Chapter 19

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I looked up in the sky and rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing everything properly. It was a Lazer Light show and it said the words 'Happy Birthday Chloe!!' It had a picture of me with all of my friends that we had the lifeguard, that just got off duty, take the picture on the beach.
After the words vanished and the picture a show of pictures of me with my friends during the summer, that happened so far.
After several pictures there was a very emotional video, that started to play.
"Hey Chloe! It's your sixteenth birthday and we want to make it special!!" They all shouted in together.
But then the video ended very abruptly. I looked around and noticed all of my friends gone.
"Alright everyone let Chloe Lukasiak walk to the front, she is going to want to see this! Let's face it babe you are so short!" Josh said through a microphone.
Before I know it everyone made a path for me to walk to the front. I see a huge stage standing right there with all of my friends standing on it.
"So twinnie... Wait first everyone I am Paige and the idiotic boy is my brother who is dating Chloe. His name is Josh and our older sister is Brooke and we are the Hylands. Anyway so Chloe we know you are having a tough summer so we want your Sweet Sixteen special!" Paige exclaimed and informed everyone.
"Hey ChloBird! People I am Kalani by the way. Today you got your driver license and we came to Disney and to top it off you have all your friends up here embarrassing you!! We love you so much Chlo!!" Kalani said

Then everyone started leaving the stage except one person for some reason.

"Hey everyone I am Brooke!! So Chloe you might of noticed everyone left so we have a surprise for you!! We hope you enjoy!! Love you Chloe!!" Brooke exclaimed and then sprinted straight of the stage and to behind the curtains.
Then the curtains shut and all lights around us turn off. I start to get quite worried and afraid of what's happening and what is coming up next.
All of a sudden the curtains open with instruments everywhere. The was drums, guitars, keyboards, and multiple of microphones.
Brandon, Gino, and Dylan (Nia's Boyfriend) all come out and head to the drums. Then Mikey, Hayes, Eric (Kendall's Boyfriend) and Lucas came and grab the guitars. Then out came all the girls they stood near the microphones that are in the stand things. The last but not least, the one and only Josh Hyland came and grabbed the one microphone that had no stand.
    "Chlo, this is for you!!" Josh exclaimed with a wink.
     I hear a lot of 'awws' and squeals in the crowd. Before I know it a really cute song came on.

       They started to sing 'Count on Me'. The girls or backup singers did extra ending words and the chorus like the number lines.
     After the first few lines I wa balling of tears. My friends are so sweet and I can't even imagine what would happen during this summer if they weren't here.
      It was halfway through the song and the girls, still singing, came down grabbed my arms and started to pull me on to the stage. I didn't resist because that would be rude.
      At the end of the songs the crowd was whooping, hollering and clapping away. I was wiping my tears away and all of my friends ran and we had a huge group hug.
      We finished the day by taking pictures with princesses and characters and then we went back to the hotel. I changed into pajamas and cuddled into Josh in the bed. I fell into deep sleep in no time.
Happy Easter!!!
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