Part 2!

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I ran to the last room at the very end of the corridor, out of the way from all the chaos and mayhem.

I opened the white door to find an empty room with Oak wood floors and a creamy chocolate feature wall where my bed was going to go. It also had a huge walk-in wardrobe, with luxurious oak sliding doors. At the end of the wardrobe it had a full length mirror which still had the peelable plastic cover of it. I giggle as I slowly peeled it off.

"LAUREN!" My Dad shouted. I looked out of the window and the removal truck had arrived. I rushed back down the stairs to begin finding my stuff which the removal men were already beginning to place across the lawn. I began to look through the mountains of boxes for any that were marked 'Lauren's Room'. I just sat for a bit as the furniture was being taken into my room. 

I heard a door open and slam shut I looked around. It was our new neighbours coming out. They waved before approaching my family and I. "We saw the removal truck from our window and decided to come help out, if that's okay?" The beautiful girl asked. "Yeah sure, I'm Lauren" I said Introducing myself to them. "I'm Sophie and this is my brother Austin" She said pointing at the dark brown haired and dreamy hazel eyed boy. "And this is Alex, But hands off he's mine" she giggled. I laughed back. 

"Can you help me bring stuff my room?" I asked shyly. "I'm guessing it’s the stuff that says 'Lauren's Room' on it?" Austin asked. "Erm...... Ye..Yeah" I stuttered, for some reason he made me nervous. Everyone grabbed a few boxes and they were all in my room in no time. I quickly located the box with my I-Pod Dock in and placed it on my bed side table. I decided to just put my music on shuffle and see what came on. Ed Sheeran 'The A team' came on. Sophie and I decided to put my clothes away as I didn’t want the boys looking through my underwear. Once we'd finished we returned back to the boys who we're laid on my bed doing nothing. "You're meant to be helping" Sophie said to them. "We...erm..... Didn’t know where everything needed to go" Alex stuttered out. Sophie just rolled her eyes at them as she grabbed another box. 

Eventually we had unpacked everything a just sat in my room. I was quite proud on how we had arranged everything. Sophie had mentioned how she liked Interior design. She had done most of it. If I was honest she was really good at it. My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was my Grandma asking if we had got here okay. I was about to ring her when Austin grabbed my phone. "What do you think you're doing" I asked slightly annoyed. "Can’t leave without giving a pretty girl my number" He said with a smirk wiped across his face whilst he handed me my phone back. I blushed slightly. I handed my phone to Sophie, indicating for her to enter her digits. "We best go" Sophie said standing up.As walk down the stair towards the front door Sophie and Alex were holding hands just about to walk out of the front door when Austin turns around and said “give me a call sometime I would love to do this again” and they all said bye to my parents and went home.

A/N: I Know Austin Is actually a only child! It just made up x 

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