"Are you going to move? I do need to take a seat." Louis said to him sourly.

"Sure." Harry said quietly, turning and taking a seat next to me. 

"I was going to sit there." Louis stated.

"Sorry sweetcheeks, you can sit next to me though." He smirked, pointing to the only seat left on the row.

Louis looked to me and I mouthed 'please'. He rolled his eyes. "Fine." He grumbled, placing his books on the desk. "Sorry Niall, there’s no more seats left." 

"That's fine; I need to talk to Josh anyways." Niall smiled and skipped his way to the back of the room.

"Oh don't seem so sad about it, I'm not a bad guy." Harry smiled to Louis.

"Pft. Yeah and I have a small butt." Louis replied sarcastically.

"We both know that’s not true." Harry smirked. Louis rolled his eyes and muttered something to himself, resting his head on his arms. The teacher walked in and began the class.

"I'm surprised you actually sat next to me." Zayn leaned over and whispered to me.

"Would I have had a choice?" I asked.

"Maybe for now you would've." He replied.

"Meaning?" I inquired.

He chuckled. "Meaning that you might've not sat with me now but I'd find a way to get to you."

I looked to my left to make sure Harry and Lou weren't listening. Louis still had his head in his arms looking bored, while Harry seemed to be thinking about something. "And when you say 'get to me', what exactly are you referring to?"

"Whatever you want me to be referring to." He answered, leaning back in his chair and chewing on the bottom of his pen. 

Different possibilities popped in my mind. Some were normal and natural, while others were things I shouldn't be even thinking about and I wanted out of my head. Is Zayn playing some game or does he want certain things from me? I shook my head, I shouldn't be thinking about him in any way other than possibly friendship, because frankly even if Zayn were gay or bisexual, he wouldn't go out with me and the fact that I'm even thinking thoughts like this are insane! He is messing up my mind with his stupid riddles.

I felt the vibration of my phone in my pocket. I took it out and hid it as I read the message so the teacher wouldn't catch me out. It was Louis.

Lou- Yeah I'm bored and you're fucking dead for making me sit here. Oh and btw, I know you haven't noticed and don't make it too obvious when you look but Zayn hasn't stopped starring at you for a couple minutes now, it's like he's trying to read your mind or something.

I thought about his words and attempted the subtle stretch and look around to see where Niall is, taking a glimpse at Zayn while doing so. His eyes went down when I turn, as he played with a piece of paper. I looked back to the front. The teacher was explaining something but I wasn't going to begin paying attention to it. I don’t actually know how we pass this grade; no one bothers to listen more than half the time. 

Me- Sorry, at least he isn't trying to talk to you anymore. Harry seems to be thinking a lot about something though. And he was probably lost in thought, just looking in my direction.

I pressed send and Louis being the idiot he is, left his sound on high and his phone made some weird noises indicating he got a new message. Eyes went to him but he just pretended it wasn't his and eventually people went back to what they were doing. The only person who still had their eyes on Louis, other than me was Harry. He had a small smile on his face when he looked at Louis and it made me think something was going on with him. I watched as Louis finally looked my way and smirked, causing Harry to look towards the front again. He slipped his phone underneath the desk and his fingers began typing, until again, I felt a vibration.

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