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We stop at a cheap hotel a while down the road for the night. I had to wait outside in the car with Gracie so we could sneak her up since there are no dogs allowed.

Knock Knock

I open the car door and let Gracie climb out. Zak hooks the leash onto her collar and grabs my hand. He pulls out the key card and walks us to the staircase. "We got a room on the second floor so it isn't that much stairs"

We safely reach the room and I immediately fall back on the bed. Gracie spins in a couple circles then eventually lays down in front of the queen bed. "I'm going to get stuff for your head." I nod in response and hear the door click shut. As I'm about to finally fall asleep I hear banging on the hotel door.

"Zak I thought you-" I'm abruptly stopped when a hand is covering my mouth. I try and fight back but  there are more guys that hold me down. "Look at what he brought! A girl. Now we can really mess with him." Before he can do anything Gracie wakes up and starts to bark loudly.

"Shut the mutt up!" A guy lets go of me and pulls out a knife heading towards Gracie. My eyes widen in terror and I fight more then I was before. Gracie is snapping and growling at the man.

"Get off of her!" I feel the man being lifted off of me and I run towards Gracie. I kick the guy in the side and grab and hold Gracie. I watch Zak get a punch to the gut and the face. "Cmon Zak." I whisper to myself.

I guess I was to caught up in me watching Zak because a guy grabs me from behind and throws me over his shoulder. "ZAK!" I scream as more guys drag me outside the room. I remember Zak teaching me some kick boxing so I try and use that.

I end up knocking both guys down but not for long so I run. I run up the stairs into the door for the 4th floor and run towards the elevator. "Get her!" I hear from behind me.

"Faster!" I yell as I slam my finger on the down button. Finally the doors open and the guys are running closer to the door and I close them. But one manages to slip in and grabs me. "Get. Off!" I yell as I punch him in the face and kick him in the stomach. The elevator dings on 2 and I run down the hallway towards our room.

I see the door still opened and 4 guys on the floor not moving. I turn around and see Zak with a lamp ready to hit me. I flinch back and Zak retreats his hand back. "I'm sorry" he says in my hair as he pulls me into a hug. "I should've told you but I wanted to keep you safe." I run my hand on his back and he seems to calm down.

I hear pit and pats coming from behind me so I turn around and find Gracie. I let go of Zak and hug Gracie and Zak eventually joins in.

"You gonna tell me what that was about?" I ask him after we let go of Gracie and now he's packing everything while j sit on the bed. "Yes" a few seconds of silence pass before I speak again "when?" "Not now. We need to go. Cmon Gracie" he grabs her leash and leads her outside the room then turns around.

He puts the bags down and tells Gracie to stay then he approaches me. He kneels in front of me and starts to speak "I promise I will tell you. I just need to wait until this stops or at least calms down." "Why can't you tell me now?"

"I don't need you to know even more then think you do. Trust me I want to tell you everything right now but I can't. It's just because I want to keep you safe and since they know you're with me they will try anything to get to you. But I'm not letting that happening so I need to keep you under the radar and that means not telling you everything just yet. And- I don't want you to leave me when I tell you."

"So you're saying that I'm in danger for being with you and you're going to keep me hostage?" I ask raising my voice. "No! I don't want you to feel trapped! S**t!" He yells punching the wall. He rests his against the wall, his hand still in the hole he punched. "No I don't want you to feel like that. I don't want you to feel like you're stuck here if you don't want to be. But you need to trust me. That's the most you can do right now. Trust me and just be with me until I settle this. I need you to promise me this."

His eyes burn into the side of my head which is facing the ground. Do I really trust him enough to follow him around? Most importantly do I trust him to keep me safe?

"You are telling me if I promise you that, that you will be telling what the heck is going on right now?" "Yes"

"And that you will protect me with your life? I don't mean to be selfish but I'm trying to understand your point here." "No you're not being selfish. And yes I will put you before me always. No matter what will happen whether or not it's a gun to the head or a ball."

I grab his hands which are placed on my knees. "Then yes I promise"

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