She didn't have to tell me twice. I hurried down the stairs and was greeted by a warm breeze. I headed to the nearest metro.

I had to walk a few blocks to get to Bentley Enterprises after getting off the train. I walked as quickly as I could through the wave of the lunch time crowd. When I reached it, I immediately felt the intimidation creeping in.

The word humongous didn't do it justice. I entered through the busy revolving door. I was met with the cool air conditioning that I definitely needed. The entire floor was a polished gray and black marble. Light shined in from every direction illuminating the space. The whole place was basically a window it seemed. Men and women in business suits entered and exited the building every second it seemed.

I made my way to the elevators feeling anxious. I pinched my thumb trying to calm myself. By the elevator was a gold plaque and the name Bentley was carved poshly next to the number 70.

The 70th floor? Now I really felt unqualified to work here. I tried to push aside my anxious thoughts out of my head but it didn't seem to work. Quickly I pressed the up button. No going back now. People started to gather around me also waiting to go up.

I stepped inside the elevator and hit 70 as I moved aside for the other people. My palms started to sweat as the elevator started to move. I was more than just a little nervous.

I heard a loud ding that pulled me away from my thoughts. The elevator doors opened revealing a large hanging modern looking light. It almost looked like spikes.

I walked up to the desk and a blonde woman sat there typing on her computer. She greeted me with a smile as I walked towards her.

"Are you here for the temporary P.A. job interview?" The blond asked sweetly.

"Yes," I replied.

"What is your name?"

"Anastasia Stratford."

"Alright Ms. Stratford, everything looks like it is in place here," she stated as she was scrolling on her computer. She pointed to a couch that was placed by another large window. "I'll tell you when Mr. Bentley is ready for you."

I nodded my head and went to go sit on the white leather couch. The view was breathtaking. Working with this view would make any bad job tolerable I'd assume.

After waiting what seemed like a very long time I glanced at my phone. 2:25. I'd already been waiting here about an hour.

"Would you like a bottle of water?" The lady from the desk asked.

"Yeah, that would be nice," I smiled at her.

The blond and I actually started talking, I learned that her name was Katie Lane. She was 27 and has been working here for about 2 years.

"I'm sorry your still waiting here, it's just that Mr. Bentley is very busy." Katie apologized. "Usually we have Human Resources do interviews but Mr. Bentley wanted to do it himself since the positions have to work so closely together."

"Yeah I get that, he wouldn't want an assistant that he didn't think would work well with him."

Before Katie had a chance to respond, the door to Mr. Bentley's office opened. A red head walked out. She was stunning, big green eyes, long lashes, curvy, and had high cheekbones. Although her hair was a little messy. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a model.

"How was your meeting with Mr. Bentley?" Katie smiled at her.

"Very pleasurable, if you know what I mean," The red head winked.

Katie have me an apologetic look. The red head flipped her hair to one side revealing a large spot.  A large hickey decorated her neck, it also looked pretty fresh. The red head must have noticed me staring at it because then she quickly put her hair back on the other side to cover it up.

The red head went inside the elevator and Katie gave her a smile and a small wave. As soon as the doors closed Katie sighed.

"I apologize for that. Mr. Bentley can sometime be unpredictable." Katie said.

"So I literally waited for about four hours so he could- I don't even want to know what he was doing." I put my hand up. "This is so unprofessional."

"I'm so sorry Ana, this usually doesn't happen." Katie said apologetically. "I'm not sure what has been up with him lately. He is usually very professional."

Disgusted and frustrated, I checked the time. I needed to get to Marinos by 7:00. I wouldn't want to be late for my shift. It was already 6:13. I didn't have time to think about what kind of unprofessional and gross person it was that I was trying to get employed by.

"I need to go Katie, I need to be somewhere," I said.

"Yes, of course. I'll call you back in sometime this week, and my sincere apologies for the long wait." Katie waved me a goodbye.
Hey babes! ❤️
I know this chapter wasn't very exciting, but just stick with me. I promise it will get better.

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