. There , in front of them , stood four figures with long red coats. Yasmin began to shiver from fear. "Don't worry. It's the council. Calm down." Brian whispered in her ear. "But I thought you said they were coming tomorrow?" she whispered back. "I also thought so. Guess they're early. Welcome." He greeted and bowed. Yasmin stared at Brian and then at the council. The middle figure stepped forward and let down his hood. The others followed. It was three men and one woman. "Brian. It's a pleasure seeing you again." The man who stepped forward said. "Same here George." They smiled at each other and gave each other a hug. Yasmin gapped. George pulled away. "So is this the girl?" he asked and gestured at Yasmin. Her eyes widened. What do they want with her? "Yes. This is Yasmin. Yasmin , this is George , Joseph , Henry and Samantha. Their all from the council." Brian said. George stretched out his hand to greet her , but Yasmin only stared down at it. George awkwardly pulled back his hand. "Not really friendly , is she?" he whispered to Brian. Brian laughed. "No , she's probably still freaked out by new vamps." He said and chuckled. Yasmin's gaze swept over the rest of the group and landed on Samantha. She was a beautiful girl with long blond hair , sparkling black eyes and flawless features. When Samantha caught her staring she smiled. Yasmin returned it but awkwardly. Brian and the rest of the council members started talking about the plan they had on defeating Victoria and Yasmin sat aside from them. She put on her earphones and blasted the music. She quickly fell asleep. When she woke up , there were only three people there. "Where's Brian and Samantha?" she asked and put away her earphones. "Upstairs." Said Henry , a short musculer man , probably about twenty-three. She mumbled a thanks and went upstairs. She heard Brian's voice through her bedroom door. What would they be doing in her room? She opened the door and saw Brian and Samantha kissing. She gasped as tears stung her eyes. Brian pulled away. "Yasmin wait. It's not what it looks like." He held out his hand , but Yasmin was already out of the room. She ran down the stairs and ran out of the building. She didn't know where she was going , but all she wanted was to get away from there. She stopped in a place that looked like a park. She sat on a park bench and started crying. She pulled her knees up and sobbed in them. "Hey. Are you ok?" a girl's voice came from beside her. "Go away!" she sobbed , not bothering to see who it was. "Yasmin. It's me , Stacey. What happened?" Stacey asked and laid her arm around Yasmin's shoulders. Yasmin looked up into Stacey's eyes and started sobbing harder. She fell into her arms. Stacey rubbed her back and hugged her tight. "It's ok. Don't worry." She comforted. "It's not ok Stacey. Everything is going wrong! My whole life. Ruined!" Yasmin said through tears. "Yasmin. Tell me what happened. Maybe I can help you." Stacey offered with a smile. "Thanks for the offer , but I don't think you've ever dealt with something like this." Yasmin said and wiped the tears off her face. "Try me." Stacey said with a smile. Before Yasmin could say another word , Brian came. "Yasmin , I..." he began and saw Stacey sitting there. Stacey looked from Yasmin to Brian , then back at Yasmin. "Um , I'll leave you to it." Stacey stood and left and Brian sat next to Yasmin. "Yasmin , I'm sorry." He said and placed his arm around her shoulders. She shrugged it off and turned her back towards him. He sighed and went to stand in front of her. She kept her gaze towards the ground. He lowered himself to look her in the eye , but she looked away. He guided her gaze towards him , but she jumped up and stepped away from him. "Leave me alone! Can't you see you've hurt me enough?" she yelled at him. "Yasmin , I'm really sorry , but it wasn't me. I promise. Samantha was the one who kissed me , not the other way around." He said. "You're lying. I saw how you held her." she said and the tears started to fall again. "Oh Yasmin." He said and took a step forward and she took one back. He sighed again. "Look Yasmin. She kissed me. I tried to get away. She's my ex from hundreds of years ago and apparently she still loves me , but I told her I was in love with someone else. With you." He said. She looked up into his eyes , searching for a sign. "How do I know you're telling the truth? How do I know you're really in love with me?" she asked , not sure she should fall for him. "Do you think I'd leave her behind if I wasn't? Do you think I'd run four miles after you if I wasn't? Yasmin , you're the only girl who makes my heart beat faster and slower at the same time. I love you Yasmin and no one can change that." He said and took another step forward. Yasmin slowly started to smile. "I love you too." She said and leaped into his arms. He swung around and she laughed. He kissed her deeply , as if he would never let her go. She kissed him back with the same amount of passion. They walked home hand-in-hand. When