Chapter 2- A Once in a Lifetime Offer.

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Chapter 2

3 + 1/2 months later


Harry nodded at the doorman; James, before walking into the hotel. Seeing as how his father owns the most prestigious line of hotels in the country, Harry preferred to just stay at one instead of getting a flat.

He grew up at this particular hotel, practically being raised by the employees. His father was a very respected business man, who was busy with meetings and trying to expand his company. Harry didn't see much of him, so the staff seemed like family to him.

"Hey Li, Hey Zayn" he stated, as he walked up to the front desk. Liam and Zayn were a few years older than Harry, but seeing as they were the only employees closest to his age, they became close friends.

"Hey bro!" Liam said, with a friendly smile. "Hey Haz" Zayn nodded. 

"Taking a break I see? Hope no one drowns, or ruins a dish" Harry teased playfully, referring to Liam's job as Co Head Chef and Zayn being a lifeguard. 

"Eh Veronica's got me covered" Zayn said shrugging with a slight smirk. 

"I had to get away from Leeroy" Liam stated with a grimance. 

Harry chuckled at the mention of Liam's quirky twin, and Zayn's sister. He began to speak before being interrupted by the manager, Charles. 

"Mr. Malik, Mr. Payne don't you have work to do?" he snapped, making the two boys disappear to their working positions.

"Oh, and Mr.Styles a Mr. Alexander Vance called from VSC wanting you to meet with him in about two hours at La Bella Restaurant."

"Thanks Charles I'll go get ready now, and aren't we passed formalities?" Harry grinned, walking into the elevator. Charles rolled his eyes as the metal doors slid closed, taking Harry up to his mini condo on the top floor.

He briskly slid his keycard in and out, before walking in. His living space was pretty spacious, considering his father had knocked out all of the other rooms on the floor, redoing the entire floor into a huge apartment.

He threw his UNI bag on the table, and checked the time. He had about an hour and a half before he had to meet with the President of VCS, a well known scientific corporation.

He stripped his clothes off before hopping into the shower. Half an hour later, he emerged and quickly through on a pair of black skinny jeans and a simple, white button up shirt, paired with his usual necklaces and brown boots.


"So you see Mr.Styles, Vance Scientific Corporation wants to offer you a fully payed internship. Your grades at UNI are impeccable and we could really use someone like you to help us with our tests. Its a once in a life time offer Harry. " 

Harry smiled as Mr.Vance stuck his hand out. This was absolutely shocking to him. He was in his second year at UNI, majoring in Scientific Theory and an offer like this was undeniable. 

He shook Mr.Vance's hand and nodded. "I'd love to work with you Sir." 

Mr. Vance nodded, "You can start tomorrow."


"Cause I'm just a Teenage Dirtbag Baby, Yeah I'm just a Teenage Dirtbag baby. Listen to Iron Maiden baby with me ohhh." 

Harry belted along with Wheatus as he drove his sleek black car up to the parking lot of VCS. He pulled into the parking spot, shutting the engine off. Even though the song also cut off, Harry finished the long with a loud

"She doesn't know what she's missing YEAH!"

After composing himself, he stepped out of his car, biting back a laugh, before entering the big, 50 story building. 

"Woah," he stated, taking in the room. Everything in the lobby was white, not a speck of dust seemed visable. The only thing that had color in the office was a red trash bin, and the red outfit of the receptionist working there.! He walked up to the receptionist and flashed her a smile, " Hello.. Lindsey," he stated reading her desk plate, "Erm I'm Harry Styles," 

She nodded, " Oh yeah, Mr. Vance is expecting you on the 30th floor, here's your I.D and Elevator/Stair Key," Lindsey said, handing Harry the items.

"High security proceedures" Lindsey explained as she saw Harry eye the Elevator/Stair Key. He shrugged a thanks and walked to the elevator, sliding his key along the barcode scanner.

The metal doors opened with a 'Ding!' and Harry walked out, into the 30th floor.He saw the boss, in a deep conversation with a few men in white coats. Mr.Vance smiled as he saw Harry, gesturing for him to come over.

"Harry, meet my head Scientists, Dr.Cowell, Dr.Bailey, and Dr.Sheeran." 

"Hello," Harry smiled, shaking each of their hands. 

"Hey, call me Ed, " Dr.Sheeran said with a kind smile as the rest just mumbled hellos back. 

Harry smiled, nodding slightly. 

"Come on, lets continue this in the conference room." Mr.Vance announced, leading the rest of the men into the room.

After they a sat down, Mr.Vance looked at Harry with a glint in his eyes. 

"So Harry... have you ever heard of Hybrids?" he stated, a sly smirk playing on his face.



Was this long enough? 

I tried making it longer for you babies :)  

Ohhh not a big Cliffy but my fingers are itching to type chapter 3 soo... I may triple update... since I haven't posted in forever...

That is if I some good feedback :D

Now my OTP is a tie Larry and Zerrie.. but Narry is 3 way tied with them now :3




Zerrie is freaking adorable. Like there the most real couple and the engagement is a symbol of that. Yeah there getting married a bit young, but what's the use in waiting if youve found the one you love? Hell I'm so proud of Zayniepoo and Perrie :')

sorry .. its long again hehe 



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