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Scott wrapped an arm around Mitch, helping him stand as Mitch's dad signed the papers.

"So what the fuck did you do again?" Mitch father shouted.

Mitch leaned into Scott, "S-someone beat me up."

Mitch's dad rolled his eyes, "And why is that."

Mitch thought for a moment, "I d-don't know."

Mitch's dad threw the papers at the lady behind the counter, "Fucking tell me boy." Mike leaned into Mitch's ear so he could whisper to him, "Do I need to teach you a lesson when we get home?"

Mitch shook his head violently, "S-someone thought I was g-gay."

Mitch looked at the ground with tears welling up in his eyes. Scott wanted to punch Mitch's father in the face for how he is showing no sympathy for Mitch.

Mitch's father scoffed and turned back to the lady, "I'm not paying for that dumb fuck."

Mitch let a tear fall to the ground as his father was calling him names. No one knew what to do about Mitch's dad, Mike, so they just watched as he was treating Mitch so poorly. Scott felt Mitch place a hand on his side and wanted to get Mitch back so he could rest.

Mitch was horrified that Scott had to see how his father acted, but what else could he have done? He could have Scott go back to his house because he needed a ride, and he couldn't have him just wait outside because he couldn't stand on his own. So Scott had to be there.

When Mike was finally done, Scott got Mitch out of there as soon as possible. Mike didn't really cared where Mitch stayed at nights so didn't care that he was going to Scotts.

Scott and Mitch had to have Connie take them to the gas station to pick up Scotts car to take them home. Connie had no problem taking them there and was worried sick about Mitch.

Mitch answered a million questions about how he was feeling and tried to wipe the tears away that were falling before anyone could see them.

When they all got to Scotts house Mitch was carried in by Scott and laid down on the couch. Mitch loved being in a actual home where there was just food laying around like it was nothing, and where the heating way actually on.

Scott brought water for Mitch and some fruit snacks. Mitch ate the fruit snacks very fast and sipped on the water.

"Do you want an actual meal?" Scott asked, noticing how Mitch ate the fruit snacks.

Mitch shook his head as a no, but was starving, literally.

"Are you sure? I'm getting food for me too." Scott mentioned. Scott wasn't actually hungry at all, but didn't want Mitch to feel weird if he wanted food.

"If it's not too much trouble, please." Mitch whispered.

Scott smiled proudly at himself and searched around the kitchen. He decided to make cup noodles, and some cookies from their cookie jar. Dinner was going to be served in a couple hours, so he didn't want to spoil that.

"Thank you." Mitch said, reaching one of the cups Scott was holding. Scott pulled it back so it was out of Mitch's reach.

"You are going to hurt yourself, I'll help you." Scott sat the cups back on the table and went to get the plate of cookies.

When he came back he saw that Mitch's hand was on his side still and biting his lip. Scott felt horrible that he went through that and sat down to held him eat.

"I can do it by myself." Mitch protested as Scott tried to feed him.

"No you can't, if you hold this bowl then you will need to sit up, causing pressure to sit on your broken ribs." Scott stated as he poked a fork at Mitch's lips.

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