they got there , the council was standing in a circle discussing something. "They're here." Samantha said , with a lot of posion in her voice. That surprised Yasmin a lot , such a nice girl , or so she thought. "Brian. May we speak with you? In private?" George asked and looked at Yasmin. Brian was about to go , but Yasmin wouldn't let him. "No. No he can't. Whatever you wanna say , you can say to both of us." She said. Brian smiled. "Fine. Brian , you know every rule in the Vampire Rule book , right?" George asked. Brian nodded. "Well there seems to be one you have forgotten." Brian looked from George to Samantha. "You didn't..." Brian began "Oops. It slipped." She said with an evil smile. "You evil b..." Joseph cut him short. "As we were saying. You have to choose Brian." Brian lowered his head. "What are they talking about Brian?" Yasmin asked , completely clueless. "May I?" Henry asked. Brian nodded. "You see Yasmin , it is completely illegal for a vampire to love a human." Henry began. "What! Why?" Yasmin asked. "I was getting to that." She mumbled an apology. "The thing is , if the human lets others know of our kind , we could be distinguished." Henry said. "But I won't let that happen." Yasmin cut in again. "We know. But we can't take that chance. So he has to choose between removing your memories and leaving you forever or..." Henry said , but Samantha cut him short. "Or I'll have to kill you." She said sweetly , but her eyes said it all. "Samantha!" George called. She stepped back. "Or he'll have to change you." Henry finished. George stepped forward. "You know the rules Brian." Brian nodded. "Isn't there any other choice?" Yasmin asked pleadingly. "I'm afraid not." Joseph said. She turned to Brian. "Fine. Then change me." She said and looked deeply into his eyes. "It's not that easy." He said and looked away. "I never drunk human blood for over three hundred years. It would be impossible to stop if I started now." Brian said hanging his head. "Then find the wil to stop. I believe in you Brian." She said smiling bright. Samantha groaned , but one look from Brian shut her up. He looked her into the eye and saw only hope. He pressed his lips together. "I can't." he said shaking his head. "You can." She said and laid her hand on his cheek. Samantha stepped forward. "My offer is still hanging." This time Yasmin was the one to glare at her. "Would you shut up! What the hell is your problem with me?" she asked and stepped forward. Samantha's eyes flared with anger. She pointed a finger at her. "My problem with you? My problem is that you stole my boyfriend!" she said. "I wasn't your boyfriend for over two-hundred years now. So would you please stop ubsessing over me and move on with your life?" Brian said , harshly. "Oh you just got burned!" Henry said. Yasmin giggled. Samantha glared at him and he just shrugged. She stared back at Brian and Yasmin. "This isn't over!" she yelled and stomped upstairs. When she was gone , Brian , Henry and Yasmin burst out laughing. "That was hallerious! It was about time she got put into her rightful place." Henry said and gave Brian and Yasmin both a high-five. "You don't like her?" Yasmin asked , not surprised. "Are you crazy? That bitch is nuts! You would have to be ecually nuts to like her. Even more. I bet you not even the devil himself would let her enter hell." He said and laughed.Yasmin smiled. While Henry and Brian were talking , Yasmin slipped upstairs. She heard Samantha's voice behind the door. She opened it a slit. "I tried... It didn't work... They won't let me that's why! And now I can't get him back... What do you mean you don't care about him? Ok fine whatever! Yeah sure... Ok Victoria , I understand." Yasmin gasped then slapped her hand over her mouth. Samantha looked at the door. "I'll have to call you back." Yasmin started running down the stairs. "Hey. What's up?" Henry asked when he saw her. "Samantha. She..." she started. "Wait! Don't listen to her. She's lying." Samantha called from the top of the stairs. "What is she talking about? Yasmin?" Brian asked. She looked towards Samantha who was glaring at her , then started to talk. "I over heard Samantha talking to Victoria over the phone. She was planning on killing me." George stepped towards Samantha. "Is this true?" he asked. "What? Of course not. I wouldn't..." George cut her off. "Give us your phone." He demanded. "No. Why do you..." He cut her off again. "Joseph." Joseph stepped forward and took out Samantha's phone. "There's a call that was just made." He said and gave George the phone. He called the number and put it on speaker phone. "Hallo? Is it done? Did you kill the girl?" Victoria's voice came over the phone. George ended the call and crushed the phone in his hand. "You betrayed us!" he shouted. "N-no. It's not like that. She had a spell on me. You know those mind tricks she always does." Samantha pleaded , voice full of fear. "Council!" George called. Joseph and Henry took her arms and George stood behind her. Brian averted