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He watched Obi-Wan leave, crying out in pain when the heat touched the burns on his skin. The pain didn't matter, there was a hole in his soul. He felt empty, as if something was meant to be within Anakin Skywalker. He gathered some of the rubble in his mechanical hand and tried to drag himself up the small hill.

It wasn't long until he was found, until he was hauled back to be worked on. It took weeks to let his skin heal, and if it didn't heal, it was replaced with matching skin graphs. He did struggle to breathe, but that was easily fixed. But it did scar his voice with a deep huskiness, as if he'd smoked his whole life. His hair would grow back, that was the easiest part.

However, he would wear his black cape and his helmet when around the Sith and the rest of his troops. He wanted to seem powerful to them, fearless. Because he was, wasn't he? Everyone in the galaxy knew who he was-Darth Vader. Jedi's feared him. Maybe even his old friend Obi-Wan. But he couldn't think of the past, it was behind him.

"Where is Padme? Is she safe, is she all right?" Anakin asked, behind his Vader mask.

"I'm afraid she died. It seems in your anger, you killed her." Darth Sidious said to the dark lord, slowly.

Anakin's world crumbled, his soul was truly lost in the darkness. He had no purpose to hold his humanity anymore. Padme was gone, his child too. He was not Anakin, he was Darth Vader. A cruel, merciless leader. Strong, incomparable.

"Get me Boba Fett, I need him to find someone for me." Vader commanded, and he was unhesitatingly obeyed. He stood by the control panel, a hologram of you shining in blue was shown.

"(Y/N)." He said quietly. Although you were a young child in the hologram, you were one of his friends younger sisters. You were the only one he could get.

~Your Point of View~
(Years later)

You stood up, your knees were dirty from kneeling on an unclean floor. You rubbed your forehead, mumbling to yourself as you did so. You hated having to clean, you always ended up filthy. You ran a hand through your messy hair and placed both hands on your hips. Your scruffy vest hugged your delicate; strong torso.

"(Y/N)! Are you finished?" The woman asked you, she was wearing a long, expensive dress. You only dreamed of wearing things like that.

"Yes, Ma'am." You nodded politely and looked at your work colleague, Sam. She was your only friend. She gathered the cleaning equipment as you took the pay.

You both walked out, sighing and slouching,"Well that was a waste of time, how much did we get?"

"Not enough." Sam mumbled.

You groaned, every part of your body ached. You walked to the Falcon and stepped up into the ship. Sam got in after you and put the cleaning stuff away.

"Evening ladies!" Han said, looking at you and Sam from his pilots chair. You tried not to notice the slight flush in Sam's cheeks, but that could've been because it was hot.

Chewie offered you both a long groan of affection. You felt yourself smiling as you walked into your own room on the ship.

You stared at the ceiling, sighing to yourself as your eyes grew heavier. Why did life have to be so hard? You missed your brother, but he had joined the dark side. What about his friend? The once that always seemed sweet and fixed something when it was broken? Oh yeah, he was dead.

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