Night Freaks

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Book 1 of The Freak series

"Come on! I dare you to go in there." Erica taunted Jake. Jake rolled his eyes. "Fine! But only if it would make you SHUT UP! Man , you're irritating." Erica giggled. "Seriously dude? Are you really gonna do that silly dare?" Michael asked with a funny look on his face. "Do you wanna listen to that" Jake pointed at Erica giggling "saying 'I told you so! I told you so!' all day long?" Jake said waving his arms all wild. Erica started bursting out with laughter and Alex joined in. "Ah! Here it is. The Haunted House. Did you eat something? I wanna make sure I get it on camera when you vomit on one of the ghouls." Erica said with an evil smirk. "Well I'm sorry but you're gonna be disappointed." They walked into the house. "We'll meet you on the other side." Alex shouted after them and started walking to the end of the house. About twenty minutes later , Erica came running out with Jake laughing short on her heels. "Wow! That place is scarier than a bathroom after my brother used it." Erica said out of breath. "You should've seen your face! It was even better every time we came to the next monster. My personal favorite was when we came to that axe wheeling maniac. That was priceless!" Jake laughed so hard he didn't even recognized the thing moving behind him. "Ummm dude? You better move!" Michael said in alarm. " What? You think Erica's gonna attack me?" Jake said with a smirk. "Ummm no. But that will!" Erica said with a yelp. Before Jake could run , something tackled him. "HELP!" A freaky zombie mummy was on top of him , trying to catch a bite. "OUW! Did that thing just bite me?" When Jake finished , his eyes started turning white , with drool coming out of his mouth. "Ewww! That's disgusting." Erica said. "Erica! Watch out!" Alex shouted. Too late. Jake pounced and bit her. "Run Alex , RUN!" Michael shouted and pulled Alex away. They ran as fast as they could with the creatures not far behind. They skidded to a stop right before they would have fallen of a ledge. "What do we do now?" Alex said in panic, really close to tears. "Please don't cry. It's all gonna be fine. Now , if we wanna get away from those things , we'll have to jump." Michael said. "What?! Are you crazy? We can't...." Before she could finish her sentence , Michael grabbed her hand and jumped , pulling her with him. They luckily fell on a pile of leaves instead of the cold , hard ground. "Did you know that was there?" Alex asked , while running after Michael. "Uh yeah sure...." Michael said hesitantly. "What?! You didn't know? So you're telling me we could have died?" Alex scolded. "Oh whatever , ok? Now if you could just shut up for a few minutes , I might be able to find us a place to hide!" Michael shouted back. "Oh yeah right. Forgot about that." Alex said. They only looked a few times behind their backs , but saw no sign of the creatures. "Dude , I think the coast is clear." Alex started slowing down , releasing a sigh of relief. "What are you doing? They could still be close by. Don't slack down." Michael told. "But I'm TIRED!" Alex complained. "Do you want to turn into one of those freaks?" Alex got a funny look on her face. "Uh no. those things are creepy." She said with a shudder. "Well then we need to keep going." Michael shook his head and went further. "Ugh! Fine."

