Blood Ruins

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Sophia Cardison walked alone to her house. It was late and dark. She had spent the night out at her best friend , Riley's party. She refused to let Riley take her home because she lived close by and she really needed the fresh air. Riley's parties were great and all , but sometimes they can get out of hand. Last year three guys woke up naked on the lawn. Sophia snickered at the memory. She walked past Mrs. Gwyneth's store and waved at her as she locked up. She walked on and looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful clear night. Sophia closed her eyes and smiled. Suddenly she felt someone grab her from behind and she was thrown across the yard. Her head hit a wall with a loud thud. She fell to the ground with a groan. She felt her head and when she looked back at her hand , it was caked with blood. She gasped. She looked up and saw a shadowy figure standing over her. The only thing she could see clearly was its eyes. It was blood red. She crawled back , trying to get away. But she wasn't fast enough. The figure pounced. Sophia screamed as it grabbed her neck and lifted her off the ground. She kicked and screamed , but the figure did not let go. It pulled her close and she could feel it's cold breath on her neck. She suddenly felt something pierce her skin. She opened her mouth , but no sound came out. She felt her life drain from her. Suddenly she heard Mrs. Gwyneth yell. The figure dropped Sophia and ran. She felt light headed and couldn't hold onto consciousness much longer. She saw Gwyneth's mouth move , but there was no sound. Sophia drifted into unconsciousness.

Chapter 1

Sophia sat at a diner booth in a corner. She stared out the window , watching as people walked by. As she watched couples and families pass by , she felt a pang of sadness. It's been weeks since she'd been turned and since she killed her parents. She never meant to do it , it just kind of happened. Sophia felt guilty for it each day and she tried to keep her distance from humans ever since. Sophia was a lone vampire with long , curly dark brown hair , flawless skin and perfect body. Her eyes though , did give away the vampire identity. Her eyes were blood red , which is why she always wore sunglasses. The waiter came up next to her and started chatting away. She was clearly bored. Sophia looked up at her. The most wonderful smell came her way. Sophia knew that smell all too well. She ordered something and when the waiter left , she breathed out a sigh of relief. She felt uncomfortable around humans and she ignored them as best as she could. She suddenly felt something vibrate inside her pocket. It was her phone. She took it out and looked at the screen. It was her aunt calling. She hasn't heard from her in years. She decided it would be a nice to hear a familiar voice. She pressed the answer button and held it to her ear. "Hey." She smiled. "Hi pumpkin! I've heard about what's happened. I'm so sorry. And to make it up to you , I decided I would move there and take care of you. How does that sound?" Aunt Bridget's excited voice came over the phone. "Oh um , you really don't have to , I..." "Oh but I want to! It'll be fun." Bridget cut her short. It was so hard to say no to her. "Um ok fine. See you then." Sophia gave in. She ended the call and punched herself in the leg. Why did she do that! Why did she have to answer the freaking phone?! What if she couldn't control herself and accidently kill Aunt Bridget too? This was a bad idea and Sophia was already regretting it. When the waiter came back with her order , Sophia grabbed it , threw the money on the table and stomped out. She had to stop Aunt Bridget from coming. What would she think of me? Will she hate me when she finds out? Can I even tell her? The questions kept popping into her head. She was so distracted that she didn't even notice the person following her. Someone grabbed her arm from behind. Sophia spun around , ready to attack. A short woman with a pixie haircut stood behind her , still holding her arm. Sophia looked from the woman and then to her hand. The woman quickly dropped her hand. "I-I'm sorry. Didn't mean to frighten you. I just wanted to warn you about the boy who is following you. I think you should stay away and quickly get home. He looks like bad news." The woman warned in a strange chinese accent. Sophia looked up. To a human's eye it would look completely normal , but with Sophia's super senses she saw a guy staring at her through his sunglasses. He was tall and muscular-build , with dark brown hair and chiseled face. He caught her eye and for a second they just stared at each other. His scent came her way. It smelt like cinnamon and after-shave. He broke from the stare and started walking in the other direction. Sophia hesitated and then decided to go home. She thanked the lady and walked away. The whole time she was thinking of her mysterious follower. She got home just past six. She was so exhausted. She fell onto her bed and almost immediately fell asleep. Somewhere close to midnight , Sophia jolted awake. She was covered in sweat and breathing hard. Another nightmare about her parents. Her stomach growled and she groaned. She peeled the sheets off of her sweat-stained body and walked to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and stared at all the blood bags. When she was turned , she had kind of stolen those from a blood-bank. She really didn't want to kill anything else and that was the only choice she had. She poured one of the bags into a mug and stared out the window. Suddenly there was movement in the shadows. She stared at the shadows for a few minutes and when nothing happened , she declared it as her imagination. She went back to her room with her midnight-snack. She couldn't sleep anymore. The nightmare has gotten her all shook up. So she decided to think of more ideas to make Aunt Bridget stay where she is. Maybe she could tell her the flat was infested with man-eating rats. No , that won't work. Aunt Bridget would definitely come then. She could tell her she already had a guardian , even though that's not true. Nah , Bridget would want to know who it is and then she would want to speak to them and Sophia isn't that good at impersonating voices. Guess there's no stopping Aunt Bridget. She'll just have to learn to control herself , no matter how hard it will be. She can't kill another person she cared deeply for.

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