Rosie's POV

I guess I was being a bit over dramatic and unreasonable about the whole situation. If I was gonna yell at anyone I should've yelled at Ray and his idiotic friends. Cameron is pretty cool and I think I should go a little easier on Kurt.

I reached for the kitchen door until it swung open and hit me in the face causing me to fall back. "Oww." I said rubbing my forehead in pain. "Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't know you were there." I looked up to see Chresanto hovering over me. "I'm fine." I said stumbling into Chres. "You sure Lil Mama?" He said with one arm around me. "Mhm." I murmured. He looked into my eyes, laughed and then walked away.

Uh, wtf?

~2:00 pm~

Ray's POV

After 2 hours of playing GTA V, the guys and I got bored so I decided to invite my baby Bre and her crew over for a little pool party. We were inflating those floaty thingies or whatever the hell they're called until my phone beeped indicating I got a text.

'My Baby Bree ♥' Hey Ray! Is it ok if Justice comes? She somehow found out and I can't tell her no.

'Me' I don't know how Jacob's gonna feel about that :/"

'My Baby Bree ♥' Awe c'mon Ray! Do it for me.. :)"

'Me' ...I guess he won't mind."

'My Baby Bree ♥' Thanks Ray 😘

'Me' See you soon. 😘

'My Baby Bree ♥' Byeee ✌

"You day dreamin' 'bout Bree again?" Roc said chuckling causing Craig and Jacob to laugh too. "Don't be mad, cause I got a girl and you don't." I said throwing a floaty in the pool. "I got Nique my nigga." He said cockily. Craig just sighed while Jacob continued blowing up the floaties things. "Did you invite your sister?" Jacob asked. "Ha, do you think I would. She's just gonna embarass me." I said. "Just invite her man." He said walking into the house. This nigga did not just order me.

Jacob's POV

I walked inside to get some towels and Ray followed me. "Why are you always talking about my sister Jay?" He asked. " I don't." I said, piling towels into my arms. "Yeah, you do. 'Where's your sister?' 'Is your sister here today?' 'How's Rosie?' it's hella annoying." He said trying to mock me. "I don't talk like that." I said trying to get off subject. Ray just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. Ha, he's acting like he's my mom or some shit. "Is there something going between you too that I should know about?" "That you should know about? No, because if there was something going on, it would be between me and her. Ain't got shit to do with you." I said brushing past him. He just stood there are watched me walk away. Smh...

"Jakey!" Justice said hugging me as tightly as she could. "Hi?" I said confused on why she was here. I don't remeber anybody inviting her. As the rest of the girls walked in I pulled Craig to the side. "Uh, who invited Justice?" I whispered. "Oh, Ray ain't tell you? He said she could come." "Of coarse he did." On my way to the pool I bumped into Cameron. "Hey, Cam! Can you do me a favour?" I asked. "Sure." He said casually. "Can you get your sister, and tell her to bring her bathing suit." Cameron smirked at me then walked away. Ha, am I really that obvious?

Cameron's POV

"Rosieee!" I said enlongating the word as I walked into her room. "Cammm!" She said mocking me. She laughed with me as she sat up on her bed. "What's up?" She asked. "Well, Mr. Perez down there wants you to get your bathing suit on and meet him at the pool." I said poking her. She just sat there and blushed."What's going on between you too?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows around. She laughed in amusement, "I don't know, I think he likes me." She said in a low tone. "Do you like him back?" "Well, yeah but he never asked me to be his girlfriend or anything like that, we just kissed." I began squealing like a 5 year old girl, earning me a weird look from Rosie. "So you gonna go?" I asked eagerly. "I don't want to, not with everybody else there." She said hesistantly, "Especialy Justice." she continued. "Omg, are you really going to let them trap you in your own home?"

Rosie's POV

Cameron's right. I can't let them trap me in my home. "I guess your right." I admitted, "I'll go, but ony if you come with." "Duh." He said walking out. I'm still a bit hesistant about this because of my faded scars. I changed into my bathing suit my mom bought me. This was my first time wearing it. There were two different tops, so i wore the one i thought matched it most hoping I didn't look stupid. I then wrapped my towel around my waist and walked out the door. I was going to go and wait for Cam at his door, but he was already waiting for me at mine. I can't beleive I'm actually going into a pool with the she-devil.


Decided to post today since, a certain someone's been urging me too! 😏 I've also decided to make my chapters way longer, because i won't be able to write as often. :)☺

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