Chapter Thirteen: Venom

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A/N: I love hearing your thoughts on the chapter so never be afraid to comment! I'm calling out to you, anonymous readers~ ;)

Also, I may or may not have drawn Ghiralink fanart last night that I'm obsessed with that may or may not be at the end of this chapter...

Oh! Before I forget: congrats to hetaliary for finding what chapter the reference in 'Devious' was from - Bonus 1 from Owned. Love youuu~!

"So she sealed him in a necklace?" Link questioned aloud, accepting another spoonful of broth from Fate. "I don't think that would hold very well."

"Perhaps she entrusted it to someone, or currently wears it, herself. A physical bearer of the object could strengthen its defenses," the sword spirit suggested.

Ghirahim shook his head. "Neither she nor the young princess were wearing a necklace, and I didn't encounter anything else. Fate, have you sensed any terribly strong presences while we've been here?"

She paused. "Zelda and Princess Zelda both have strong presences, although the older one's radiates far more power. You and Master Link both have strong presences. There is another presence, as well, but it is not evil and it is some distance away. Other than that, I sense nothing even close to your levels."

"So wherever Ganondorf is, he isn't nearby." Link sighed in relief. "That's good."

"Or his power is diminished by the seal," Ghirahim countered.

"That's not good."

" isn't. He could be anywhere."


"'Despite Link's desperate pleas to cease the battle where it was, I ignored him. I was just about to let my arrow loose when Ghirahim shot a glance over at me, shoving Impa away, before asking, The last time...? Does that're Sheik? I didn't hesitate to answer. I am. With that, I released the Light Arrow, and hit my target dead on,'" Ghirahim read quietly, his voice strangely meek.

Link had buried his head into the demon's chest, and although his sobs were silent, the demon lord felt tears wet his shirt and skin. Fate sat beside them, letting Link squeeze her hand whenever he felt he needed to.

Ghirahim let out a soft sigh. "'Lana released Link, and he immediately rushed over to Ghirahim, clutching at his wrist, holding onto his pulse desperately. Ghirahim? I was shocked at how choked his voice was, and how sad he actually sounded.'

"'I didn't understand, not until he had started to cry, and even then I don't think I did. He turned to me with a mixture of sorrow and fury in his gaze. His words were low and quiet, but still jagged. What have you done? I didn't know what I had done, but Impa answered for me while I stared on in shock. She's freed you, Link. Lana, twitching and faltering, gently rested a hand on the Hero's shoulder, but he pushed her away. Get out. When we didn't move at first, he yelled it at us. Get out!'

"'I fled, and my two allies came with me. I shut the door behind us, burying my face in my hands. What have I done? What have I done? I couldn't stop pacing. My vision blurred. I couldn't think - I couldn't think of anything but the fact that I had just ruthlessly killed a man that my Hero had desperately begged me not to kill. The door wasn't sound proof - we all heard him crying, although I'm sure it didn't affect the others as much as it affected me.'"

Link's grip tightened around Fate's hand, and the sword spirit pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. Ghirahim halted if only for a few moments, hugging the shorter male close and nuzzling into his hair. After a few seconds, he took in a soft breath and continued.

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