A New Myth: Part 14

Comenzar desde el principio

Oh, poor guy. “That was her shabti. She gave us a plan to get her and Nico out.”


So, Nicole had shown up, telling me to go find my old girlfriend. I guess I should explain. After saving the world and becoming pharaoh, Zia and I had a good few months of coupleness (I don’t care if that’s not a word.) until she got called away.

She got offered to go teach professionally at the First Nome and help out. She had helped out there before, and it meant a lot to her. She came back for visits, but I didn’t get to see her that often. There you have it! The happy ever after, after the happy ever after. Didn’t end up so happy did it?

“Sadie,” I interrupted her music, walking into her room. “I have to go get Zia.”

“Brother dear, two things I must tell you. Do not interrupt me when I’m listening to Adele. Second, now is probably not the best time to go and try to get your girl back.”

“No, I’m not- I’m not trying to start our relationship over!” Okay, maybe that was a lie. But that wasn’t the only reason I was going. As I explained the situation to Sadie, she looked a bit hopeful.

“We can get Nico and Nicole back to safety?”

“That’s what Nicole said. I’ve got to go. Pass on the message to the others!” I said as I exited her room.

I hitched up our boat to Freak (long explanation, no time) and we traveled through a portal I set up.

With a squawk Freak landed a small while away from the First Nome.

“Here buddy.” I threw him a cold chicken that I had pulled out of the daut. It’s disgusting, but it keeps him happy. “Stay out of sight, okay? I’ll be back later.”

I left, walking through the small streets of Egypt. The hot dry air beat down on me, my feet kicking up the dust around me.

I wondered, how did Nicole know we needed Zia? Why did she think we needed her? Why was Zia necessary?

I entered the First Nome with those thoughts, shaking out of them when someone called my name.

Turning, I saw my uncle Amos heading towards me.

“Hi, Amos!” I greeted him.

“Hello Carter.” He sounded joyfully surprised. “What are you doing here?”

Oh, where to start. I could just image it.

Oh, hey uncle Amos! What am I doing here you ask? Well, apparently there are Greek gods as well, and now there’s a battle raging between the Egyptians and the Greeks. So, we ended up going a quest with demigods, one of our initiates died, I started crushing on a girl because I was that sore about losing Zia. Now we have two people trapped in a literal nothingness, we have to save them as well as keep the gods from destroying themselves and each other otherwise the world gets tossed into confusion. I was instructed to come get Zia to help out with this quest, and joyfully fling her into this mad danger. So nothing big.

“Long story.” I waved it off. “I need to get Zia. Do you know where she is?”

“I think she’s just taking a break around the shops.”

“Thanks Amos. I hope to see you later.” I said as I walked towards the street shops that we had at the entrance to the First Nome.

In her brilliance, she was quite easy to spot. She wore a flowing white shirt made of linin as is usual in Egypt. It showed off her caramel colored skin perfectly, her beautiful eyes rolled as another Magician tried to flirt with her.

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