(1) Another Day another Way

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"Some things just don't change I guess..." I shrugged as we drove around the city.

"Wouldn't it be nice if everyone was treated the same? No one would care who is a predator or prey, how big or small or what species you are." I sighed, looking out the window.

"Yeah, it would." Nick agreed. I looked at him.

"Why haven't you quit? I mean, being a police officer obviously bothers you because people are-"

"Well, have I been bothered by it? Yes. I have but let me ask you this, why haven't you quit Carrot?" Nick cut me off.

"I guess because- wait a second... Did you just seriously answer my question with your question then answer that question?" I exclaimed.

"Taught you well." He smirked as we drove around some more.

"I was kinda hoping Bogo was joking about the whole meter maid thing but apparently no one else can do it." Nick said.

"Eh no matter I guess... Maybe tomorrow we can do some actual mission you know-" we were cut off by a car whizzing past us.

"WOAH!" You okay?" Nick asked as he slammed on the brake.

"Who was that?!" I asked "It can't be Flash again..."

"Nope that's not Flash- let's chase it!" Nick said, "FINALLY! Something interesting!"

We chased the car as it drove past the ZPD. "Pretty risky to be driving fast round here don't you think?" I asked.

"They probably are really desperate to get away..." Sirens could be heard behind us. Looking behind I saw a bunch of police cars.

"Or they are a serious criminal- at least 20 police cars are behind us!" I called.

We watched as the car stopped and a squirrel scurried out, pulling a black case with him.

"We won't make it if we go by car, we have to follow on foot!" Nick exclaimed, stopping the car and dragging me out.

Nick's P.O.V

We both followed the squirrel as it climbed over a fence. Other police officers had began to chase on foot as well, one including Bogo.

"You two shouldn't be here." Bogo said. "This criminal mastermind has stolen Zootopia's most prized possession."

"We can help!" Carrot yelled, hopping beside him.

"We got Bellwether, we can get this guy." I called out as we all climbed the fence the thief climbed mere seconds ago.

Carrot and I ran ahead of Bogo and the police crew, just in time to see the squirrel dive into a hole.

The squirrel was easy to catch, surrendering almost immediately under pressure and chucking us the case.

"That wasn't really hard." I pouted.

"So much for a criminal mastermind huh?" Carrot exclaimed as I leaned against her.

Her small body obviously wasn't strong enough to hold MY light weight so we fell to the floor.

Welcome to Zootopia! (One Shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang