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Mitch was yanked back and fell on the cold floor. He looked up to see the man standing over him.

"Where are you going?" He spat at Mitch.

Mitch let out a sound of fear and shrunk into the floor. The man walls around Mitch and spit on him.

"Fag!" He screamed and kicked him in the stomach.

Mitch was use to getting beat, but it didn't feel good no mater how often it occurred to him.

Scott was witnessing this happening and remembered Avi saying something about a button under the counter that calls the cops silently. He quickly pushed it and tried to distract the man as he was kicking Mitch.

"Sir! Would that be all for your purchase?" Scott yelled, knowing he couldn't take the man in a fight, so took a different approach.

The man ignored him and continued shouting slurs and abusing Mitch. Scott couldn't wait for the cops to come so he ran over to them and dove to the ground.

"Get out of here boy." He said.

"I'm gonna need you to leave, as violence is not one for tolerating!" Scott shouted as he put his body over Mitch's.

Just as Scott finished, they all directed their attention to the doors which were being busted open. The man froze in fear and tried to pull Scott off of Mitch, in hopes of passing for the innocent one.

The cops didn't fall for it and jumped on the man. Scott slowly got off Mitch and and saw the damage that the man made.

Scott kneeled down to Mitch's side and pushed his bangs to the side of his face. He put a hand over his mouth and felt tears welling up in his eyes.

Mitch was closing his eyes with his mouth parted slightly to reveal his bloody mouth. Mitch's chest was rising and falling steadily, and he had a pulse. He had already formed bruises on his face and neck, with blood beginning to dry on his forehead and arms.

Scott watched paramedics running to Mitch to come to his aid. They placed him on a stretcher and wheeled him to the truck.

Just then, Kevin ran in the doors and towards Scott, "What's going on?"

Scott looked at the scene, "Sone guy came in an started beating up on Mitch, can you watch the store I'm going with him go he hospital."

Kevin nodded quickly and watched Scott run outside.

"Can I come with him?" Scott asked quickly.

"Only family and spouse can attend in the ride to the hospital." She said, getting in the back of the car.

Scott thought quickly, "I'm his b-boyfriend."

She looked at him skeptically and moved aside to let him hop in, "Close the door when you get inside."

Scott didn't hesitate to hop inside the vehicle and shut the door. He sat down on his knees beside Mitch and watched as paramedics frantically cut off his clothes.

Scott wasn't sure why he insisted on riding with Mitch to the hospital, but he wasn't sure how Mitch would hold up. Saying he was his boyfriend was the only way to overstep the policy so he did what he had to do.

Scott sent a quick text to his mother and watched Mitch. The people put a rag on his forehead and we're taking his blood pressure.

Mitch was opening up his eyes everyone in a while and squeezing them shut.

"Tell me your name." The lady demanded.

"Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi." He groaned.

Scott was biting his nails and scooted closer to Mitch. He grabbed his hand and tried to feel his pulse on his wrist, making sure it was steady.

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