They went further , till they found a strange looking mansion. "Do you think we could find help here?" Michael asked looking from Alex to the house. "This house looks so familiar. Yeah. I think we might get help here." They stood in front of the door and rang the bell. A few minutes later , a well aged women with blond hair opened the door. "Alex! Oh have I missed you! Long time no see. Jessica will be so happy to see you. Oh where are my manners. Come in. Come in." The lady gestured into the house. "Uh thanks Miss...." Alex said , not knowing the woman. "Oh , I should've known you wouldn't remember me." She said with a little laugh. "I'm sorry." Alex said feeling a little guilty. "Oh honey. Don't feel sorry. It's not your fault. Now , you look exhausted. Let me get you a room so you can rest. By the way , you can just call me Ella." She led them to where it seemed to be the living room. "Jessica baby! Here's someone I think you'd wanna see." Ella turned and winked at them. "Mom! I told you not to call me..." a young fragile looking girl came around the corner and froze in her steps. "Wait. Alex. Is that you? Oh my gosh! It is you! Oh , I've missed you so much." Jessica came over and hugged Alex. "Uh same here... Jessica?" Jessica let out a sad laugh. "You probably can't remember me , can you?" Alex shook her head. "Oh don't worry. We'll get those lost memories back. Come on. Let me show you guys around." Jessica showed us the whole house. She would make a really good tour guide , Alex thought. The house was huge. There were thirteen bedrooms , each one with at least two beds and their own bathroom. Then there was the huge gymnasium , for training for life or death situations , as Jessica put it. Then there was a music room , entertainment room , living room , kitchen and classrooms , with at least twenty desks in each one of them. Jessica said they ran some kind of organization called the SHO , where kids could come when they have no where left to go. "So it's basically a child care home?" Michael asked. "You could say that." Jessica said with a grin. "Wow. This house is huge. The only thing missing is an indoor swimming pool." Alex said , awed by the house. "Oh we have that to. I knew I forgot to show you something." Jessica said. She led them to a double door and pushed it open for them to enter. The pool was huge , with a high dive and everything. And apparently they weren't the only ones in there. There were at least fifty kids of ages probably from 7 to 19. Alex was so amazed her mouth hung open. Jessica put her hand under Alex's chin and closed her mouth. She averted her gaze to the ground and murmured an apology. "This is the organization I've been telling you about." Jessica said , gesturing to all the kids. "I'm sure you'll get to know them all with your stay here." Jessica gave a heart-warming smile that made all Alex's nerves dim. "Hey Jessica! Who's the new kids?" a tall boy with blond hair and tanned skin strode toward them. "Hey David. This is Alex Fairchild , my long lost sister," she said with a wink, "And her friend , um Michael Hawthorne , right?" when Michael nodded , Jessica continued talking. "Guys this is David Scott , one of the kids in the organization. He's been here for three years now and is a really great sparring partner." She said giving David a small shove with her shoulder. "Yeah that's what you say now 'till I beat you again in our next match." He shoved her back. "Hey! I only let you beat me so I wouldn't be the one to bruise you ego." He wanted to grab her but she jumped out of reach. "Ah Jessica. Always so thoughtful. So , Alex what brings you here?" David asked. " we were , you know , chased by uh...a...a..." Alex couldn't come out and say it. "Oh come on , you can say it. We won't laugh or think you're crazy." He seems to be telling the truth. Alex let out a shaky breath. "Ok. We were chased by a... mummy-zombie." She said that last word so fast you barely got what she was saying. David had a strange look on his face. "See. That's what I was afraid of. Now you think I'm crazy , right?" Alex said looking at the ground. "No-no. It's just... did you say mummy-zombie?" Alex nodded. "And did you by any chance see it there by the carnival's haunted house?" when Alex nodded again , he got a worried look and let out a frustrated grunt. "Do you know what it is? If you do , do you know how to change my friends back?" Alex pleaded. "Wait. Someone got bitten by a Lampir?" Alex nodded slowly , only making David more worried. "This is not good. So not good. Ok , you guys settle in while I go discuss this matter with Ella and James." David turned and left. "Um I hope I didn't do something wrong. If I did I really didn't mean it." Alex said holding her hands up to show innocence. "Oh Alex. Of course you did nothing wrong. Come on , let me show you your room , then you can settle in." Their room was nice and cozy , just like the rest. And this room also had its own bathroom. When Jessica left , Michael fell on the bed. "Oh this one's nice and soft. I call dibs." He said while he propped himself onto his elbow. Alex rolled her eyes. "Ugh fine. You can get that bed. I seriously don't mind. And if we're gonna have to share a room together , there's gonna be some ground rules." She said while looking at the room. "Let me guess , no waking you up from your beauty sleep or no drumming on the door while you're in the bathroom?" he said with a laugh. " Huh. I actually didn't think of that , but now that you mention it , yes. You shouldn't do either of those things too. Now , more ground rules. First , if I tell you to leave or get lost , you do it ok. Secondly , well you actually already know them 'cause you said it." She giggled when Michael rolled his eyes. "Whatever" he murmured. Alex went to her bed , and when her head hit that pillow , only then she knew how tired she actually was.

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