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"Watch a film?" Austin suggested, snapping me out of my whirlwind of thoughts.

"ermmmm.....yeah......... sure" I stuttered out. I really make myself seem like an idiot. Why was I so nervous around him?

I looked through my selection of films and picked out Mean Girls my all time favourite film. I turned around and saw Austin getting comfy in my bed under the covers. I rolled my eyes and continued putting the disk in my TV. I turned the lights off and got under the covers next to Austin.

Soon after the film started I felt Austin's arm slide around me, pulling me towards his chest. I contemplated resisting but before I could have a choice my head was comfortably resting against Austins chest. My heart began to beat a little faster. 'just concentrate on the film' I kept telling myself.

*A little while later*

I looked up to see Austin fast asleep with a smile on his face. It made me smile too. I slowly climbed out of bed and told my mum I had a friend staying the night. She wasn't that bothered about and nodded. I returned to my room to an awoken Austin with a puzzled look swept across his face.

"I didn't know where you'd gone" he said with a little worry in his voice.

" I just went to tell my mum you were staying there night." I told him. He smiled, opening his arms welcoming me into a hug.

"Sophie and Alex are really cute together" I said interrupting the silence. "Yeah" Austin agreed. I smiled at Austin "you have a really cute smile" Austin said. "Awwww thanks" I responded. He smiled before closing his eyes and returned to sleep.

I grabbed my phone and text Sophie:

'Austin's gunna stay the night! cause he fell asleep! :-) x'

S: 'okay, don't have too much fun LOL'

L:'its hard to have fun with someone whose fast asleep! Night :-) x'

S: 'Night :-) x'

I placed my head back on his chest, I almost felt him smile. We layed in bed and cuddled into each other and feel asleep at 6:30 am. Austin woke up and went home I woke up shocked to not see him laying next to me I sat up and picked up the note that read

'I didn't wanna wake you up beautiful ps. You look beautiful when your asleep ;) Love Austin <3'

I smiled reading the note. I grabbed my phone to call him when my mum shouted upstairs for me to go down for breakfast. I hesitated before running down the stairs!

Whirlwind~ an austin mahone fanficWhere stories live. Discover now