Yasmin's gaze towards him. "Look at me. Don't look there. Just look at me." She did as she was told. Suddenly she heard Samantha scream. It was bone chilling. Then there came a loud shreak sound. Yasmin turned and saw Samantha has been disempelled. The look on Samantha's now dead face was horrifying. Yasmin gasped in horror. Brian pulled her into his arms. "I asked you not to look." He said under his breath. "S-sorry. I just... I never would've done this if I knew that was going to happen." She said , feeling horrible. "You did the right thing." He said and rubbed her back. She nodded her head. He led her upstairs. "Brian." George called. Brian stopped. "Yeah?" he asked. "You know what to do." Brian sighed. When they got to the room , Yasmin sat on the bed and Brian closed the door. He looked at her with pleading eyes. "Please don't make me do this." He pleaded. "Would you rather leave me forever?" Yasmin asked. He sigh again. "Of course not." Yasmin stood and walked over to him. "Well then I don't think you have another choice." She said and kissed him. He kissed her back hungerly and picked her up. Still kissing her , he lay her down on the bed. Slowly , he started kissing his way towards her neck. He hesitated. "Don't worry. I'll be ok." Yasmin encouraged. He sank his teeth into her flesh. She gasped in pain. She gripped his shirt. He hesitated again. "Go on. It's ok." She said through breaths. She felt her life getting sucked out of her. The door opened and Henry came in. When he saw them , he ran over. "Dude. You have to stop. You're killing her. Remember what she said." He said. Yasmin's voice replaid in his mind. Find the wil to stop. I believe in you Brian. It took everyting he had to stop , but he did. He swallowed hard and backed away. Her body lay still on the bed. Henry walked over and held his ear by her mouth. "She's still breathing , but barely. You're lucky I came in when I did." He said and walked towards the door. "Henry?" Brian said , still swallowing hard. "Yeah?" he asked from the door. "Thanks." Brian said and looked at Yasmin. "Your welcome." Henry said and left. Brian went and sat next to Yasmin. He took her hand in his. "I'm sorry." He apologized and hung his head. Suddenly he felt her hand wrap around his and squeeze. He opened his eyes. He stared down at her. Her eyes flew open , brigth red. Her gaze flew across the room. She could see every detail that was in the room. Her gaze finally landed on Brian. Was it just her or did he become more beautiful? "Yasmin?" he asked and held her hand tight. She slowly smiled at him. He smiled back. She stood and went to the mirrior to take a look. She looked beautiful. Even more beautiful than before. Her hair was now silky smooth , her skin and body was flawless and her eyes glittered and sparkled. "Wow." She said , her breath taken away. She looked at her neck and saw the bite marks were now only scars. "Wow indeed." Brian said behind her and slid his arms around her waist. "This is amazing." She said , smiling brightly. "Yeah." Brian said and stepped away. "What's wrong?" she asked and turned to look at him. He looked at her with sadness in his eyes. "I almost killed you Yasmin. I almost didn't stop." He said , his voice shaking. "But you did stop and that's all that matters." She said and laid her hand on his cheek. She stood on her toes and kissed him. Suddenly she heard something. She stared at the door. The door opened and Henry came in. "Is she..." he caught her eye. "Nevermind." She smiled and went to him. She gave him a big hug. "And what's this for?" he asked , but still hugged back. "Don't know. Just had a feeling I had to do this." She smiled. She walked back to Brian. Suddenly she gripped her stomach in pain. "What the..." Henry looked at Brian. "There's some in the kitchen." Henry said and left. "Come on. Let's get you filled up." They walked down stairs. When they got to the kitchen , everybody was already there. "Welcome." George said and walked towards them. He looked Yasmin up and down. "I think she'll be a really strong vampire. And useful too." He said and smiled at her. She returned it. He gestured towards the table. She walked towards it and smelled something wonderful. "That's smells good." She hummed. Joseph gestured towards a large plastic cup filled with red liquid standing on the table. She took a sip. It tasted heavenly. She drank the whole cup in seconds. "Thirsty little vampire , aren't you?" Henry said and laughed. She smiled. "Do you feel better?" Brian asked behind her. "Refreshed." She replied. "Good." He took her hand and they all started towards the door. When they got outside , they started running with lightning speed. It felt wonderful. She ran towards the woods in Canada , where she had learned all about this life. When she got there , she skidded to a halt. She turned around and saw the others weren't there yet. She waited a few seconds. They stopped in front of her. "Geez you're fast girl. But I bet you can't take me on." Henry said. "Oh