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*Don't play music yet*
I start walking back to my house, I see some students walking by. That's right school ended and something caught my attention. The same guy the only thing with colour was there. He was waving.
-Willow? James comes back
-Here is some food, I can hear your stomach rumbling. He as a large plastic bag full of food.
-T-thanks James.
-No problem he goes back inside.

I feel something touch my shoulder. Carl was there.
-Why weren't you in school? He ask
-Um... I ran.
-That makes no sense.
-I ran from the darkness.
-Did it work?
-No, but I met an old friend who still believes in me.
-Was it that guy who gave you this food?
-Yeah. I actually got help. Honestly, it may not look it. But I felt something different. It was a nice feeling.
-Cool, what did you talk about?
-Well, last year I did a piano tournament. When I finished that was my first encounter with the darkness.
-Piano tournament? Wait your that girl that got third last year!!!!!
Carl's p.o.v.
Last year, when I was alone. I asked if I could go the piano tournament to my dad. I wondered, if that was the answer for me. I was glad he agreed. As nothing happened to me. You came on.
-Number 8. Willow Hagrid.
I don't know why, but the music made me happy. As I had awoken from death. You out of all people inspired me!
*Flashback end*
Willow's p.o.v saw me. We're you the one with the darkness shadow that I saw?
-Probably. It does follow. You should enter.
-Last time, I tried playing on my own, I went back to playing the 'normal'.
-Practice, C'mon we have a two months to practise.
-Um...I would first like to get ready. I mean I'm mess right now.
-Sure. Tomorrow, then.
She gets home.
-Why on earth did you run? Her mom comes running to the front door.
-I got scared of something. So I ran. You couldn't see it, but it was chasing me.
-So Freddy Krueger?
-No. I would be sleeping then.
-Correct. Now go have a shower and put new cloth on. You're covered in dirt.
-Mom... I'm going to enter the piano tournament again.
-That's wonderful, now vamanos! Up the stairs! Andele! Andele!

After the shower and getting changed. I lied down on my head.
To play the piano again. To hear the song again. As much as I was going to be free. I still had nothing to live for. The darkness was the one that kept me alive. Even if the tournament was in my mind. I still was a puppet and I accepted it. I play the song. This wasn't what I wanted or needed to play. I wanted to be angry, I wanted to hate the darkness, but no souls to do that. But I had felt something when I was around James and Carl. Who else is out there to help. Mom was of no use. And dad was out on a business trip, but I bet he wouldn't be of help either. Anything to get rid of this nightmare.
The song ended and I woke up.
As I walk out the door, everything was still grey. But something was weird. A house to my left was in colour.
I decided to explore, I realized it was James house is room window was open, I was hearing something. I decided to climb the tree. I knew how to climb trees and I peaked threw the window. I saw James with a violin and another guy with one of those transportable piano's. Why was him and his house in colour?
*Play music*
I had no idea, James could play the violin. It was number 9 opening 47 Kreutzer. His buddy was playing. It sounded exactly the same. James was so calm. It was nice to listen to it. Then he started playing differently. It was strange, but I felt something. I always thought the violin was interesting. The pianist was trying to keep up. Was it too much? I listened it was nice to listen too. It was amazing. As James finished playing. I was astounded. I clapped.
*Just finish listening to this, if you want. I don't control yo life*
-Willow? Hey! I see you can still climb trees.
-Why didn't you tell me to play the violin?
-Surprise? I've been playing it for so long.
-You promised you wouldn't play like that! His friend was sweating.
-Come in. What brings you here at 9 in the morning.
I came in threw the window.
-You know I can't see colour, well I saw a house. It was yours and it's blooming with colour. Interesting. I was just playing the violin. When was the last time you saw colour?
-Carl was playing the piano and the music room was blooming with colour.
-He was playing the piano, I was playing the violin. Hmm. Were you going to practice for the piano tournament?
-Yeah. I answer
-I see. Well anyways. I'll see you at the tournament.
-sure. I head down the stairs his house was still the same as it was last year. Then leave the door.
A lot of the people at my school, lived on the same street as me. So I bumped into a lot of people. I would study the sheet, but I could bump into anyone. As I walk I encounter the same girl, that bullies me everyday. I never got to know her name.
-Do you ever watch where you were going? She pushes me as she gets up
-See I dropped my phone because of you.
I just stare at her. "She was the one staring at her phone screen"
-Do you have no care for electronics? You really are dead and careless. Can I talk about this on social media? Never mind, you can't talk.
-Go ahead. See what it will do to me. I walked passed her.
-I'm sharing this with everyone!

The darkness can be useful, with bullies, but it still has to leave. Freedom seemed to be in my reach, but I couldn't catch it... yet...

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