Disney Secrets....

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I know we all heard of Walt Disney, for they are known for their remarkable movies that have been made over the years for everyone's entertainment. But where did they think up all of these brilliant movie ideas? And here's your answer..

You see most of their movies are based on history, let's take Pocahontas for example. In the first movie we met Pocahontas and John Smith and how they fell in love and what not. But then came out the second Pocahontas where John Smith was apparently "dead" yet still alive, then Pocahontas went to London to keep peace with her and King James.

Then Pocahontas meet John Ralph, then they fell in love and the rest of the movie happened. Now some history... You see Pocahontas didn't actually love John Smith in the first place, instead it was John Ralph who was courted to Pocahontas and then married. Yet at that time Pocahontas was around 14 while John Ralph was somewhere in his 30's. Anyway, they where married for a few years until Pocahontas was kidnapped and raped by her captures and then killed.

So there really was no happy ending in her side of the story. Congratulations another childhood ruined...

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