Chapter Five: Remembrance

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A/N: Surprise! I gave you a super long chapter AND a double update. Don't deny that you love me.

Jaden fell asleep the moment he finished eating, and so Link carried him up to his room and tucked him under the covers.

He walked out of the room to see Ghirahim leaning against the door frame. One of his gloves had been pulled off and was held by his teeth while he examined his nails, running his thumb over one as though it annoyed him. Once he caught glimpse of Link he put the glove back on, releasing it with a snap as it hit his skin.

"Can you talk now? I miss your voice."

Link checked to see that Jaden was definitely asleep and shut the door. "Yes." He was about to point out how strange it was to hear Ghirahim say he missed his voice when they had only just met - but then he remembered Fate's words and thought he was getting a little repetitive. Before he could think of anything else, however, he pulled Ghirahim into a tight hug. The demon hugged back, although he seemed surprised at the sudden motion.

Link didn't give him a chance to ask before he replied, "I don't know. I just feel like I have to hold you forever, like there's some sort of comfort in knowing that you're actually here and you're not - "

He cut off as a memory flashed through his head. He was hugging Ghirahim, but the demon's body was limp and cold. He wasn't responding to anything Link was saying. Someone else was in the room, but he didn't care. He tried to get Ghirahim to wake up, squeezing the front of his skin-tight shirt and sobbing desperately.

Before he knew what had happened, Ghirahim, the living one, was there again, holding him closer, asking him what was wrong. Link realized that he had started to cry, and tried to mute his sobs, burying his head into Ghirahim's chest.

It took a few minutes, but eventually Link settled down, taking deep breaths. Ghirahim tilted his chin up, making liquid blue eyes meet chocolate brown, and questioned gently, "And I'm not what?"

"Dead," the blonde replied hollowly, biting his lip and shutting his eyes again. He wiped his eyes and drew away. "I'm sorry. We hardly know each other - "

"Stop saying that, Link," Ghirahim interrupted, grabbing his wrists gently before he could go. "You know that's not the truth - even if Fate's words aren't, either. After all..." He met Link's eyes again, concern flashing through his own. "...why would you cry over the well-being of a complete stranger?"

"I've only heard bad things of demons - how do I know you're not influencing my mind somehow to get me to believe you?"

"You're intelligent, Link. I believe you could tell the difference between real memories and fake ones." Ghirahim wound their fingers together and pulled the blonde close again. "Now, tell me. What was it about? What was it like?"

Link pressed his forehead against the taller man's chest, letting out a breath. "I-I was in a room. I think it was a tower, too, with an open ceiling. I could smell fire, and I think I was the one that started it. There was someone else in the room. Her hair was blonde, up in pigtails, and she had a woven basket with her. I know her face, but I can't remember her name. I just know it ends with an 'A'." He quaked a little and leaned away, resting his palm on Ghirahim's chest. A sad smile fluttered across his face at the feeling of warmth. "You were so cold, and you wouldn't move, and..." His already pathetic smile cracked and shattered, drawing up more tears. " were - you were dead. There was a wound in your chest, r-right here." His hand shifted over to where Ghirahim's heart laid, his bare fingers gently prodding at the spot. He sobbed more harshly and simply hugged his demon again. "You left me, you knew. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Link, I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Liar!" the blonde sobbed. "You do. Just not consciously. You know exactly what I'm talking about." He let out a few more shaky breaths, and Ghirahim simply stood there in shock, waiting for Link to settle down.

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