Lampir's Return

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All day through class , Alex didn't say a word. She ignored everyone she came across. "Hey Alex! What's up? You've been gloomy all day." Jessica said , running towards her. "I don't want to talk about it." She grumbled. She saw Dustin talking to David and Jacob by the wall. As if feeling her stare on him , he turned his gaze toward her. She spun her head forward and began to walk again. "Is it Dustin?" Erica asked , appearing out of nowhere. "I say again. I don't want to talk about it." Erica held her hands up in innocence. "Ok , ok! I get it. Just calm down." Alex's head spun towards Erica. "I am calm." She said through clenched teeth. Erica's eyes grew big. Alex looked away. "Sorry. Just not feeling like myself today." Erica laid her hand on Alex's arm. "It's ok. We understand. We have gym now , think you'll be ok?" Alex cursed , then nodded. When they were done dressing , Alex went to the teacher. "Hey sir? Is it ok if I can take a day off? I'm feeling really feverish today." She lied. The teacher laid his hand on her forehead. "You feel fine to me. I'll think you'll do fine , but if you still feel feverish after a while , I'll take you to the nurse." He said. Alex cursed in her mind , then nodded. She gave her best fake smile. "Thanks." When she turned , she groaned. Jessica came towards her. "How'd it go?" she asked. "No go. Guess I'll just have to face the music." When everyone began to move into their pairs , Alex just stood there. "Hey." She heard Dustin grumble from beside her. She nodded a greeting. "Are you still mad?" he asked , looking at her from the corner of his eye. She spun and looked at him. She tried to glare at him , but when she looked into his eyes , she couldn't find the will. She sighed. "No. Just a little disappointed. I just didn't know how you could make jokes at a time like that." She said and looked at the ground. "Alex , I'm really sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you in any way." He took her into his arms. When she didn't pull away , he hugged her tight. "Would you forgive me?" he asked. She laid her head on his chest and hugged him back. "Sure. I guess I could do that." Dustin pulled away and smiled. "Thanks beautiful. You don't know how I've been suffering knowing you were mad at me." He said and kissed her. "Really Dustin? I've told you before , this class is for training , not fooling around with your girlfriend." The teacher yelled from across the room. Alex pulled away and blushed. Dustin murmured an apology , but still kept Alex in his arms. When he tried to kiss her again , she dodged and kicked his legs from out under him. He landed on his back with a groan. Alex heard Jessica whoop from across the room , but she also landed on her back shortly after that. Alex laughed. In the corner of her eye , she saw Dustin grabbing for her leg. She jumped out of reach. He cursed and stood. "Why does that never work anymore?" He murmured. Alex smiled and when Dustin walked towards her , she walked backwards. He tried to tackle her , but she dodged and he tackled the mat. Alex laughed and didn't notice Dustin stand again. He tried to tackle her again and this time he succeeded. She hit the ground with a groan. He propped himself on his elbows and looked down at her. "That's what you get for laughing at me." He said with an evil smirk. "Oh really?" she said and threw him off of her. She stood in her attack position and waited for Dustin to do the same. When he did , she charged. They fought each other 'till the bell rang. They walked hand-in-hand to the locker rooms. "So you wanna go out tonight?" Dustin asked with a smile. Alex got a worried look on her face. "Um you know I'd love to but..." she said. "You're scared you'll see the Lampir again." He finished her sentence for her. She sighed then nodded. "I'll be with you. You won't be alone. He won't attack if you have company , but if you see him we can leave right away , ok?" Alex thought about that for a minute , then nodded. "Ok." She smiled. "Great. Pick you up at eight." He said and kissed her gently on the lips.

