The Chuunin Exams- Phase One

Start from the beginning

Kago growled loudly at all the noise, and they all shut up. He's almost scarier than me when he wakes up. At least, that's what Akira told us. Sakura and Sasuke came up to the bed, shaking me to get me up, but I death glared at them and they backed off. Pretty sure I had a dark aura swirling around me, I snapped at Sasuke's prodding finger that came too close. He pulled back, slightly glaring at me, but had an exasperated look. 

Kago stratched, waking up because of all the commotion, and whined as Akira came in and chuckled when he saw us. He motioned for everyone to go outside. They all followed, save for Lucifer, who was in the kitchen since god-knows-what-time making breakfast. I teased him often about being like a housewife instead of a big, bad Demon King, to which he tickled me and made me beg for mercy. The end.

Akira came up to me and whispered in my ear, low enough for no one outside to hear, "Ku-chan, wake up~" he said in a baby voice. 

A shiver crawled up my spine as I jumped out of the bed, remembering his old nickname for me. I slowly walked like a zombie to my door, where the others were, listening for any sounds. Opening the door in Sasuke's face, I glared at them and they looked away nervously. 

"Kuroi-chan's awake!" Naruto said in awe. I looked over at him. 

"No kidding, Sherlock." I said. He looked at me then to Akira in disbelief. 

"And she's not mad at anyone!' he said, almost looking alarmed. Sasuke and Sakura were looking amazed and panicked as well, Sasuke's widened eyes were the only hint of emotion. Sighing, I looked at my team, who were looking from me to Akira and back again. 

"What?" I asked, getting sick of their stares.

Seeming to snap out of their 'let's-all-stare-at-Kuroi-for-no-apparent-reason' trance, Sakura spoke first. 

"You're awake, not angry, and came out of the room without any...casualties." she said, struggling for the right words. I sweatdropped. 

"Guys, Kuroi's not that bad, you just need to know what to do to wake her." Akira chimed in. I sent him a dry look as I walked back into my room, pushing them all the way out. 

"I'll be down in a minute, you guys go ahead." I muttered, stifling a yawn. They nodded and went downstairs as I closed my door, ans walked to the adjoining bathroom in my room. Showering, brushing my teeth, I did the basic stuff and closed my eyes as I picked a random outfit for today from my cupboard. It was a freaking LONG white dress, but whatever. I put it on and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Naruto smiled when he saw me and fiddled with my dress. 

*You look pretty, Kuroi-chan!* he said happily, I grinned and ruffled his hair. 

*Thanks, Naru. You look pretty spiffy too.* I said, sitting next to him at the table, where Lucifer placed a plate of toast, bacon and eggs set up to look like a smiley face infront of me. I looked at the plate and smiled. 

"I'm not a child, Lucifer. A smiley face, really?" I asked, sending him an 'are-you-serious-look. He sent a small smile towards me, and I sighed. 

"It's so cute!" I said, looking down at my plate, earning a few sweatdrops. 

"Apart from that, when was the last time I had bacon!?" I squealed, and dug in, stuffing my face with the bacon, only to see Lucifer and Sasuke smirking, while Sakura was staring at me wide eyed. Naruto, however, was eating normally. Yeah, he had pretty much gotten used to me begin like this. 

"What!?" I asked, swallowing my bacon. Sasuke turned away, snickering, while Sakura looked at me in shock. 

"WHAT!?" I asked again, looking at her. 

In the Naruto world, where there aren't any cookies (Book 1 of The New Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now