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Mitch was speed walking away from first hour, still with his gym clothes on.

"Mitch stop, now!" Travis yelled.

"You can't tell me what to do, and just leave me alone!" Mitch shouted.

A teacher came up to them, "What on Earth are you fighting about?"

Mitch crossed his arms, "H-he tried-"

Mitch was cut off by a cough from Travis, and a threatening look.

'Don't tell anyone about me being gay, or I will tell everyone that you are. You worthless piece of shit." Mitch remembered Travis saying to him.

Mitch whimpered at the thought, "He tried to push me on the ground."

The teacher scoffed, "Go back to class you two."

They both walked back to the gym and continued class.


Mitch was entering third hour, his English class. He sat down in the front row and waited for Scott to come in so they could present their report.

Scott sat down and smiled at Mitch, but immediately saw his frown, "What's wrong?"

Mitch shrugged, "Travis."

Scott whispered, "What did he do."

"Touch me." Mitch whispered back.

Scott gripped his pencil out of anger and took a deep breath, "He's an asshole, he shouldn't have done that."

Mitch nodded and directed his attention to the front when the teacher started to talk, "Hello class, today we will present our reports to the class. Mitch Grassi and Scott Hoying have requested to go first."

Mitch stood up and took his copy of the paper and walked up to the front of the class with Scott.

Scott took a deep breath and began his part in the report. Many students were snickering at their topic choice about gay people, even the teacher.

"A recent study has shown that twins were born, both gay." Mitch said, "Also, if a mother has had many children and is pregnant with another. Then the body will give it more hormones to make them more feminine, this could make them gay if that baby happens to be a boy."

The teacher wrote something on her note pad and looked back at Scott as he began to list off more facts.

"Why would anyone want to be gay? Obviously it is not a choice if people know they will be bullied if everyone knows they are gay." Scott finished.

Some people began to clap and others cleared their throats and shifted in their seats uncomfortably. The teacher smiled, "Why thank you for sharing, now who's next?"


Mitch sat at a table, waiting for the others. Scott sat down next to him and unzipped his lunch box, "What's up butter cup?"

Mitch chuckled at the nickname and looked over at the table that Travis sits at.

Scott followed Mitch's eyes, "What did he do to you?"

Mitch looked down at his food, "He tried to feel me up and bring back bad memories."

Scott let out a puff of air, "I wanna do something about this, but I don't know what to do."

Mitch chuckled and ate some of his food, "Don't worry about it."

"If he tries anything else, let me know." Scott said.

Mitch nodded and glanced back at Travis, "I just can't believe he is here."


Scott invited Kirstie over because they haven't been keeping up lately.

"So what's up?" Kirstie said, flopping down on Scotts chair in his room, "Any crushes?"

Scott rolled his eyes, "I invited you over because I missed you! We haven't been spending time together as much!"

Kirstie spun in the chair, "It because you have been spending all your time with your boyfriend."

Scott widened his eyes and shut his door, "He is not my boyfriend!"

Kirstie giggled a little, "You have a crush on him, admit it!"

The corners of Scotts mouth turned up in a smile, "I don't."

"Bullshit! And he has a crush on you too!" Kirstie said.

Scott looked at Kirstie in disbelief, "How do you know?"

"I asked him a while ago and his face got really red and he just said that he wasn't gay and walked away." Kirstie explained, "But I know he is."

Scott felt his face get hot and found himself smiling, "Maybe I do."

Kirstie squealed, "You guys are gonna get married! You're gonna adopt a whole bunch of little kids, and your gonna be so happy together!"

Scott laughed a little, "Don't get to far ahead of yourself, we're not even dating. And your probably wrong, he doesn't like me."

"Have you never seen the way you two act around each other?" Kirstie asked.

Scott rolled his eyes again and turned on the tv, "Whatever, tell me about you and Jeremy."

Kirstie crossed her legs and smiled a little, "We're going on a date next Saturday at six, that's all we have plan-"

Kirstie cut herself off in a gasp, "You and Mitch should tag along! It could be a double date!"

Scott met Kirstie's eyes, "We aren't dating."

"That's doesn't matter, you can still go and maybe confess your dying love for each other!" Kirstie exclaimed.

"Oh my god chill out, I don't love him. Just a little crush." Scott said.

"Right, so you're going right?" Kirstie asked.

"I'll ask Mitch and if he wants to go, why not?"

Kirstie squealed, "Yes! I'll ask Jeremy if you two can tag along, but don't worry, I won't tell him that you like Mitch or that you're gay."

Scott chuckled a little and looked back at the tv.


The next day Scot sat next to Mitch on the bleachers, waiting for school to start.

"Hola." Scott said.

Mitch smiled and scooted over to let Scott sit next to him. Scott took his book bag off and met Mitch's eyes, "So Kirstie and Jeremy are going out on Saturday, and asked if we wanted to tag along. Would you wanna go?"

"Like a d-date?" Mitch asked.

Scott blushed and looked down, "I mean I guess, if you wanna call it that."

Mitch smiled a little, "Okay, Saturday it is."

Scott grinned, "I'll pick you up at six on Saturday and meet them at the restaurant."

Mitch giggled a little, "Alright then, it's a date."

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