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We were watching the poveglia episode. I was mouthing every word to this while Zak and Aaron looked at me as if I was crazy. "What? It's my favorite episode!" "Oh thanks. Your favorite episode is when your boyfriend is possessed for over an hour and got something attached to him." Zak says with sarcasm dripping off every word.

"My boyfriend?" "Yeah me." "Since when were you my boyfriend?" "Fine. Amanda Johnson, would you do the amazing honor of being my girlfriend?" Aaron is sitting behind Zak screaming his head off.

"Yes I would." Zak pulls me into a kiss then Aaron had to ruin it by jumping on me! "Aaron! Get off fatty!" I yell as I'm still being sandwiched between the two. Aaron slowly climbs off and crawls into a corner. "Aw Aaron! Come back! I'm sorry buddy."

I climb off of Zaks lap and crawl towards Aaron. (A/N she still had her cast on from when she broke her foot!) I sit next to the big teddy bear and put my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry buddy." He gives me a big hug then runs upstairs laughing like a maniac.

Zak walks over to me and varied me to the couch. "Island of the dolls or Valentine's Day special?" He asks me as he's going through the episodes. "Island of the dolls!" I yell with excitement.

"Oh my god! That doll just laughed!" "How do you think I felt?" "You bolted out so don't even think about it." "He wouldn't let go of me when we started walking back in." Aaron said laughing. "Shut up. You know I'm terrified of dolls. So you're lucky that I went on that investigation." "Yeah yeah."

After that we just watched random episodes. Of course they weren't made to go in a specific order so we didn't care. Eventually I slowly drifted to sleep while I cuddled into Zak.

~Next Day~
I awoke in my queen sized bed and an arm wrapped around me. I turn my head and see Zak peacefully sleeping next to me. He looks so adorable! Like a little puppy!

I stayed in bed for who knows how long and watched Zak sleep. I mean c'mon, when is the next chance I'm able to see Zak Bagans shirtless and sleeping next to me? "Morning." I whispered to him as he regained his vision.

"Hi. How did you sleep?" He asks rubbing he sleepiness out of his eyes. Good, knowing you slept next to me; I thought to myself.

"Fine. What about you?" I question as I turn my body fully around to face him. "The best I've had in a while actually. For some reason the past couple of months, the spirits in my house have been crazy. Especially when I'm sleeping."

I nod in acknowledgment while I stare into his eyes. "Your eyes are mesmerizing" I barley whisper. "Yours are beautiful." His morning voice is so deep and raspy. Ugh he's killing me with it. "Did you know that I feel really happy when I'm around you?" "Really?" "Yeah. It's hard to describe but when I see you, or hear your voice, or someone talks about you, I can't help but smile." I smile at him from his sweet message.

"But you just met me, how do you already feel like that?" I ask him quietly. "Faith?" "You're so cheesy. But yeah it could be." We laid in my bed and just talked for what seemed like forever. Aaron decided to run through the door giving me a heart attack.

"Aaron! What are you doing?" Zak yells as he throws a pillow at the man who ran in. "I needed to make sure I wasn't going to see little Zak's running around soon." Aaron says with a smirk as he launches the pillow back at Zak, but hits me in the face instead. "Uh oh" "Aaron!" I yell.

Aaron runs out of the room and I chase after him. I run down the stairs into the living room to see the entire crew standing 5 feet away from me. Nick, Aaron, Billy, Jay, Bill, Gary, Mark & Debby everyone was there! "What's going on guys?" I question as I walk towards them.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all yell at once. "Thanks? But it's not my birthday." All of them turn towards Aaron who had a guilty look on his face. "But you said that the 3rd is your birthday." "No, my birthday is the 30th." I give him a sympathetic smile in return of his sad face.

I approach Aaron and give him a hug for trying. As I am doing that Zak walks down in just his underwear, his hair messy, and his glasses on. "Did you kill Aaron yet?" He asks finally looking up.

"Holy s***!" He yells running upstairs. "Why didn't you tell me people were down there!?" He yells from upstairs. "I would think you would've put pants on!" I yell back. Honestly, I wish he walked around all day like that. But since there is people here I don't want him running around practically naked.

Most of the people go home after Zak came back down. Only Aaron stayed after because everyone else needed to take care of stuff. But I didn't care, Zak on the other hand was not happy.

"You are not staying over! You have your own house!" Zak argues with Aaron. "Why not? I'm lonely over there and we always go to each others houses. Why is now so different?" "Because I already have someone!" I stop rearranging the pillows when I hear Zak yell.

Aaron doesn't respond but he walks out of the kitchen and slams the door shut when he leaves. I sit on the couch waiting to figure out what to do.

I hear glass break and Zak start to scream. I run over to the kitchen and see him on the floor with his head in his hands and him crying. I quietly approach him and wrap my arms around him.

What am I going to do?

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