*Not an update*

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Hi guys!
Sorry this isn't an update but I'm going to talk about that. First off, I'm going to update every other Tuesday and Thursday. If that doesn't make any sense: one week I'll update on Tuesday, the next week is Thursday, then back to Tuesday and so on. And that is including all of the books. Since I only have 3 stories now I will be able to update all of them at one time.

Secondly, I want to talk about an issue that has been bugging me lately. Since this story is a fanfic it's perfect. Yes I am obsessed with books and tv shows; but I have a very good explanation not just because I want to like them. Books and tv shows have been my "escape" from reality. Sometimes things aren't going so good and I go to something that I enjoy. When I get criticized for being so engulfed in shows it's because I just wanted to get rid from something that I hate calling reality. That's why I like to write, especially fan fictions because it feels like I'm actually in that world with them.

So anyway that's the new updating schedule. I'm going to update Thursday of this week so next week it will be Tuesday, then the other Thursday... You get the point hopefully.

Thanks guys

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