yeah? Challenge excepted. Just don't hate me when I beat you." She said with a smirk. They stood in attack position. Henry charged , but Yasmin quickly dodged. She kicked his feet out from under him. He landed hard on the ground. "Hey! I wasn't ready." He complained. They stood again and Henry charged. She looked at a tree next to her , getting a plan. When he reached her , she dodged and ran up the tree. She kicked back and landed on his shoulders. She leaned back and pulled him over her. He groaned as he hit the ground again. "Are you done getting dissapointed?" she asked and held her hand out towards him. He took it. Everybody clapped hands and she bowed. She felt Henry trying something behind her. She grabbed his hand and flipped him over. "How did you do that?" he asked , totally surprised. "What? None of you can do that?" they shook their head , but Brian only smiled. She smiled brightly. "Awesome!" she said. "You're a specail one Yasmin." George said. "Oh , now you remember her name?" Brian asked and rolled his eyes. George laughed. "I always have. You have more powers than I have imagined." He said , nodding his head in approvel. "I have powers?" she asked. "All the coucil people have. That's what makes them so specail. So Yasmin , wanna be part of the V.C?" George asked. "Mmm. Let me think about that , sure!" she said. Brian laughed. He walked towards her. He snaked his arms around her waist and kissed her. She pulled away. "You have powers?" she asked. He nodded. "What is it?" she pleaded. "I can read minds and like you , I sense stuff happening before they do." He said and tried to kiss her , but she dodged. "So that's why you only smiled. I thought I was the only one." She said and folded her arms. Brian laughed. She smiled. "So what's your powers?" she asked the rest. "I can show people what I want them to see." Henry said. "And Joseph can work with the four elements. And George..." George cut him off. "Can see the future , see peoples memories by touch and I can do stuff to people by just thinking of it." George said. "That wasn't what I was gonna say but ok." Henry said with a shrug. "I'll demonstrate." George said and looked at Henry. Suddenly he fell to the ground and held his leg in pain. "Ok fine! You showed her , now stop!" he yelled. George looked back at Yasmin and Henry let out a sigh of relief. "Cool." She said in awe. "Not when you're the subject." Henry mumbled. "Fine. George , would you mind doing that to me too?" Yasmin asked. "Yasmin don't." Brian said. "Don't worry. I can handle it." She said with a smile. George looked her deep in the eye. A few minutes passed , but she still felt nothing. "You can begin." She said to George. "I did. But it doesn't seem to affect you. Can I ask you a favor?" George asked. "Sure." She said. He stepped forward. "Brian?" Brian came forward. "Ok Yasmin. I want you to picture you sending a force field towards Brian." She closed her eyes and did as she was asked. She nodded. "Ok. Keep your concentration." He said and started consentrating on Brian. He cried in pain and fell forward. "Brian!" she called. "Try again. This time concentrate harder." She shook her head , but Brian reassured her and she agreed. This time she had all her concerntration on making the force field again. This time Brian only flinched once. "Good. Nicely done." George said. The whole day they practiced fighting and how to use their powers. Apperantly Yasmin had a lot more powers hiding. Electricuting someone with her fingers , making aureus and moving stuff with her mind. When the day was over , she felt energized and excited. "Oh I can't believe we're going to fight Victoria tomorrow. But we don't have enough people. She probably has thousands." She said , starting to feel worried. "Don't worry. We have enough people." Brian said and smiled at her. She smiled back brightly. "I feel so alive , even though I'm not really. And I feel so energized. How am I gonna sleep tonight?" she said and twirled. Brian chuckled. "What?" she stared at him. "You know , vampires don't actually sleep." He said and chuckled more. "Really? Awesome!" she said. She ran to her room. She went and stood by the window. Brian came and stood behind her. "What are you thinking?" he asked. "I'm thinking we should have some fun." She said and jumped out the window. It was a three storie drop , but Yasmin landed perfectly on her feet. She started running. She ran up buildings and jumped from roof to roof. When she got to the highest building she stopped. She sat down and looked at the view. Brian skidded to a halt when he finally caught up with her. "Wow. Nice view." He said and sat next to her. Yasmin laughed. "That's why I picked it." She said and layed back. Brian lay next to her. They just lay their for a few seconds , looking up at the sky. She looked towards Brian and he looked at her. He moved closer and kissed her. Yasmin heard a door open. "Guess this spot is already taken." A man's voice said from above them. She looked up and saw a couple standing