Chapter 50- It's A Mistake To Anger Us

Start from the beginning

Frea's fists clenched as she pressed them against the stone railing and let her head hang with her hair shadowing her face, she was literally shaking with fury at Minerva's words, and her fangs ground down as her jaw clenched together, eyes shut tight.

How dare she?! Who the hell does that bitch think she is?!

Natsu's eyes darkened as he got up, looking ready to attack Minerva, as Gray got up and left Lucy to Wendy and Chelia, eyes narrowed. Even Erza herself looked ready to go after Minerva, but she kept her cool long enough to stop Natsu and Gray from going after Minerva as Sting, Orga and Rufus appeared to stand in front of their Guild-mate.

"Oh my! It looks like SaberTooth and Fairy Tail are about ready to start fighting!" The announcer exclaimed.

"Its what she deserves, she thought she could mess with us and not pay for it." Minerva growled to the three, "Its her own fault for being so damn weak." She growled.

At last Erza seemed to snap, her face darkened as a sword appeared in her hand, and Gray and Natsu stepped up to her shoulder with their own Magic blazing up around them.

No One POV

The sound of stone being smashed swept over all the watching Fairy Tail members in the stands, and their eyes darted to the side to see Frea jumping through the air down toward the Arena, face dark. The railing had been smashed where she had punched it, and from the force of her feet pushing off against it.

They all sweatdropped, Frea was going to fight these guys! That could get Fairy Tail disqualified from the games!

"Frea!" They all yelled out, but she was already gone. Moon's eyes closed as she crossed her arms over her chest, Lily, Happy and Carla were standing beside her all looking worried and sweatdropping. Jynx appeared to sit beside Mavis, eyes fixed on what Frea was doing, as the ghost sat there in silence and said nothing.

Frea was in between Erza, Gray and Natsu and the SaberTooth members in seconds. Her arm swiped out to the side, and her Guild-mates stopped, they had been moving to attack SaberTooth, but they halted when she was suddenly there.

"Enough." Frea said with a calm and even tone. "This isn't an official match, you guys cant fight." Frea told them. Her face was hidden by the shadow of her hair, as she stood with her back facing Erza, Natsu and Gray.

"But-" Natsu protested.

"I said enough!" Frea ordered sharply, voice rising a little but her tone remained calm, and Natsu fell silent.

All Fairy Tail members' stared wide-eyed at what was happening, Frea was never the level-headed one in situations like this.

"By all means, come after us." Rufus murmured with a small smile creasing his lips.

"Gray." Frea muttered as the Ice Mage took a step forward. "Don't."

"I cant believe she's being so calm about this.." Lily murmured as he watched with his arms crossed over his chest.

"She's only being calm because she has to be." Moon murmured as her eyes opened to rest on the Arena. "Cant you tell? She furious, all she wants to do is beat SaberTooth into a pulp, but she's stopping herself from fighting along with those three down there," Moon gestured a paw at Erza, Gray and Natsu, "Because Fairy Tail's place in the games relies on it."

"Teach has a lot more self-restraint than you guys give her credit for." Chase murmured as he leaned up against the stone railing with his back, arms crossed over his chest and eyes closed. "Those SaberTooth Wizards don't know who their talking to, Teach could take them all on being as mad as she is. But even one wrong word out of them she might snap, then not even all of Fairy Tail could stop her." He muttered darkly and they all sweatdropped at his words.

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