Any minute....

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Have you ever thought of well, how the world may end? If you have then I'm pretty sure it was because of aliens, an asteroid or perhaps a nuclear warhead but what if I told you it would be water that would end the world? It would be kind of horrendous right. So I'll make this simple...

You see, scienctest have been watching the Earth's tectonic plates and observing them as they slowly move a few inches every year. Yet there is a bit of a problem with these moving plates. As you should know, tsunamis are caused by earthquakes or falling rock hitting the ocean floor and quite a few other reasons but what scientist are predicting is that within a few years two certain plates, which are more supposedly in the eastern northern area, will collide causing a massive earthquake within the layers of those two plates. Huge chunks of rock will fall and make a huge shock wave sending all throughout the ocean, creating waves bigger than almost a good quarter of the U.S. Now it won't stop there, after it is done practicaly flooding the entire United States, it will move onward towards the other continents and will only stop once it has hit an object bigger than it, which would cause it to die down and probably let the other half of the world live.

Now this prediction was made quite a while ago so this tsunami ( Which by the way scientest have decided to name it the mother of all waves ) can strike at any willing minute.

So pack your swimming gear and make sure you have a floaty for your dog cause this is not going to be a nice wave. Have a Terror-ific day...

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