in the doorway. Suddenly there was a wonderful smell. She jumped up and tried to attack , but Brian grabbed her arms and held her back. She flared her teeth. "Don't do this. Calm down." Brian whispered in her ear. The couple jumped back and ran back into the builiding and slammed the door shut. Brian let go of Yasmin. She looked at him , feeling furious. "Probably should've tought you how to control your thirst." He mumbled. Her gaze flew around the place and then she ran to the edge and jumped. She landed perfectly on her feet and started running again. When she felt all her anger vanish , she slowed down. She walked along the sidewalk , ignoring the urge to attack the passing humans. When she couldn't take it anymore , she ran into an alley. She heard something move beside her. Her gaze flew towards it and saw it was a homeless cat. She ran full speed towards it and grabbed it by the throat. She sank her teeth into it's neck and it let out a horrifying cry. It tasted so good. She heard footsteps next to her. Her head spun towards the sound and she hissed. It was Brian. She calmed down and let the cat's dead body fall towards the ground. She looked at the cat and suddenly realised what she had done. She gasped. "Oh my god. Poor kitty!" she said , horrofied. She stepped back. Brian came towards her and took her into his arms. She breathed heavily. "What have I done?" she asked , barely above a whisper. "It's ok. It's not your fault. It's mine. I should've first tought you how to control yourself." Brian said. They went back home. When they got there , she cleaned herself up. She kept staring at herself in the mirror. When she went back downstairs , everyone was waiting. "Yasmin." George said. She nodded in greeting. Brian came over towards her and gave her a long deep kiss. "Are you ok?" he asked. She nodded and kissed him again. Joseph cleared his throat. Brian pulled away and led her towards the coach. "Yasmin , we're gonna teach you how to control your thirst. It's really important if you are living amongst humans." George said and gestured for Joseph. He went to the kitchen and came out with a man in his arms. The man looked calm and happy. Yasmin gripped the couch. She began to shake. "Fight the urge to attack." George said. "I'm trying!" she growled back. She couldn't take it anymore. She jumped up and tackled the human. Before she sunk her teeth , Joseph grabbed her by her shirt collar and threw her back on the couch. She was quickly back on her feet , but before she attacked , Henry took action. She was mesmorized by what he did. Without her knowing , Joseph took the human back into the kitchen. Henry sat back down and she was back in the living room. Confused she looked around. "Yasmin. You need to try harder." Henry said. She looked towards George. "Is it possible that you can use your powers on yourself?" she asked. "Not sure. We've never tried." He replied. "It's good way to start then. Bring out the man again." She said to Joseph. When the man was there , Yasmin tried her aureus. When that didn't work she started eletricuting herself. "Yasmin. Don't!" Brian said beside her and tried to take her hand away , but only electricuted himself. When Yasmin was done , she walked towards the man , but had no urge to kill him. "I think it worked." She said with a smile. Joseph suddenly cut the man's throat and the blood streamed out. The smell grew stronger. She started electricuting herself again. She fell to the ground and let out a cry of pain. She let go. She looked at the blood and licked her lips. It looked so good. She slapped herself through the face. She looked back at the blood and then at Brian. She nodded her head. Brian smiled. It worked. She started smiling as well and tried to stand , but her legs wobbled and she fell. Before she hit the ground , Brian caught her. "Too much electricity." He said. She nodded and gave him a weak smile. He set her down on the couch. She stared at George. "Your phone." She said. "What?..." his phone begun to ring. Everyone began to laugh and George left and answered his phone. Yasmin went up to her room. She lay down on her bed and closed her eyes. "What are you doing?" Brian asked with a grin. She shrugged. He laughed and lay down next to her. She snuggled closer to him. She stared up at the ceiling. They layed there the rest of the night. When it was about four in the morning , a knock came from the door. "We're about to leave. You gotta get ready quick. We won't wait." Joseph's voice came through the door. Yasmin thanked him and took a warm shower. When she was done , they all left. They went to some old abandoned warehouse. "Is this where she lives?" Yasmin whispered to Brian. "Think so." He replied. They entered the warehouse and split up. While Yasmin was searching , movement caught her eye. She walked to where she saw it and found a staircase leading down. She looked around and went down. She came to a place that looked like catacombs. She followed the hall and came to a huge double door. When she