Chapter Seven

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Professor Nelson was the first one in the room. "Evan! What happened?!" He asked as Jon let out a few more coughs. "I think... I'm rejecting the Change." Jon sputtered. "Shh. Don't talk. Save your energy." I sobbed. "Evan. You need to let him go. We won't be able to help him while he's in your arms." "Why not?" I asked. Nelson bit his lip. "Because it'd be painful for the both of you." "No!" I yelled, as Willow walked in. "Evan, Nelson? What's going on?" "Jonathan is rejecting the Change and we need to get him to the infirmary, but we can't if Evan is holding him." Nelson explained. "And why is that?" Willow asked. "Because roommates cannot morn over their roommate forever. SO might as well let him go now." Nelson said. "NELSON!" Willow's voice was powerful. "How rude that is to Evan and Jonathan!" 

As they were bickering I started getting pissed. I tried calming down by thinking of Nyx. When I did I heard gasps. Wind blew around everyone. It messed up my hair and Johnny's. I turned around to see Willow's hair flying. "He has an affinity for air." She gasped. Then I felt all tingly inside. Johnny's pale face turned a pink for a little bit and then it disappeared and I felt the warmth. "And fire..." Nelson whispered. I started crying and I smelt the ocean. I opened my eyes and noticed all the blood was gone. "Water." Someone mumbled. I then heard clicking and looked out the window. The tree's leaves were falling faster, as if it was sad, or full of my sadness. "Earth..." I held Jon closer as Nelson got closer. "Evan, we need him." "NO!" I screamed, as a strong feeling hit everyone. Everyone gasped as Willow yelled, "Spirit!" Nelson grabbed Jon as spirit came to me. It hit me so hard I hit blackness. 


"Dude, Jon hasn't been on in hours. He said he'd play with me after classes." I turned to Lui. "Fuck I don't know man. Maybe we should check on them." Lui suggested. "Sure." Lui raced me to the door. "Race ya there!" He shouted and took off. I ran after him. "Ye focking wanker!" I yelled after him. We ran upstairs to where Jon and Evan's room was, along with Craig and Tyler's.

 Lui was there first and knocked on the door. "Room service!" He said in his squeaker voice. No answer. The door then did open, but it wasn't Jon or Evan. It was two vampyres. They were carrying Jon's stuff. "HEY WHAT ARE YE DOING?!" I yelled as I took Jon's Deadpool action figure out of the vampyre's hands. Lui grabbed his teddy bear out of the other vampyre's hands. Then they had a box full of his clothes. "What are you guys doing?" Lui asked. Then it hit me. There's only two reasons why they'd be moving his stuff. One: He survived the Change and turned into a vampyre, two: he didn't survive the Change and is dead, and that would really tear up Evan. "Focking hell." I mumbled and grabbed Lui's hand. "Where are we going David?" "To the infirmary." 

Lui and I made it down to the infirmary. We went to walk into the different rooms but the nurse stopped us. "Do you guys have a pass or something?" She asked. "No, but we really need to see our friends." Lui answered. "Sorry, you'll have to wait." "But we have to see them now!" Lui shouted. Everyone looked our direction. I grabbed Lui and made our way to the waiting room. 

"Where do ye think Evan is then?" I asked. "Maybe he was with him or they both didn't make it at the same time." Lui shrugged. I sighed as we sat there, waiting and waiting. "So do you think they'd look cute together?" Lui asked. "Yeah. If Jon's alive..." I mumbled. "Ey, don't talk like that David. He's gotta be alive. Nyx would never take Jon away from us, or even Evan." "Well, maybe it wasn't Nyx." I said as I overheard someone's conversation. 

"Good. Now drink. Just drink. Don't speak. Now sleep." A male voice said. I winced at the words. "Shit. Lui maybe we should just wait somewhere else-" "Evan Fong's friends?" "Yes?" We both said. "You can see him but he's not awake." We both nodded and followed her. When we got into his small room, Willow was in there. 

"Boys, sit down." She gestured to the love seat in the room. We took a seat. "This is so unusual for a fledgling. His tattoo even expanded. Look at the sides of his face. They're patterns." She pointed to the one side of Evan's face. She was right there was more of Evan's tattoo on his face. "But, I thought vampyres only had tattoos on their foreheads." Lui said. "Yes. But I think Evan is special. He also has affinities for all the elements." My jaw dropped. "Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit?!" I stuttered. "Yes." Willow whispered. "Hopefully the elements, Nyx and you guys can help him and each other get through the loss of... Jon." Willow bowed her head. 

Evan slowly opened his eyes. I poked Lui and nodded towards Evan. Lui's eyes widened. "JON!" He screamed. "NELSON! GIVE HIM BACK!" He yelled. Willow stood up and put a hand on his chest, trying to keep him calm. I heard Lui sniffle. "It's gonna be hard to tell him about Jon..." Lui muttered. 

We left Willow and Evan alone. We couldn't stand seeing Evan like that. As we walked out we bumped into Professor Nelson. "Sorry boys." He said as he shut the door of someone's room. I noticed something red in his hand. It was a blood packet with his name on it. I gave Lui a confusing look then I looked at the door number. "Number four." I whispered to Lui. 

"I'm sorry David I can't give you that info." Nurse Bailey said. "Why? We seriously need it." Lui said with puppy eyes. Bailey glared at him, but stopped. "Fine, I'll look in the book and tell you." As Bailey looked through the book, I brought Lui to the side to tell him my thoughts. "I think Nelson was feeding someone his blood." "Who's?" "I don't know. Whoever is in that room." "David!" Bailey called. I ran over to the desk. "Jonathan Dennis." She said. I looked at Lui and then back at her. "We have to tell Evan." Lui said. Lui went to go back to Evan's room but Professor Nelson and a few other nurses came out of room four with a covered body. 

I grabbed Lui. "Tell all the guys to meet up at Nyx's temple at 5:30." Lui gave me a weird look but obeyed and pulled out his phone. I watched Nelson's every move and I sensed something about him. I didn't sense any good at all. I only sensed darkness. Nelson did something to our Jon and we weren't gonna let him get away with it. For the sanity of Evan. A voice said in my head. 



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