A Witch's Heart

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Running. Panting. Trees everywhere. I was running from something , but I didn't know what. I came to a halt in a clearing. I was trapped. There was nowhere else to go. I looked around fears fully. My eyes landed on a handsome stranger standing only a few feet away from me. He was smiling kindly at me. I ran towards him and leaped into his arms. I hugged him tightly , but when I saw his face , I screamed.

I woke up with a jolt. I was gasping for air and my covers clung to my wet body. I looked around with fear , sighing in relief when I realized I was still in my bedroom. "Just a dream." I told myself. "Another awful dream." I looked at the alarm-clock next to my bed. The alarm flashed 3:30AM. I sighed in defeat. No way was I going back to sleep after that. I struggled pulling the sweat covered blankets off of me and slowly walked downstairs. I entered the kitchen and grabbed myself a light midnight snack. I took my snack to the study and placed it on the table. I picked up my favorite book and sat on the couch and began to read. A while after , my eyes started to feel heavy. I tried to stay awake , but failed badly. In only a few minutes I fell into a dreamless sleep.

"Mom! Jenna's sleeping in the study again!" I heard my little brother , Roger , call. My eyes slowly fluttered open and I saw Roger's face only inches away from mine. I jumped up from fright. "What the hell Roger?! Why did you have to scare me half to death?" Roger only snickered and ran off. I groaned and dragged myself towards the kitchen. "Morning sweetie! Sleep well?" my mother asked as I entered the kitchen. A wonderful smell hit me when I came through the door. "I slept ok. So what are you cooking? It smells really good!" I peeked over my mother's shoulder and saw that she was making blueberry pancakes. "Oh my favorite!" I called and took my seat. My mother gave me a kind laugh and placed a plate full of pancakes in front of me. "I know honey. Happy birthday." She kissed the top of my head and walked out of the kitchen. Oh yeah! I totally forgot. I am turning sixteen today. Finally! I dug into the pancakes and when I was finished , I ran up to her room. I went through my closet for something to wear , but didn't find something pleasing. I groaned and ran to my mother's room. I went through her closet and found a nice light pink blouse with riffles. "Hey , that's mine you know." she said and placed her hands on her hips. I nodded quickly and smiled brightly. "I know! I'll give it back. Promise!" I ran back towards my room and got dressed. I put a little make-up on and when I was done , I nodded in approval to my reflection in the mirror. I heard a car honk outside and saw that my friend , Kelsey , was waiting. I grabbed my bag and ran to the door. "Bye!" I called and made my way towards the car. I climbed in and Kelsey whistled. "You look really hot!" she chuckled as I blushed at that remark. Pretty was never one of my factors. I had dull gray colored eyes , dark urban brown hair that was always hanging in a curly mess around my face and pale skin. She shook her head and gave me a small box. "Happy birthday by the way." We pulled away , going straight to school. I opened the box and saw a silver necklace inside. "It's beautiful! Thank you!" I gave Kelsey a big hug. "Driving here!" We both started laughing. The necklace was a beautiful chain with a half heart on it. On the top of the heart stood 'Best' and at the back stood 'Jenna'. "Where's the other half?" I asked quizzically. "Right here." Kelsey shook her arm in the air and I saw she was wearing the other half on a bracelet. "This is the best birthday I've had in all my years!" I was smiling brightly. I put the necklace around my neck. We smiled at each other and pulled into the school parking lot. When we got out of the car , we locked arms and made our way towards the school buildings.

The day seemed to drag on forever , but eventually the bell rang for the end of the day. I met Kelsey at my locker. "Hey again B-day girl!" Kelsey called as I began to unpack my bag. I only smiled and shook my head. When I was done , I was about to close my locker , but someone did it before I could , almost closing my hands inside. "Hey!" I looked up , furious , just to stare into a beautiful pare of dark brown eyes. I held my breath when I saw it was Michael Jennings , the captain of the football team and the most popular and hottest guy in school. "Hey beautiful." He smiled down at me. "Um h-hi." I averted my gaze towards the floor. He laughed and came to whisper in my ear. "How about you and I go on a date this weekend? What do you say?" My eyes grew big. Kelsey jumped forward. "Of course she'll go on a date with you!" Michael stared at Kelsey , as if seeing her for the first time. He quickly shook of the shock and smiled at me again. "Great! Pick you tomorrow up at eight." He kissed me on the cheek and walked away. I was stunned. I couldn't move at all. "Oh my god! I can't believe you're going on a date with Michael Jennings! All thanks to me of course." Kelsey said and flipped her hair over her shoulder. I slowly turned my head towards Kelsey. "Um Kels? How could you?!" Kelsey laughed. "What? I only did you a favor. Consider it another birthday gift." She said and winked. I sighed and we walked to the parking lot.

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