14 (Prisoners)

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Roxy's POV
I felt a throbbing pain in my head. I heard whispers an murmuring.
"Hyung, how long is she going to be asleep."
"I don't know sehun"
"Hope she is dead."
"hey guys, look. Her eyes are moving."
just then , someone poked my cheek and I growled. My eyelids fluttered open and I was faced with the maknae, Sehun. I screamed and pounced on him . "Hyung! Roxy is attacking me!!!! Help!!!" I realised that he meant no harm so I got off him. "Where am I ?" I hissed. "You are at our palace," Suho said calmly. Shit! In the enemy's territory. "Wait! Where is the ashes " I managed to choke without breaking down. Kris took out a bottle from his pocket. It contained some black substance. I rushed to him but something was stopping my hand. I felt a cold object around it. Just great, I was chained to the wall. My neck too. "Seriously, a collar?" I asked. "Hey, why do u have black fire?" Chanyeol asked. To be frank, I actually don't know myself. I mean I just lost control. "Chanyeol, I actually don't know." I replied. "Liar," Luhan said, rolling his eyes. "Okay then, just answer a few questions. Where are u from, where do u stay and who are you?" Kai asked. Obviously, I am not going to give away my identity. "I am Roxy and the rest, I don't know." I replied coldly. I looked across the room to only meet eyes with baekhyun who was smiling at me. His smile was angelic and I kind of like..... Wait, snap out of it!!!! What am I thinking!!!! I shook away my thoughts and said," now leave! Give me some privacy to talk with the ashes of my friend thanks to you Luhan!" "Your wel..." Before Luhan could continue. Baekhyun marched to him and dragged him out of the room. The other boys tailed along.
i sat there and cried. I knew these chains were power proof, so if I used my powers, they will not work and I will get electric shocked. My life is now in a mess. I have powers, I myself do not know. The power seems to be a new kind as I have never seen or study it before. My friend is a royal who I am supposed to kill. I am in my enemy's territory. I need to kill them but I myself am a prisoner of them. Now, thanks to my carelessness, one of my best friends are now ashes. I opened the cap bottle and cried. My friend, he is forever gone. I can never revive him again. I cried my eyes out. I have never ever felt this type of pain in my heart ever. It is just utterly, painful. Not physically but mentally. My tears dripped into the bottle and a few ashes became damp. I stopped crying and but the bottle in my pocket after much problems due to the chains. I sat in a corner and changed into my wolf form. I coiled myself and rested my head on my paw. My life really sucks.

[C] Dangerous Beauty Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin