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Scott invited Mitch to come over to work on a project for school, as well as eat dinner with them.

"Mitch is coming over for dinner, is that okay?" Scott asked his mom, who was making it with Lindsay.

Connie smiled, "Of course!"

Lindsay looked at Scott and scoffed, "Which one is that? The skinny one with black hair?"

Scott smiled and nodded. Lindsay rolled her eyes, "Oh."

Scott tilted his head slightly, "Is that a problem?"

Lindsay shrugged, "I don't like him is all."

"Why not? You two have only said hi to each other."

"He's a gay, he's abnormal." Lindsay said.

Scott stepped back a little, "That's no reason to hate someone!" Scott couldn't believe that his sister was against gay people. They had always been so close, but if she was against gays. Then she was against Scott.

Connie looked at Lindsay, "Honey, you can have your own opinions on someone. But just because of who he loves doesn't mean he isn't a good person. You don't need to be rude to him when he comes over for dinner either."

Lindsay scoffed and continued to make dinner. Scott left and went to sit on the couch to wait for Mitch.


When Mitch got there, Scott took him up to his room to put his book bag down.

"My mom and sister are making dinner and will call us down when it's ready. We can work on out English project until then." Scott mumbled.

Mitch nodded and unzipped his book bag. Scott sat on his bed, "So you said you would tell me what happened in first hour."

Mitch sighed, "You know how I had an abusive ex?"

Scott nodded slowly and waited for him to continue, "Well I moved and thought I got away from him, and then I saw him in first hour. I just remembered all the things he did to me and how he made me feel so I broke down."

"Who was it, and why didn't you tell Kirstie?" Scott asked.

Mitch shrugged, "Because I used to get bullied for being gay, and if I told her I had a boyfriend then she will tell everyone that I'm gay and I will get bullied. And it's that other new guy, Travis."

"I'm out to her and she didn't tell anyone, and she's friends with Alex who is openly gay to the whole school."

"Does he get bullied for being gay?" Mitch asked.

Scott shrugged, "Yeah."

"I don't want to be bullied, and that's probably why you're not out yet either." Mitch sassed.

Scott bit the inside of his cheek, "She wouldn't tell anyone, just saying."


Scott and Mitch were sitting at the dinner table, silent.

Scott was glaring at Lindsay, Lindsay was glaring at Mitch. Connie was glaring at her two children because of them glaring. Mitch just kept his head down.

"The food is great." Mitch squeaked.

Connie thanked Mitch and smiled a little.

Lindsay chuckled a little, "So Mitch, what do you like to do?"

Mitch looked at Lindsay, "Well I like to sing."

"Are you a tenor? I can tell because of your high voice, any reason your voice is high?" She asked sarcastically.

Scotts blood was boiling that Lindsay was acting so rudely. She wanted Mitch to say that he was gay so she could behave even more immaturely.

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