Chapter 64- Second Origin?

Start from the beginning

"Reaper Cloud!"

A pitch black column of Death Magic shot from Naraka's mouth, and engulfed Frea entirely. When the attack ended, she wasn't there, and Naraka smirked. "Not so powerful after all..." He chuckled.

"Don't assume that just yet!"

Naraka's head snapped up to see Frea above him, with Moon holding on to her as the Exceed kept them both afloat. Frea smiled at Moon warmly, "Thanks for that." She murmured, "I might have overdone it a bit with the Spell..." Frea told her sheepishly and Moon sighed.

"You don't say?" Moon muttered. "You couldn't even move!" Moon scolded.

"I know... But like I said, thanks." Frea gave her a toothy grin. "Its a good thing I have you around to back me up." Moon blinked at the words, before smiling a little, but only a little.

The low growl echoing around them caused both to look down and see Naraka's head tilted up, his mouth open as black Magic began to form from the pits of his stomach. They both sweatdropped; before Moon quickly got them out of the way, and dove down toward the ground.

Frea's legs trembled as Moon slowly placed her down a little ways away from Naraka, and the Energy Dragon slowly sank to the ground, letting out a long sigh.

"You ok?" Rified appeared beside them in an instant, and Frea glanced up at him. He was bruised and bloody, but despite the minor wounds he had, he still looked ok to keep fighting. She looked away from him for a minute to see that all the smaller Dragons within the area had been taken down already.

"Give me a minute..." She mumbled, looking away and both Moon and Rified looked toward Naraka, who turned to face them.

"You don't have a minute." Rified told her lowly and Frea smirked a little.

"Then get me one." She told him and he stiffened, looking back down to see her smirking at him. "I only need a bit, so keep him busy while I get ready." Rified sweatdropped, staring at her silence and Frea smirked more. "Think you can do that for me?" She asked with a hint of a challenge in her voice.

After a moment he smirked a little, "I'll give you as much time I can." He promised and she nodded.

"Thank you."

Rified POV

His eyes switched toward Naraka, who was glaring daggers at them with his green gaze, lips drawn back in a snarl. Rified frowned a little on the inside, he would do what Frea asked of him, but he wasn't sure how well he could do against a Dragon.

Let alone a Dragon that basically used the same sort of magic he did. He would have to try and figure out why that was exactly, later, right now he had bigger problems.

He felt ten times better since Frea had set off that spell not to long ago, and honestly, he had no clue as to what it was. She had said the name of the Spell in the same language Naraka used earlier, and he was surprised she even knew it, he had absolutely no clue what she, or Naraka had said.

I'll ask later...

Rified walked forward to get away from Frea and Moon. He flicked both his hands up out in front of him, "Death Lance!" He growled and on either side of Naraka, lances sprung up from the ground and streamed out toward the Dragon.

Most of the Lances never made contact, and those that did, had no effect. Naraka quirked an eyebrow at him, "Death Magic?" He growled lowly, before smirking. "That will have no effect on me."

Rified jumped to the side to avoid a hit from Naraka's tail and he sweatdropped. He had, had the feeling none of his magic was going to work on Naraka... He sent out a few more lances, but they don't work any better than the first ones, and he jumped back more, still trying to avoid Naraka's tail.

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