"Taking you hostage." She replied in a teasing tone. "Your not going with Nadi, and you said your always travelling. How about you come with me? Spend the day travelling with me as I head toward the Capitol, we can get to know each other more." Frea told her and smiled a little more at the shocked look on Moon's face. "You have to get lonely traveling all by yourself all the time, and I think we could both use the company."

Moon simply stared for a minute, before smiling and nodding a little. "Alright." Moon murmured and Frea chuckled a little. "But I want to ask you something."

"Hmm?" Frea asked and Moon tapped a paw to her head.

"I can't read your memories, I cant get anywhere close to your mind. Why is that? I've never had this problem before." Moon told her and Frea gave the Exceed a teasing look.

"So you were trying?" Frea murmured and Moon looked a little nervous.


"I would tell you, but I think its better not to." Frea explained and the trees thinned out all the way so they were walking over a bare stretch of the land, on a road leading straight toward the Capitol. "But don't worry, its nothing wrong with you, I know somebody else who couldn't use Mind-based Magic on my either. Just know there is a good reason no-one is able to get inside my head." Frea told her.

"Huh... alright. Can I ask another?" Moon began again and Frea nodded.

"Ask away." Frea invited.

"Nadi, he said something about Fairy Tail? Are you part of that Guild?" Moon asked and Frea nodded. "Then what was your mission about?" Moon asked and Frea paused a minute.

"Take down a Dark Guild, it was a favor for a friend of mine." Frea replied and Moon blinked. "How about I ask you a question? Like... What happened to you?" Frea asked quietly and she motioned toward the white bandages all over the Exceed. Moon looked shocked at the question, before looking away and closing her eyes. Frea could feel the apprehension coming off from Moon and she frowned a little. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Frea put in and Moon looked at the ground, before letting out a heavy sigh.

"No...No... it's alright, I suppose I ought to tell someone..." Moon murmured and Frea perked up. Moon slipped from Frea's arms and positioned herself on Frea's shoulder as she kept walking. "The first time, it was soon after I hatched and found myself all alone in the world. I was attacked by his huge creature that I think was looking for an easy meal," Moon's paws reached up to rest on her torn ears. "I got away with only my ears ripped and torn."

"I spent years living on my own, always hungry, always cold and never knowing when I would get my next meal, or find a place to sleep. I was to scared to go into any human villages for a long while. As cliché as it sounds, I've always seemed to have rotten luck. It was so bad, that I was picked up by these Dark Mages while I was walking through a forest at night. They were nasty, dark, cold-hearted, and horrible. They happened to come across me and all I could do was try and run, but they caught me."

"I was brought into the Dark Guild and worked as a slave for years and years. They were unforgiving, and cruel. Every time a slipped up, every time I dropped a mug, or even made a noise out of turn." Moon ran her paws up and down her arms and closed her eyes tight. "They made it a habit to give me a new slice in my arms and legs, and now all those damn scars will never go away..." Moon trailed off and Frea's eyes narrowed as she listened silently to the story.

"Even after all of that... there was still one person who I really ever cared for, and only one person who ever really cared for me." Moon spoke up again. "He was a wizard in that Dark Guild, and his name was Kyo. He wasn't like all the other mages, he was kind, sweet and caring. He only ever joined that Guild because his father was part of it, but he didn't belong there. He didn't fit in with all the bastards in that guild, and he always tried to stick up for me. One time he went as far as knocking one of his own Guild-mates out when they came after me."

"His father was the Guild Master, and he didn't like Kyo's protectiveness over me one bit. At first, Kyo was warned to stop showing me kindness, but after a while, when Kyo didn't stop, he started getting slashed as punishment too." Small tears formed in the corners of Moon's eyes as she stared at her paws and Frea frowned a little more. " I begged Kyo to stop so he wouldn't get hurt too, but he wouldn't listen. He finally hit the last straw with his Father... and he was killed, right in front of me... All I could do right after that, was fight to escape and I finally did, and I flew and flew until I was hundreds of miles away from the Guild, until I finally collapsed out of exhaustion."

The tears started to stream down Moon's face as she kept talking, and her pale blue gaze filled with memories. "I've been on my own since then, and I've managed to stay out of too much trouble. The only thing I have left of Kyo is my name, when I was captured I didn't have a name, and he gave me one; Moon." Moon fell silent as she closed her eyes and cried silently. She had needed to tell somebody about her past, but talking about it made all the painful memories reappear.

Moon's eyes snapped open as Frea came to a sudden stop and she glanced over to see Frea's head tilted down with her bangs shadowing her eyes and a frown spread across her face. For a long time Frea didn't move or say anything, and Moon only continued to cry silently.

"Quit it." Frea said suddenly and Moon blinked in shock. "Don't cry anymore, crying won't do you any good." Frea muttered. Moon opened her mouth but suddenly found she was lost for words, she had nothing to say back. Before she even knew what was happening, Frea had pulled her into her chest and squeezed her tightly. "I don't care if your luck is rotten, I don't care how bad your past was. Those bastards that hurt you and killed your friend all deserve to burn in hell." Frea hugged her a little tighter.

"I've had enough of Dark Wizards and Dark Guilds, they are all horrible, despicable, disgusting. But now, your not going to travel alone anymore, your not going to be hurt by anything ever again. I'm never going to let you get hurt like that again, so stay with me Moon, I'll take care of you. I will make sure your always safe." Frea told her firmly and Moon's eyes widened at the Fairy Tail mages words.

"A-Alright..." Moon shocked out as she forced her tears to stop. Frea pulled her away and held her out in front of her, toothy grin spreading across her face.

"We're going to be great friends Moon." Frea told her. "Don't worry about anything anymore, because I'll be there for you, always."

Moon blinked in complete shock at the Energy Dragon, before a smile spread across her face.

"Thank you..."

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