Chapter 51- Tag Teams

Start from the beginning

She managed to hit him that hard without using any magic? That magic power they could all feel radiating off of her inwaves since the black mark on the back of her hand disappeared?

When did her hits get so strong?

Frea POV

Frea let out a small sigh, trying to get her anger to simmer down a bit more. Punching Laxus like that had done her some good, hitting something made her temper simmer down. She wasn't worried about Laxus being hurt when she hit him, he was tough, and she purposely hadn't used any Magic when she had punched him. That, and she was holding back a little too. Moon was sweatdropping a little as she followed along at her side and Frea looked down at her.

"Relax, I'm not going after anybody else." Frea promised.

"Did you have to hit Laxus, though?" Moon asked as she glanced up at Frea. Frea shrugged,

"Lets think of it this way, would you rather I had hit Laxus, or Chase?" Frea asked her. "I needed to hit someone, and I can't risk hitting Natsu or Gajeel knowing they are probably going to be the ones picked for the tag-team battle." Frea explained. "Even Happy is out of the question, he wouldn't be able to take one of my hits at all."

"You wouldn't have hit Gray?" Moon asked with a slight smirk.

"Nope." Frea replied. "Believe it or not, it's not often that Gray actually gets on my nerves. I have no reason to want to hit him." Frea replied.

"So why would you be ok to hit Chase?" Moon asked.

"He may not really be my apprentice anymore, but he still needs a good whack every once in awhile to set him straight." Frea replied with a small smile. Moon shook her head a little at the answer, and Frea let out a silent sigh as her temper went down a little more.

The two of them walked out into the balcony where Fairy Tail was waiting in silence, only a few people glanced their way but most were watching the Field as Team Fairy Tail came out. She walked up to stand where she had been earlier, purposely ignoring the cracks in the railing from where she had hit it. Moon took a seat beside Carla and Lily as she sat with her paws crossed over her chest. The first tag-team battle would be against Mermaid Heel Kagura and Millianna, VS, Lamia Scale Lyon and Yuka.

"How is Lucy?" Chase asked from where he was standing next to her and Frea glanced his way.

"She should be fine." Frea replied and Chase nodded a little, his deep blue eyes were fixed on the battle going on below them. Frea swept her eyes to the left, looking straight out across the Arena where a powerful and dark Magic in nature had just flared up. Her eyes narrowed, it was the Magic Energy Jellal had been looking for, the one that was similar to Zeref's."You feel it too huh?" Chase asked quietly and Frea nodded a little.

"Felt something off with the whole city since I set foot in it." She muttered.

"Me too." Chase told her. "It's odd, it feels dark but it doesn't at the same time. The only truly evil thing I can feel here is that Energy Signature 'Mystogan' is looking for." Chase told her and Frea narrowed her eyes more. He was right, the city felt dark but at the same time it didn't, it wasn't right. But the Magic Energy similar to Zeref's was making her edgy, she didn't like it, not at all.

"So you know about that?" She asked and Chase shrugged a little.

"Master knew it would be hard to keep it from me." Chase replied."I knew the minute that 'Mystogan' walked in, that he wasn't part of Fairy Tail. Master, Mystogan and Erza explained what was going on." Chase told her. "Who told you?"

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