Chapter 61- Victory Short Lived

Start from the beginning

Moon blinked a few times as she looked Frea over silently with her blue gaze. She was surprised at Frea to say the least, and glancing at Rified, she could see he was surprised at her as well.

Frea seemed to put a lot more faith in Laxus than either of them had originally thought. It was odd, Frea seemed to hate Laxus, one would have thought that she didn't actually think very highly of him...

But this? Frea was putting more faith in Laxus than either Rified or herself did, probably even more than the rest of Fairy Tail at the moment.

She had hit them for doubting Laxus before, which she would have to pay the Energy Dragon Slayer back for later, even if she knew it was wrong to even think about doubting one of her fellow Fairy Tail Members. Moon hadn't been a member more than a few days, but she was already growing quite attached to the others, they were kind, funny, and supportive.

Happy and Carla were great, and even if she would never admit it out loud, and definitely never to Frea, but Lily was nice too, and she rather enjoyed being around him.

Hmm... Never would have pegged Frea, to be the one to give Laxus the benefit of the doubt...

Though the thought did make her smirk a little...

Frea POV

Jura clapped his hands together again as several large pillars of earth shot from the ground, and Laxus was thrown upward as one of them appeared under his feet.

Yellow light shone down from the sky as Laxus began to glow from the light if his Magic in the air above the Saint's head.

"Lightning Dragon's Heavenward Haleberd!"

A trident made entirely of crackling lightning flew down Jura, a large crack of thunder rolling over the land as Laxus hurled the Magic at the Wizard Saint.

"Talus!" Jura shouted as he crossed his arms in front of him, and a large shield of stone sprung up in front of him.

An even louder boom echoed over the city as the attack made contact with the sheild, and dust sprang up to hide the view for a minute. Jura's sheild was gone, but he didn't look to have been touched by the attack. Down from the sky, a large streak of yellow was coming down toward Jura, who raised an arm to block the heavy punch Laxus was throwing his way.

Before Laxus could touch Jura, a pillar of earth sprung up in between them, and another in its quake. Laxus jumped backward, using his Lightning to go faster as he avoided the pillars, and went even faster as he came at Jura again. The two started an all out fist fight, heavy blows being dealt by both men, who were by now wearing furious expressions as they got into it.

"He's keeping up with Jura..." Rified murmured.

The crowds had began to make much more noise, their full attentions were fixed on the fight between the Saint and The Dragon Slayer. They were excited, no one would have believed that Laxus could keep up with Jura, Laxus was strong, but to go head to head with a Saint? It was shocking, amazing...

I wish I could see Master's face right now...

Frea suppressed smiling at the thought, she could just imagine it. The Guild would be shocked, probably had their jaws dropped as they watched the fight. Master would probably be the most shocked of them all, she knew them enough, to know they had never expected Laxus to be this strong.

He was strong, stronger than many people knew, even Laxus himself didn't know how strong he really was.

She did though, she had seen his true strength in a few occasions, and to be completely honest...

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