Takara's strategy.

Start from the beginning

She begun talking words of the Uchiha clan's desires, making my eyes grow and my heart stop in fear. "Sasuke didn't know, right!?" I asked in a panicked shriek.

"Of course not, he is to young to have any part in such a plan!" She crouched down to my level and hugged me. "And in years to come we'll all be reunited and Sasuke will have his memories of you back."

"Are you sure?" I asked in chokes as my tears stung like needles. She nodded with a smile on her face. "Good." I hissed, muffled by her hoddie.

"Come on, we have to wait for Itachi." She smiled, taking my hand and walked me to the village gates. We were silent. Izari didn't want to push my emotions over the edge and I wanted to remain silent. We came to the village gates and only had to wait for a few seconds until Itachi showed up. He held his head down and silent tears in his eyes, failing to hold them back as he walked in heavy, tragic steps. "Itachi, dear god." Izari whispered, walking towards the scared thirteen year old, Uchiha.

Itachi had his head raised by Izaris hands, showing heavy lids, begging to squeeze shut and let him scream out to the world how much he hated it. She wiped his tears away with her thumbs, lingering under his eyes. "He has his Sharingan, now." He mumbled, showing pride in his brother but sadness in his heart. Izari kissed him, softly and collapsed her fingers inbetween his.

"Come on, we have to leave." Izari spoke just above a whisper.

"Itachi, are you okay?" I mumbled, thinking he felt more upset than he should.

"Wait, I need to tell Takara the rest." This made my attention snap.

"Are you sure?" 

"What are you talking about? Tell me." I demanded, having Itachi nod at Izari and crouch down to my level and tell me what I couldn't adjust to.

"Sasuke is safe but due to the plans my clan made I had to make a choice." He started, making me worry as he began to fight off his tears. The next words came from his mouth made me fall into his arms. "Takara?" He questioned.

"Thank you, so much.. For taking on such a burden to slay everyone but him, you have no idea how relieved I am that you chose to carry that guilt in order to keep Sasuke alive." I felt shock run through his body but relief that I still trusted him and didn't fear him. His arms wrapped around me and covered me in comfort. I yawned and sunk all of my weight into the older Uchiha, drifting off to sleep to dream of the day that I'd see Sasuke, again.

I remembered that day and to the look of it, so did Sasuke. It was differnt back then; My feared expression only lasted a split second until I was positive that Sasuke was safe. I clinged to Sasuke and watched Itachi. The two AMBU were pinned to trees by Itachi's Kunai and Danzo was being held by the neck and pushed against another tree by Itachi himself. "May I remind you that I'm here and alive so it just makes it easier to keep an eye on your actons. Your hunger for power over the village is sickening and you will not come near Takara or Sasuke or you'll have me to anwser to." He thretened, his voice less calm than usual.

"Not to mention the fact that if you touch her I'll, withouot a doubt kill you." Sasuke added, tightening his grip around me but keeping his death stear at the old man.

"I'd have thought you'd have already tried." Danzo spoke in a scrunched up, morphed tone.

"Shut up!" I screamed, shooting my head to death stear him.

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke's tone grew louder with his curiosity but his pitch remained low.

"I thought they told you about why Itachi commited the massacur." He coughed further, under Itachi's grip. Sasuke knew that Itachi was forced to commit the crime, due to the his Farthers plans but he didn't know the elders forced him to make the descion to choose between killing everyone and saving him or letting someone else kill evryone, including him. He only knew that the third Hokage tried to figure a way out of it and ran out of time, forcing Itachi to take action. 

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