Chapter Four: Trust

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A/N: You guys are saying this story is so amazing and we're not even to the good part yet.

The meal seemed almost uncomfortable - because although the family was typically rather quiet at mealtimes, Kiara was constantly rattling off about something or other, and Jaden listened and responded while Jo, Link, and Lea looked on with smiles.

Link watched Ghirahim, who sat in his peripheral vision as they ate. His appearance was attractive, yes, but it was altogether very strange. His eyes gleamed in a way that gave the blonde chills. And he seemed to remember more than the other did, but he didn't seem very keen to share that information.

"Fate, can you hear me?" Link questioned, reaching out with his mind towards the sword spirit.

"Yes, Master. Do you have a question?"

"I do. Can I trust Ghirahim?"

The spirit seemed to laugh a little. "Yes. I guarantee that you can trust him with your life."

"That seems a little...much, considering we just met."

"I assure you - you've known each other for far longer."

"That makes no sense." Link finished his meal and took both his and Jaden's plates to the sink.

"Are you sure? I am positive that both of you sense the bond, Master."

"Well - yes, but why do I have this odd feeling in my chest, like I have to go give him a giant hug or something?"

"You will find out soon, Master. For now...enjoy your time together."

Ghirahim suddenly appeared at Link's side, setting his plate on top of the other two and lightly tilting Link's chin up with one finger. "Are you alright, Linky? You were staring off into space for a little while, there."

The blonde jolted away, rubbing the back of his neck. "Fine. Sorry." After these words, he headed for the cabinet and gestured Jaden over, pointing questioningly at the box of cake mix. The boy nodded excitedly and went to get the ingredients while Link set everything else up.

Making the cake was soothing to Link - he knew Jaden loved baking, and he did, too; almost as much as he loved swordplay. And despite Ghirahim being a complete tease, his presence gave Link this strange, calming sensation.

Once they stuck the pans in the oven, which was fueled by a controlled fire in the bottom that people had just begun to test, they all headed into the living room. Jaden sat on Link's lap and nuzzled into him, while Ghirahim sat beside them and watched, smiling fondly.

"I like you," Jaden said to the demon. "Link smiles a lot more when you're around - even more than he does with Kiara. It's weird. Didn't you two just meet?"

The two exchanged a glance. "Yes," Ghirahim replied slowly, "but we both feel as though...we've known each other for a long time. It's hard to understand, even for us."

"Oh. Okay. Well, thank you, Mister Ghira- Ghirahi - "

Ghirahim laughed softly. "You can call me whatever is easiest for you. I know my name is hard."

"Okay. Ghira. Is that good?"

"Of course."

Another smile arose to Link's face, and Jaden poked him in the nose. "See! I told you!"

Ghirahim giggled in response, and Link rolled his eyes. He then lightly nudged Jaden up and went to check on the cake. While he busied himself in the kitchen, he heard Jaden talking more to the white-clad man.

"Sometimes Link doesn't get up all day."


"Yeah. Sometimes he sits in bed and he curls up and throws all of his blankets off and stuff. Kiara told me that it's his back. It hurts for him to move at all most of the time, but he still helps people."

"Really?" Ghirahim questioned, turning his full attention to the child. "How so?"

"There was this one time when his back was hurting and he got called for the city watch. Mommy insisted that he shouldn't go but there were already a lot of people hurt, so he got up and went anyway. Kiara said when he came back he was 'pretty much sleep walking'. I was in bed, though. She said that he was so tired he came in and fell asleep on this couch." Jaden giggled.

Link felt his ears prick automatically when Ghirahim spoke next - in fact, they had done so every time he had spoken. He hadn't missed a single word from the demon. It was strange.

"When I arrived this afternoon, he seemed in a similar state to what you described. It seems to have died down, though." The demon peered in Link's direction. "Has it stopped, Link? The burning?"

The blonde nodded in response and set the two cake pans on the counter, turning off the oven. "It stopped a while ago, around the time we encountered Fate." He started putting together the ingredients for a cream cheese frosting.

"That's good," Ghirahim replied without missing a beat, as though Link had never thought anything to him. "I hope it stops altogether someday."

Link nodded again in agreement. They grew silent, and it was another half of an hour or so before the cake was finished.

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