Chapter 19:Back Home

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I looked around and my heart sank. Fairy Tail was so different, so many people had left.... I saw Macao and Wakaba, they had definitely aged and it seemed so weird. We were really gone for 7 years?

I felt an arm slap around my shoulders and I looked to my right to see Gajeel.

"Why the long face? We're back, ain't we? We should celebrate!" Gajeel told me and I smiled, thankful for his upbeat attitude.

"Yo Romeo! Man, you've really grown!" Natsu said, his famous smile on his face. My heart squeezed when I saw Romeo's eyes well with tears as he nodded.

"So, I know this probably doesn't want to be brought up, but what happened to the guild?" Happy questioned and Jet signed.

"After everything that happened, many members of Fairy Tail left. Then, people stopped asking us for jobs. We weren't the number one guild anymore, thanks to-." He started, but Droy shushed him in-between bites of food.

"They don't need to know about that! Then they will want to enter!" Droy said and Erza towered over him, her eyes narrowed. "Don't hurt me!" Droy cried as he shielded himself with a plate.

"What do we not need to know about?" Erza questioned, her eyes curious but threatening.

"The Grand Magic Games." Jet explained, sighing. "We came in dead last every time."

"Talk about humiliation." Bisca said, a frown on her face. 

"We should enter then, just wait till they see what we are made of!" Natsu said happily, engulfing his fist in flames.

"The Grand Magic Games isn't as easy as it would sound. You have to be very skilled in order to be in it." Bisca explained and I sighed.

"Surely we can get 7 years worth of training in, we're Fairy Tail!" I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "Even if I'm not competing, I would still love to make up those 7 years." I said, looking at Gramps as if waiting for his approval. A sudden thought dawned on me and I looked around.

"Oh yeah, since Gramps was gone, who was Master?" I questioned and Macao held his hand up. "Then can we please enter the Grand Magic Games?" I pleaded, along with Natsu who nearly tripped me over with his begging.

"I don't know...." Macao trailed off and Natsu and I went over to Gramps. He was the last Master, after all!

"Please Gramps?" Natsu pleaded, cupping his hands together. Macao sighed before coming over.

"It's up to you, I would rather you be Master again anyway. Too much stress." Macao said as he pointed at his hair, which had lost its vibrant color. "Plus, if we won we would get a lot of prize money." Macao explained and Gramps eyes lit up.

"Alright, fine. You can all train if you want to that badly. Fairy Tail will be number one again!" Gramps said and we all cheered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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