12 (The Battle~1)

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Author's POV
The day of the battle finally came. Roxy out on the assigned uniform . She looked into the mirror and grinned. Finally , she could experience some action and violence. She walked out of her home and headed toward SM High . When she entered the gates and she met Soomi and 2NE1. They waved at her excitedly. Dara smiled and said," So girls, your ready?" "Ever ready," Roxy replied enthusiastically.

The competitors assembled in the great hall. Every student had to sign a form and get their Battle schedule. As the girls were signing up, some of the students were preparing for the match. This kind of felt like the hunger games to Roxy. Just then, Roxy felt a shove. She turned around and saw Luhan smirking. He whispered into her ear," See u at the match. May the best win." Roxy scowled and walked off. Roxy recieved her Battle Schedule and headed off.

Her first battle was Hand Combat. Obviously, no students were as strong as Roxy. She defeated most of them easily in just a few seconds or minutes. In the end, she came in first.
Next battle was Species Battle. Roxy stood in the arena, facing her competitor. Her competitor smirked before turning herself into a brown wolf. The wolf lunged at Roxy, trying to tackle her down. Roxy was alert and immediately dodged the attack. Roxy still was not in her wolf form and many students were chanting her name, asking her to change. Out of the blue, Roxy was caught off guard as she saw Luhan and the Exo boys smirking at laughing. She so wanted to wipe that smirk off their faces later in Power Combat. Roxy was unaware that her competitor had charged towards her. The wolf pounced towards Roxy. When Roxy realised the outcome, she immediately tried I dodge the attack. Unfortunately, Roxy was only able to dodge the tackle, the wolf managed to scratch her arm. The wolf felt triumph as she saw the damage she had done. The scratch was really deep and most people would have just gave up on the spot, but remember, Roxy is used to these typed of "small" cuts . Roxy growled , boiling with rage. She immediately charged towards her competitor. In mid air, Roxy changed into a Snow White creature. Her eyes were dangerously blue. Her opponent, stunned by the attack of a injured student, stood there rooted to the ground. Most students diverted their attention to the beautiful white wolf, with blue eyes. Nobody has ever seen such a wolf before. Even EXO were staring at the majestic animal right before their eyes. Roxy tackled the wolf to the ground and pinned her down. The wolf struggled but Roxy's strength was unbelievably strong. Roxy snarled at her opponent, before knocking her out with a punch. Roxy got off her limp opponent and held her head high. She stood pose, infront of the hundreds of stunned students. She changed back and left the arena. ( the wolves are not naked when they change back. Magically, their clothes are back Them when they change back)

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