Caged in Expectations

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Fuck being professional
Fuck being looked upon as stuffy

and uncaring

and perpetually trying to look good

I find it bothersome

And really, you should also

The reason for life is to live to the fullest
And you could never do that cooped up in your office
Perpetually pretending to care
When I know deep down that you don't care
You aren't allowed to care, really
About your patients
Your coworkers
Or even me.

But to me
You are everything
The very centre of my universe
The reason I do everything that I do

I haven't given up on you yet
It's been three years
All I ask is for you to notice me
The way I notice you
And look at me
With the same longing in your eyes
The longing that means you care
And I promise that I will look at you the same
And never let you down.

Reaching for the MoonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora