3- dead meat

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We went into the hospital and Zak called out to anyone. "Please! She needs help! Please..." He pleads as a nurse walks up to me and checks me out. "What happened?" "Uh... Long story." "Follow me" she calls out as she starts walking to a room. Zak quickly sprints after her while holding onto me.

"Okay. So what's wrong sweetie?" "My head and my ankle." I realized that when we were running out of the house I fell in my ankle and I think I broke it. "Let me check your head... Oh dear. What did you do?" She asks coming back to my vision. "Uh..." "She slipped in the kitchen and slammed her head on the corner." Zak says me from saying 'oh a ghost threw a glass vase at my head'. "Sweetie. Your going to need stitches. I'll fill a slip in. So what's wrong with your foot?" "I feel down the stairs walking out of the house!" I blurt out.

"Okay. I'm going to need to take X-rays." She says walking out with her clipboard. Zak walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. "It's okay. It'll be okay." A few minutes of talking with Zak with his arms around me the doctor walks in. "Okay. So we are going to need to take a few X-rays of your foot. And put stitches in your head. We'll do that first." He says while glancing up at me.

(Ik it's boring I'm sorry!!!!!!!!)
*skipping rest of hospital visit*

We found out that my foot is broken in many different places, I have a concussion, and I needed 25 stitches. I'm going to be at Zak's house for a while until I can actually walk again and until we fix the whole demon thing at my house. "Crap." "What?" "I don't have anything of mine here." "It's okay. You can use some of my stuff." Zak says as he pulls out sweat pants and a shirt; obviously black.

I get dressed in the big and comfy clothes and headed down the stairs into the kitchen where I see Zak leaned over a pan of something. "Whatcha cookin?" I ask as I lean against the counter next to Zak.

"Oh some steak with mashed potatoes with corn and carrots. Topped with a brown gravy... I hope you're not allergic to anything!" Zak says as he snaps his head to look at me. "No I'm not... Calm down. That's actually like all of my favorite foods put together." "Really?" "Yeah." We continue to chat and get to know each other while Zak is finishing his 'creation'. Once he finally finished dinner he sets out red wine, candles and lays rose petals around the table.

"Should I change?" I ask staring down at my sweats and t-shirt. "Yes. But I have something upstairs for you so you don't have to go home!" He yells running around the table, grabbing my body to carry me upstairs into his room. Once I enter the room I see this beautiful black dress with a sweetheart neckline and small gem stones on the lining of the neck. Next to it is a pair of flats with a small heel. "Why don't I get to wear high heals?" I question him as he walks into the bathroom. "Because I love our height difference and I don't want to lose it by you wearing heels!" He yells as he's digging through the cabinet under the sink.

"Got it- ow!" I crawl over to Zak holding his head and a small bag. "You okay?" "Yeah I'll be fine. This is for you." He says handing me the little silver bag. I open the Velcro while he watches me carefully. Inside is a velvet case; I open the case to a dazzling gem necklace. The whole necklace is silver with light blue colored gems. "Oh my god... Zak!" I jump to give him a hug and he gladly excepts it. "It was my mothers. She's not dead yet but she said once I know I found the right one To give her this. I'm sure it's you."

Zak had to carry me back into the room and put me down on the bed. He hovered over me as he stared deeply into my eyes. His usual coffee brown/hazel eyes are now a deep dark brown. "Zak" I say barley above a whisper. "Sh." He silences me as he connects his lips with mine. You could taste the gum that he was chewing earlier; mmm strawberry. "HEY ZAK! YOU HOME!?" We pull apart as we hear Aaron's voice from downstairs.

Zak groans in frustration as he climbs off of me. "Get on." He says as he leans down signaling he wanted to give me a piggy back ride because of my foot. I hop onto his back feeling his back muscles flexing as he runs downstairs into the living room where aaron is sitting eating a bag of Doritos. "Really dude?" Zak questions as we reach the bottom of the stairs and he drops me off on the couch.

"Is this fancy dinner all set up for me?" "Uh no. It's for me and Amanda." "Oh I see." Aaron replies sending me a wink. "Wait. I still need to get dressed!" "What were you doing up there then?" I look at Zak as I don't know what to say. "We were talking about what to do with the demon at her house." He replied to the goofball like it was nothing. "Sure. That's why you have lipstick all over your face and her hair is messed up right?"

My hands rush quickly to my head to smooth out my hair. Zak grabs a wet towel and starts scrubbing his face. "Wait a minute. I didn't have any make up on." If looks could kill Aaron would be dead by Zak. "Yeah I was kidding with you. But your hair is all over the place." I crawl into the bathroom to see my hair sticking up in every way possible. After my hair is somewhat tamed I crawl back into the living room and plop my butt on the couch turning on none other than Ghost Adventures.

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