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Do not play music yet!

I'm laying on my bed. I'm in some my teddy bear pyjamas. My stuffed teddy bear was with me. My 2 hands were laying on the pillow beside my head. As I was looking at my hands, I look up to the ceiling. My blue eyes were emotionless. My black hair was spread on the bed. My front bangs that stayed straight. I observe the time 2:56am. I was supposed to do my homework. But I didn't feel like it. I felt like doing nothing. All I saw in my life was just black and white. I never saw colour. I'm dead inside, I have no reason to live yet I do. I made friends in the past, but everyone left me. All my friends, my best friend. My parents are always busy with business. I have no feelings, no emotion. No. Passion. No dreams. No interest.
"What happened to the old me? The one who had dreams, had a passion. All of that is dead. Like a flower getting picked from the ground. It blooms, beautifully, yet when it gets picked. It's bound to get ugly and die."
I had no soul. What was my purpose? I want to know, but I can't. I want to cry, but I can't. Everyone hates me. My two only friend will leave me. I feel them already being spilt up from me. Like a tress with all its leaves. When autumn comes they bloom with colour. But the leaves fall. Until one leaf is left, that's me.
Everyone leaves me. I try to feel emotion, but I just lie there, nothing.
My eyes drift off to sleep. Where I won't have a dream. All I will have is... darkness. All I will see. All I will dream about is darkness. I'm trapped in this darkness.

Morning. 8:47am
My alarm goes off. As I wake up, others would worry to be late for school. I just stare at the clock. I get changed into my regular t-shirt and pants. I don't know the colour since black and grey is all I see. I head down stairs. I grab my backpack, lunch bag and Uphone.
I walk out of the door. It was autumn. A season where the colours of the trees grow. Like i see it its just black and white.
I see this one tree. It had one leaf left. I walk up to it.
-You must be like me. Alone. I pick the leaf off. I'll set you free. I grab a quick sharpie and draw a happy face on the leaf. And put it safely in my pocket.
If only I could smile like you.

I get to school and get to my locker. Not only was I a class reject, I was a school reject. But that didn't bother me.
The same old girls came. They only bullied me. They always failed
-Hey. How life? How wait your dead right? So how can you have a life?
I don't respond. I'm anti-social and just stare at her with a the face of a dead person.
-Even your face says your dead! Do you not care what I say!?
I grab my stuff and walk away.
-What is up with her?
-You should know. A person talks to her
I sit down at the back.
My friends come and sit in front of me. One of them was Julie and the other Dana. They we're just talking about Julie had blond hair and green eyes, Dana, had Hazel and brown eyes. That's what I last remember of them. I noticed that they were talking less and less to me.
The bell rings and the teacher starts talking. After 5min, I feel dizzy and sleep.
I was back in the dark again. All alone. I knew what the darkness stood for. Loneliness. What was left of everything that I use to have meaning. I was truly dead inside. This was where I was meant to be. I was completely alone and isolated to myself. I wanted to escape the darkness and live my life. But I couldn't escape, I couldn't do it on my own. And finding someone was impossible since I couldn't talk to anyone. I was isolated. The only talent in my mind that was left was the piano. It appeared before my own dead eyes. I sit down and play it.
Play music now!
As my fingers move. I feel something strange. Was I going to cry? I try to feel emotion. But nothing happens. Somebody anybody? I tell myself neutrally. No answer. Was I destined to be alone my entire life. It didn't seem to bother me. All I wanted was to be happy, to have a dream. I dreamed of being a pianist or an artist or a writer. All of that was dropped. I'm nothing and I'm dead I'm a useless nobody with no soul. No emotion. No dream.
I feel a shake on my arm.
-Wake up Willow!
The teacher was in front of me. She looked straight into my dead eyes.
I could still hear the piano.
-Willow? Do you want to go to the principal's.
I wanted to talk. But I couldn't speak. Nothing would come out of my mouth. I felt it again. It was my only emotion. The only emotion I didn't want. Sadness. I felt a tear in my dead eyes. But nobody saw it.
-Willow! Speak when I ask you! Stop giving me that look.
The phone rings and she walks off
I grab a book it's where I drew and wrote. My drawings use to be so happy and colourful and now all I draw is the darkness. The darkness I sleep about. The place where I'm trapped. Even when I'm not sleeping. It's there am haunting me forever with nobody to help me. I write messages in the book. About the darkness and I even wrote the song of the piano that I play every time I see the piano.

I hear the bell ring. 2 more classes to go and then it's eating.
As lunch finally arrives, I eat. Did I mention I don't taste food. It's all plain to me. I sit at a table waiting for my friends, they were all I had. I see them and they walk right by me with there new 'cool' friends.
After that recess. What has recess done to me. All I do is draw and write the same stuff over and over again. "Someone help me. I'm trapped in my own darkness" The same bully comes back
-Hey. I'm not going to mean to you anymore since your so plain. This will be my last time. All you do Is write in that stupid book. Like I said your a dead person who doesn't deserve life! Just look at your eyes.
Everyone hears it and they side with her. I look to my left and I see one guy who just stare's at me. Is eyes were so different, they were green, but they looked alive. But it looked like is eyes were slowly dying.
-Come on dude! Let's go! A guy calls at him.
The bit staring leaves, but drops a book. I get up and ignore everyone. I isolate myself from the world ignoring everything. I pick up the book and look for the guy, but he isn't there. I decide to keep it for now.
I forget to mention that when I become isolated to the world. The only thing I see is me and the black and white world. All I hear is the song of the piano I play. I'm alone in the darkness. With no escape.

Everything is a repeat. Like a song on repeat. That was my life. Go to school and be in the darkness. Go home be in the darkness. I wanted to live like a person, but I couldn't. Was I even human? Having nothing in life. What was my purpose. Before I know it I'm at home and my parents are late again. There I am left in the darkness alone. I don't open the boy's book. I just leave it there.

As I lay in my bed again. I cry for help. Everything in my life was about darkness. Isolation. And no purpose. No one to talk to. When I'm alone, I'm stuck in the darkness. If I had one person in my life, one person that understood me! Maybe I might have a chance. But that will never happen. Because I can't dream. I can't imagine, the only thing I think of his darkness, black and white world, isolation and the song of the piano I hear.
"Where I will be alone. No one to help me." I think while playing the piano again. I payed the song perfectly even if my eyes were dead and soulless.
I remember when my mom told me when I was young that I would grow up with a spark in my eye, lighting a fire in me. Becoming the best that I can be.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry mom I can never be the daughter you wanted me to be. I'm sorry!" I scream in my head. I stop playing the piano, but I still heard it. I had felt something from my eye. A tear, I was crying. As the tears fell on the piano. The only thing I could do was cry. The only emotion I had...

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed part 1 of Darkness! I'm sorry the character repeated a lot some words, but that was the point she's in a world where all she does is repeat and when she says the word darkness. Well it's the name of this chapter and and the title. I'll be honest I cried while writing this. How would you feel if you were in Willow's situation? Comment down below and if you have a theory don't be afraid to comment it down below! All credit goes to the guy who made this song on YouTube! Also knows as LucasKingPiano

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