Chapter 6 creepy demon fish

Start from the beginning

*Brendon's P.O.V*
I watched as Alaska mindlessly stared out the window seeming to be in a different world, I knew she was a wolf I could sense it within her even if every one else couldn't I knew her wolf was in there. Ever since Sarah - my mate died I've felt hollow and angry but then this angel shows up and I feel like my old self again, well almost.

I know it sounds selfish of me but I was hoping that she didn't have a mate and that I had a chance with her but something deep inside me told me I was only setting myself up for disappointment. I looked back down at my files and saw that Andy was getting stronger and his pack was getting larger, within a few years he could easily take down my pack and that scared me beyond belief.

I don't know what I'd do if I lost my pack or if I lost Alaska I mean I've already lost my mate what more could the moon goddess possibly want from me? I ran my hand through my hair and started to tug at it in frustration, I'm going to need to train more wolves in the art of war if we want any hope in defeating Andy in the battle that is to come.

When Alaska shifts I'm going to have to train her so she can defend herself. Andy was eighteen and still hadn't found his mate and of course like any other male wolf he was taking it out on others, we could only hope that he found her of him before he grows any stronger.

"Alpha" my head snapped up to see my beta, Alex at the door. "Yes, Alex?" "Andy has taken down another one of our allies" he said walking in and sitting across from my desk. I let out a low growl and tightened my hold on my pencil until I heard a satisfactory 'crack' and felt the two halves of the pencil fall to the mahogany desk.

I took in a few calming breaths before continuing the conversation. "How?" "By doing what he usually does, kills the Alpha and his family and then asks who in the pack wants to join his and then kills the remaining members that refused." "So basically he just gained more members?" "Yep" Alex replied causing me to growl once again in frustration.

"Do you want to declare war now when he has less members or in the distant future when he attacks our pack?" Alex asked resting his chin in his palm. I thought about it for a moment before shaking my head, "no, we'll try and set up a treaty between the two packs" I said and Alex gave me an unsure look. "I don't think he'll want to make peace with us" "it's worth a shot isn't it" he let out a breath before nodding and exiting my office presumably to go and call Andy about the agreement.

*Andy's P.O.V*
Why haven't I found her yet? I growled before flipping my desk and punching a wall. You're supposed to find your mate at sixteen that's when everybody finds there mate, but I haven't. I punched my other hand at the wall smiling when it caused the wall to shake and crack.

But that's just the thing I found it amusing when I destroyed things whether it be walls or other people it didn't matter, I never used to be like this, it all happened after I didn't find my mate that first month. I gradually became angrier and the slightest things people did pissed me off.

My parents and pack mates always told me about how one day I would find my mate, my perfect match and I would provide for her and care for her and we would both fall completely and utterly in love with each other.

I loved the thought of this as a boy and decided to save my self for her, I never had a girlfriend, I never had sex and hell I never even had a friend that was a girl. I always thought that she would give me all of those things, so you can imagine how sad I was when I didn't find her on my sixteenth birthday when my brother who was the biggest player around found his.

Everyone kept telling me that I would find her within the week but I didn't, weeks went by and I still didn't find my other half. I visited other packs in other towns and countries but I still never found her. I began to sink into a deep depression until the month ended and I still didn't find her, the sadness soon turned to anger and I began to get in a lot more fights. I soon began to use violence as a distraction which earned me the titles 'beast' and 'monster'

"Fuck!" I yelled while drawing my fist back and punching the wall numerous times before finally composing my self. I was soon put on edge again when the phone began to ring. "Hello" "hello is this Andy?" "Yes, who is this?" "This is Alexander Gaskarth....beta of snow moon pack" "I know who you are what do you want?!" I growled out. "I was just informing you about a peace treaty we would like to arrange between the two packs" I smirked at this, getting scared are they? "Now why would I want to do that?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"Because we could be stronger together" I laughed at this. "Why would I want to team up with the pack I'm trying to destroy?" I asked and my smirk grew when the line went silent. "Um I'll tell the Alpha that you're not interested" "you do that" I could hear the three beeps that meant he had hung up.

Now it's no secret that Snow Moon is the biggest pack in the world which is why it would be such a victory when I finally defeat it and it's whiny little alpha. I do hold some animosity towards the pack as it wouldn't let me in to check if my mate was there so of course I'm going to have to check that before I go killing people willy nilly.

Stretching out in my office chair I planned my method of attack on Snow Moon. Of course the plan won't be able to be put into motion for a couple of years since my pack isn't large enough yet but we'll get there eventually.
Yay guys I put different P.O.Vs in it, tell me if you want certain peoples point of views or if you only want Alaska's, anyway don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter and I hope you have a wonderful Easter.

Interesting fact that no one cares about: I actually used to have one of those fish when I was a kid, his name was googly eyes (I know really original) and when he died I was really sad and made my family gather around in the backyard for a funeral.
Yep even as a kid I had no friends.

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