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Song is optional, because Willow literally hears this everywhere she goes so yeah. Play it when you want, i just felt like putting it there.

The headache was giving me more pain then I thought. My mom was in the kitchen.
-Sweetie. You ok? She ask
-Just this large headache. I tell her
-I'll check you out. Go to your bed, I'll get the thermometer.
I walk up the stairs, and into my bed. It was strange, the more I thought of Carl, the more I got a headache.
My mom arrives and takes care of me.
-Yep. And you even have a fever. You're staying home for tomorrow. Here, she passed me my teddy bear. His name was Grizzly. He made me happy when I was young, now I just give him a cold dead stare.
I lay there with Grizzly in my grip. The darkness surrounds me again.
-Please not again.
I see the music sheet that Carl gave me. It looked like the darkness wanted it to burn.
-Stop. Please don't. I cry a little. Can't I have a little reminder of happiness. I was crying, but my eyes were still dead. Im alone. Alone. Alone. And then I thought I heard Carl.
"I'm here for you"
The pain got harder.
I was alone, I couldn't think of anyone. The piano appeared again and I just let the tears flow.
-No I won't play. I won't play your music. I don't want to hear it either. But it just played in my ears.
I'm all alone, I couldn't have friends, no love interest. Just me and the darkness, i was its prisoner and it was too possessive. There was no escape, no creativity, no inspiration, no taste, no nothing. Just darkness. I was dead, I wasn't human. Why was I alive? Well, the darkness, it kept me alive, as I thought of it. I realized, not only was I just prisoner, I was it's puppet. A puppet that wanted freedom. That's when I started to cry again. Just thinking, I was a puppet who wanted my strings to be set free. When I was with Carl, it was like my strings were being cut. I just ended up playing the song again. My fingers were being controlled. That's why I wasn't human.
As I sat on the piano seat, my
Fingers start playing the same old song, that's when my fingers started to move on their own.
I decided, I was gonna try to fight back.
I had the sheet that Carl gave me and I tried to play on my own.

As I did. Not emotion was there, I didn't feel anything, no colour, no spark. But I know I felt something. I'm not sure what it was. I did notice that I was back in my room. As I soon as I stopped playing and my room was back, I see the darkness coming back. "Why?" I tried playing another song and I did. So why... didn't it leave? As the darkness starts to surround me. I have an idea. Run.
As I burst out of my bed, my bedroom disappears, I head down the stairs and the that disappears.
All I hear is.
-Willow what are- but the darkness blocks all sound for some reason.  I head out the house and all the houses on my side of the street disappear. I was a puppet running. What was I anymore? Prisoner? Puppet? I didn't even know anymore, all I wanted to do was cry and run like a child running away from their parent. But I ran, with no tears. I ran and ran and ran and ran. I then decided to head for the woods, it was the first thing I saw. I was lost confused. Since the only places I knew were school and home. I didn't want to be a puppet. I knew running was the cowards way out, but it was more simple.
I got into the woods and the darkness stop following me so i wouldn't be surrounded. Sure everything was black and white, but  I was fine.
I walked around only to see, I ran deep into the forest. I almost tripped on something and could have broke a bone.
-What will mom think. And dad. They'll think I ran away.
This darkness was too much. Thinking I was just a puppet or a prisoner. I couldn't handle it. No way could I. As soon as I lied down. I saw the darkness again. "Stop. Please".
I run into the even deeper part of the forest, this is where the wild animals were, the trees and roots were really everywhere. I never went here cause I knew the dangers, but the danger of dark was more important to me. As I realized there was a large trench. And how ironic that there was a root to make me trip. I trip and slide the the trench. Now I was covered in dirt. In front of me, was a really fast and speedy current. But I had to do it. Luckily there were rocks and I stepped on each one of them. T'ill I heard the sound of a piano and then, it distracted to me and I slipped.
As I feel in the water, I thought if someone was there, then I wouldn't in this water about to drown. But that's just a fairytale nobody would be in the deep deep part of the wood.
Back to reality, I could normally swim, but my wet cloth were seriously pulling me down. As I dry to keep my head up to the shore the tide bring me somewhere and I end of finding a branch I hold on to it. I wasn't scared or worried, I just wanted to get out of this river. The branch ends up breaking in two and I get closer to the Rapids. "If I only stayed home and let the darkness get me"
As I head down the Rapids, it's a real struggle to not hit some rocks. I hits a few and then looks behind to see that the darkness finally gave up.
As the Rapids end and the river comes back, but it's more calm. I head for the the side and get out. I was soaked, but it was definitely worth it. The one problem was no matter where I went, I always heard the same piano.
-Looks like I'm going to need to create a fire. But how do I do that again?

In time I manage to make a bed and yeah. That's all I got. I can't use my Uphone flashlight, because I think I lost in the Rapids. Must of fell out of my pocket.
As night comes, I'm left with a hungry stomach, headache, I'm not sure if i had a fever in the first place and if it was just the darkness. Also natural water that fish live in. All do, I couldn't get a good look of the sky.
"Well, I'm left here to rot, I don't even know where I am and I'm pretty sure I passed the forest border. I don't even know what to do. But I'm cool with it.
I drift off to sleep and then wake up immediately.
-The darkness is there when I sleep, but I need to- I tried to stay up, but it wasn't working.
I sleep again and the darkness comes.
As it was a repeat, I just walked to the piano and started playing again.

I had not talent, or creativity cause it wasn't me playing the piano...

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