chapter 9, killing solo

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it had been three days since rey had escaped and everyone was busy preparing for any upcoming attacks. troopers were running about while orders were being barked at them soon kylo joined me for some down time i was sitting in my room reading a book when i saw kylo enter the room i shot a glare up at him he looked confused at me and i said "dont act like i dont know what you did" he lloked at me and cocked his head to the side i rolled my eyes and pulled up my holo communicator and i skipped back to the night before and it showed kylo kissing phasma. kylos face went whiter than the pale shade it already was "it played on all the communicators last night were through" i said bluntly he had broken me though i didnt show it "outta my room ren"i barked he teared up before storming out i sat and cried on my bed for a while before hux walked in. "hey are you ok i saw what went on with the communicators last night" he said i cried even more and he ran over to comfort me he pulled me into his chest and gave me cuddles while whispering to me that it would be ok. a trooper ran into the room and shouted that the rebels were attacking and me and hux ran out hux ran to the control room to see what was happening ,the base was going to blow. i ran into the middle of the ship as i could here a voice and i could feel a strong point in the force i entered a large room."BEN"han solo shouted i saw kylo turn around "solo" he said in his robotic voice he pulled his helmet off and walked up to his ather where i saw them talk for a few minutes before kylo hugged han then a bright red beam went through han solos chest i heard chewbacca and rey scream kylo looked up at them as hans body fell into the abyss below kylo then ran after rey and followed her and fn-2187 outside although i had better things to do i ran and found hux and askd him hw things were going ,everything was falling to shit everyone that was on this ship was going to die if we didnt get out soon i told him to go to the emergency escape ships and leave and that i would get ren out of here he did as i said.  i ran into the woods and passed rey who was running the opposite direction as me then i saw him he had a huge bloody gash on his face and he was badly injured i force lifted him up and ran back to the pods  up i saw hux wasnt there when i got in and asked a trooper where the hell he went the trooper told me that he went to get his cat i ran i to try and find hux but i couldnt i gave up begging he was safe we left only a minute before the ship blew up.

kylo still hadnt woken up i was mad at him for cheating on me but i still deeply loved him as i sat beside him one day a trooper came screeching at full speed into the infirmary of the star destroyer we were staying in saying that a transmission was sent by the rebels. i ran to the control bay were they opened up the holocommunicator it was leia she looked down at me "ah you must be one of the knights of ren i called to say we have general hux and we will be executing him unless the girl sato rano is back in our possession in two days" i pulled off my helmet and saw the horror in her eyes "being that i am a knight of ren i go by sato ren now" i growled "give hux back leia your no like this i know you better than that" i said with a soft change of tone "ok id like to make a deal i willmeet you on tatooine in a day and speak to you there ill have hux with me see you then" she said before the transmission ended i was happy that hux was ok i walked back into the infirmary to see kylo had woken up i waled up to him and gave him a hug "im so sorry kylo" i said and he hugged me back "im sorry too i shouldnt have done that with phasma i love you and i nearly lost you"he replied i gave him a kiss before telling him the situation and he agreed to come to the meeting with me the next day.

that night we went up and gazed at the construction of the new base "hey do you think with hux gone well get to name the new base" i said "lets name it now" he said "how about the ren starbase" i suggested "i like it" he said we walked down to the room provided for us and we fell asleep in eachothers arms.

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