There came a knock from the door. When Alex opened it , Dustin stood there with a red rose in his hand. Alex smiled bright and took the gift. She sniffed it then smiled. "Beautiful , thanks." She said and closed the door behind her. "Yeah , but it pales in comparison to you." He complimented. Alex blushed a little , which made Dustin laugh. He took her to see a movie and said they were going for ice-cream after. "I know it's nothing fancy , but I thought you might like it." He said with a shrug. She laughed. "I love it." She said with a smile. "Hey , maybe we can watch a movie about zombies." He said and laughed. Alex's eyes widened in horror. Dustin's smile fell. "Oh I was just joking. We can watch anything you'd like. And nothing with zombies." Alex nodded. Behind them , someone burst out laughing. "You're afraid of zombies and you're , what , 17? 18?" a young boy , probably about the age of 13 , said through his laughs. His friends joined in. "Hey dude , back off." Dustin said , putting his arm around Alex's waist. "Or what? You gonna try and beat me up?" the boy said and took a step forward. "Maybe I will." Dustin said , also taking a step forward. "Dustin please. Let's just go." Alex said , pulling on Dustin's arm. "Don't worry babe. I'll try not to beat him up that bad." The boy said with an evil smirk. "What!" she said. She stepped forward and punched the boy in his face. The boy fell back with a groan. "What the hell!" he yelled , then stood. Everybody around the began to yell "Fight! Fight!" Alex stood in her attack position. The boy pounced and threw a punch. Alex easily ducked and kicked his legs out from under him. He fell on his back again. She stood over him. "Ok , break it up. Break it up!" the security guard came running over. The security guard chased them away. "Oh my gosh. I can't believe I got band from a movie theater. Well , I guess I can tick that off my bucket-list." Alex said and laughed. Dustin joined in. After they got ice-cream , they went for a walk. "Do you think that boy will be ok? 'Cause I think I might've broken his nose... and maybe a rib or two. 'Cause I seriously threw him down hard." She said looking guilty. "Don't worry about that guy. He was just trying to be a wise-ass. He deserved it. And I'm actually glad you stepped in , 'cause I would've left him with more than a broken nose and a few broken ribs." Dustin said and pointed his spoon at her. Alex laughed. They talked and laughed the rest of the evening. Dustin looked at his watch. "It's getting late. Wanna go home?" he asked. "Sure." She replied , her mind far away. Her gaze looked around the park , then froze. There in the shadows , was the Lampir , waiting for her to come close. She tucked on Dustin's sleeve , never removing her gaze. "Yeah?" Dustin asked and looked down at her. He followed her gaze , then tensed. "Alex. Let's go." He said and dragged her away from her frozen spot. She felt paralyzed. Her gaze was still fixed on the Lampir , watching her. When they got into a cab , she was back. She blinked a few times. "You ok?" Dustin's voice came from beside her. She turned to look at him , but couldn't seem to focus. "Um yeah. I think so." She said , blinking a few more times. Dustin nodded his head and looked in front of him. When they got home , Alex couldn't stop thinking of what she saw. He's following me. He's really following me. She just couldn't shake that thought out of her mind. She fell asleep thinking of the Lampir. Running through an alley , trying to escape the Lampir. She skidded to a halt. Dead end. She spun around , searching for an escape , but found none. Suddenly the Lampir was in front and grabbed her by the throat. She screamed. Alex jolted awake , hands flying towards her neck. Another weird nightmare. She knew it was only a dream , but somehow she felt suffocated , as if someone was really busy strangling her. She swallowed hard. She climbed out of bed and left the room. She had to get some fresh air. When she got to the backdoor , she pulled , but it didn't change position. She tried again , only pulling harder. Still no result. "What?" she said and took a step back , examining the door. "It's locked. No one goes in or out without permission. Especially you , Alex." A voice said behind her. She spun around. It was Ella. "But why? It's never been like this before." She said. "It's protection against the Lampir. We've heard his been following you , so we have to keep you safe at all times , until Halloween." Ella said. Alex groaned. "I'm sorry Alex." Ella apologized. "Whatever." Alex murmured and stomped away. While she walked past Dustin's room door , it opened. "Hey." He said from the door. She stopped walking. "Wanna come in?" he asked stepping out of the door. "You told them he was following me?" she asked without looking at him. "Yeah. I had to tell someone. I'm very stressed about him following you." He said and came to stand beside her. "You know , now I can't go anywhere without having someone watching , right?" she said , still looking at the floor. "Yeah. Sorry about that." He said and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah." She said and entered the room. She walked towards the bed and sat down. Dustin sat next to her. David walked out of the bathroom , towel around his waist. Alex's eyes widened and averted her gaze towards her hands. "Um , Dustin. You didn't tell me we were having company." David said and gestured towards Alex. She blushed. Dustin laughed. David groaned and grabbed clothes from the closet and went back to the bathroom. When David was gone , Alex also started laughing. "Oh my gosh! Did you see his face?" she asked , doubled over from laughing. When she finally calmed down , she remembered the situation she was in. Her smile fell. "What am I gonna do Dustin? I mean I can't be protected forever. The Lampir will find a way to get me , one way or another." Suddenly she felt a pang of fear and tears began to burn her eyes. Dustin pulled her in close. "No Alex. He won't find you. And I'll make sure of it." Alex pulled back. "What? No. I'd rather kill myself than dare to put you in danger." She said , shaking her head wildly. Dustin chuckled. "That's what we both have in common." He said. Alex smiled. She placed her fingers under his chin and pulled him close. She kissed him and snaked her arms around his neck. The bathroom door opened. "I'm going to Jessica's. And I'll leave you two to what you are busy with." He said with a smirk and left the room. Alex laughed and kissed Dustin again. They spent the rest of the night cuddling next to each other and watching movies. Alex quickly fell into a dreamless sleep.

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