went through them , she was amazed. It was a huge luxurious room. Everything was black and red. The candlelight alluminated shadows everywhere. "Welcome dearie!" she heard Victoria's voice echo through the room. Yasmin spun around , but saw no sign of her. Suddenly she heard heels clicking on the tiles behind her. She spun back around and saw Victoria walking towards her. She flared her fangs. Victoria stopped dead in her tracks. "I see he has finally turned you." She said , looking at Yasmin warily. Yasmin circled her. Victoria stood still , but never removed her gaze away from Yasmin. Yasmin stood still in front of Victoria. "Where's the ring?" She asked. Victoria laughed. "Are you looking for this one?" she asked and held her hand up. On her middle finger , was the ring. "Give me the ring Victoria and no one gets hurt." Yasmin said. "Oh really? Servants!" Vampires came out of every corner. They surrounded Yasmin. "Finish her." Victoria ordered and walked away and sat on her thrown. The vampires charged , but thanks to Yasmin's new found powers , she barely got any blow. Quickly she finished of the vampires one by one. They lay in piles all around her. "I warned you Victoria. Now give me the ring." Yasmin growled. "Don't be foolish! Dametri!" she called and Dametri stepped forward. He charged Yasmin and she dodged , but barely. He was stronger than he looked. She got a few blows , but landed more blows towards him. When he charged her again , she jumped and landed on his shoulders. She gripped him under his chin and slowly ripped his head off. He cried in pain. "No!" Victoria screamed from her thrown. She was furious now. "That was the last straw!" she charged Yasmin and they started fighting. Yasmin got a lot more blows this time and landed only a few. Victoria stepped away and tried her mind tricks on Yasmin , but nothing worked. "What?" while she was destracted , Yasmin took her chance. She grabbed Victoria by the throat and electricuted her. She fell to the ground. The door swung open. Brian came running in. "Brian." Yasmin called. Victoria grabbed her by the anckle and she fell. She groaned in pain. "Yasmin!" Brian called. Victoria grabbed Yasmin by the throat and held her in the air. "Take one more step and it's off with her head." Victoria hissed. Brian stopped dead in her tracks. "Good." Victoria said with an evil smile. Her grip tightened. Yasmin's hands flew to her throat. She tried freeing the grip , but it only grew stonger and tighter. There was only one thing left to do and that might mean the death of her too. She grabbed Victoria by her arms and electricuted her. She howled in pain. The electricity was so strong it ran through Yasmin's body as well. She cried in pain , but kept going. Brian ran towards them , but Yasmin pushed him back with her powers and he flew back. He passed the door. She whispered an apology and locked the door tight. He banged the door , but it didn't budge. She kept eletricuting Victoria. Victoria's grip loosened and she fell to the ground. Yasmin stared down at Victoria's dead body. Suddenly she saw only black and fell to the ground. Brian burst through the doors , but it was too late. Yasmin and Victoria lay lifeless on the ground. "No!" he ran towards them and landed at Yasmin's side. He pulled her onto his lap. "No-no-no. Please wake up. Please!" he called , shaking her wildly. He closed his eyes and threw his head back. He screamed up at the sky as loudly as he could. The rest of the group burst through the door. "Did you find them?" Henry asked. When he saw the vampires on the floor , he held his breath. He ran towards Brian and saw Victoria dead on one side and Yasmin dead on Brian's lap. He crouched down and patted his shoulder. "Sorry man." He said and hung his head. "Yeah." A tear rolled down Brian's face and landed on Yasmin's cheek. She groaned and rolled her head. They all stared down at her. "Am I dead?" she asked , her voice groggy. Her eyes fluttered open. Everyone started to clap hands and cheer. "Yasmin , you're alive!" Brian said , astonished. She gave him a weak smile and shut her eyes again. "No-no Yasmin. Stay awake. Stay awake." Brian said worriedly. She groaned. "I'm just closing my eyes! You fucking try electricuting yourself. Geez!" She said with a cough. He chuckled. "I'm glad you have your sense of humor." She slapped him on his chest. Brian laughed more and picked her up into his arms. They ran with lightning speed back to the house. When they got there , Brian layed Yasmin on the bed. He turned to leave , but she grabbed his hand. "Stay with me?" she asked , eyes shut. "Sure." He said with a smile and lay next to her. She snuggled close next to him and lay her head on his chest. She thought of everything that has happened the past few days. Although she has lost her parents , saw a lot of people die and almost lost her life as well , she wouldn't have chosen a better life. She was glad that this was how her life turned out.


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